
Monday 28 February 2011

Visitors . . .

The lands around my house are more beautiful
From the day when it is given me to see
Faces I have not seen for long.
All is more beautiful and life is thankfulness.
These guests of mine make my house grand.
~An Inuit blessing for Visitors

I don't think a person could find a more welcoming or hospitable people than the Inuit of the North West Territories. They just love to see a visitor, and if it is an old and familiar face so much the better!

I think we could all take a lesson from them. All too often I have been caught unawares, still in my jim jams, or dressed in my scruffies with no makeup on, and the house a bit untidy because I've been doing other things . . . and had a visitor ring my doorbell. It can be a bit embarassing to say the least!

It shouldn't be so if your visitors are familiar faces! Your home may be a humble place, no Buckingham Palace for sure . . . and you may not be a super model . . . but a friend stepping over the threshold has the capacity of making it a special place and of brightening up your day and countenance in an incredible way . . . if you choose to let them!

It's all in how you look at it . . . as a gift, or as a nuisance! I think I'd rather see it as a gift, wouldn't you??

I've been taking a marketing course over the past month, just a study at home one . . . so that I can better market my artwork, and get it out there. Right now at the moment I have a local printer doing me up some samples and I plan on selling it in groups of notecards, all professionally printed etc. All depending on how they look printed of course! If this works out I may try calendars etc. before the end of the year. We will just have to wait and see how the cards work out.

Thanks so much for all your congratulations reference Maryn's safe arrival in this beautiful world. I cannot wait to see her dear little face. I am sure she is beautiful! Now I have a really special little girl to make a doll for I'll be doing one soon for her, you can rest assured! I have a particular one in mind as well. Look for it soon!

Here's a delicious way to cook pork chops that is not only very quick to do but quite healthy as well! You only need to serve this with some rice and a green vegetable for a tasty and nutritious meal!

*Cranberry Pork Chops*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

Flash fried pork chops in a deliciously tangy cranberry sauce! Quick, easy and divine!

4 boneless pork loin chops, each about 1/2 inch thick
1/8 tsp of salt
1/8 tsp of freshly ground black pepper
1.2 cup canned whole berry cranberry sauce
2 TBS frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed (Over here I use 4 TBS of regular orange juice
cooked and reduced to 2 TBS)
1 TBS runny honey
1/4 tsp of ground ginger
1/8 tsp of freshly ground nutmeg

Spray a large nonstick skillet with some non stick cooking spray. Heat over medium high heat. Season the chops with some salt and pepper and then quickly sear them in the heated skillet for about 4 minutes per side, until cooked through. Remove from the skillet and keep warm.

Whisk together the cranberry sauce, orange juice, honey, ginger and nutmeg. Add to the same skillet. Cook for one to two minutes until thickened slightly. Pour over the pork and serve immediately. Delicious!

And if pork is not your thing, there are some delicious Chicken Scaloppine with Spring Greens over in The English Kitchen today!


  1. Good for Marie. I am sure that learning a bit about marketing is a great idea.

    Have a blessed day.

  2. Where there is a will there is a way and It's all in the packaging they say...hope your plans bloom just like Springtime! Have a wonderful Monday!

  3. Congrats on your new granddaughter! And good for you for taking courses! I'm sure your artwork will blow up in no time!

  4. CONGRATULATIONS, Marie on becoming a grandmother again! So happy to hear about the arrival of Maryn Grace--what a pretty name! Glad all is well with mum & baby. :o) Very exciting! And so is this marketing course you've been taking. If you have a chance,do please send an email about that--I'd love to hear more about it. A calendar... Oh, I can definitely see your cute illustrations on a calendar or note pads, etc.! Keep us posted! ;o) Happy Day, dear friend--LOVE YOU LOTS ((BIG HUGS))

  5. You are a visitor that would always be welcome stepping over my threshold even if me and my house look a mess. How I look forward to that day. Meanwhile, we must be content to blog visit. In a way it is like dropping in for a cozy visit. Sometimes I make me a cup of herb tea before I step into your world and pretend we are there together. Every Monday morning I hurry to my computer to see what sweet words you left me on my Sunday post while I was dreaming away. I look forward to each contact hug from you my friend...and miss it if it is not there. You are a gift. Thank you
    Have a great day. Hugs, Lura

  6. I know you are thrilled to have a new granddaughter. I would love a calendar with your artwork. I hope it works out. The pork chops sound yummy!

  7. I just LOVE having vsitors...even if they are just popping in for a cuppa...but even better if they are staying...Sounds a good idea about the marketing Marie..Hopefully you will get some sound and good ideas for the next step forward...onwards and upwards !!!
    Hows the knees ? and the weight or is that a non word LOL
    love Sybil x


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