
Saturday 19 February 2011

One for the sewers . . . Poetry Saturday

and out the needle goes
along the folded seam . . .

While in your heart is following
some lost and lonely dream.

In between the stitches
you can go a long, long way . . .

When you're sitting at
the quiet end of the day.

Oh the things that you remember
as you draw the thread . . .

Odds and ends of memory
come back into your head.

Names and faces,
times and places.
Round the world you go.

Many miles you travel,
as you watch the stitches grow.

~Patience Strong

Oh how I can relate to these words!! Having spent many hours in quiet reflection as I sewed . . . I, too, have taken many journeys in my mind's eye. I can't think of a better way to pass a few hours, can you?

I made these delicious turnovers for our tea the other night. They were a bit fiddly, but the end result was worth every minute spent in preparation, PLUS I ended up with quite a few to pop into the freezer that I can take out and we can savour on another day!

*Pea and Potato Samosas*
Makes about 24
Printable Recipe

Samosas are one of the great loves of my life, a love I share with my oldest son. When he was about eighteen, and had moved into his own apartment, I often visited him and brought him tasty samosas as a treat. I’d ring his doorbell and when he’d answer on the intercom, my voice would ring out, ”Speedy Samosa Delivery!” He always let me in!

50 g butter (a scant 1/4 cup)
2 tsp of grated peeled fresh ginger
2 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp medium curry powder
½ tsp tikka powder
½ tsp garam masala
500g peeled, finely diced potato (a generous pound)
3 TBS water
¼ cup sultanas
½ cup frozen baby peas
½ cup chopped fresh coriander leaves (cilantro)
3 sliced spring onions
465g sifted plain flour (3 ¾ cups)
1 tsp baking powder
1 ½ tsp salt
110g melted butter (a half cup minus about 1 TBS)
½ cup thick plain yoghurt (I use greek)
¾ cup water
A beaten egg for brushing
Oil for frying

Heat the butter for the filling in a large frying pan. Add the ginger, cumin, curry powder, tikka powder and garam masala. Cook, stirring until it becomes very fragrant, then tip in the potatoes and cook, stirring for a few minutes longer until the potatoes are all coated. Reduce the heat, add 3 TBS water and cover. Let cook for about 15 to 20 minutes or until the potatoes are tender. Check periodically just to make sure they are not sticking, giving them a stir. Once tender stir in the sultanas, peas, onions and coriander leaves. Set aside to cool while you make the pastry.

Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl, mixing completely. Make a well in the centre. Mix together the yoghurt, butter and water and pour into the well. Stir together with a round bladed knife, mixing to combine well, until it forms a soft dough. Turn out onto a lightly floured board and shape into a smooth ball by kneading for a few minutes. Divide the ball into quarters, then dived each quarter into six pieces. Roll each piece into a ball and then using a rolling pin roll each ball into approximately 5 inch in diameter circle. Place a heaping TBS of the filling onto one half of the circle. Moisten the edge with the beaten egg and fold over the other half to form a half moon, pressing and folding the edges over to seal. Set aside on a plate while you form and shape the others.

Heat approximately ½ inch of cooking oil in a skillet over medium high heat, until it registers 180*C/350*F on a fat thermometer, or until a cube of bread browns in 15 seconds. Fry the samosas two or three at a time in the hot oil until golden brown on both sides. Keep warm in a slow oven until they are all cooked. Serve hot with a garnish of thick plain yoghurt and chopped coriander.

There's a delicious Steamed Ginger Pudding with Ginger Sauce cooking over in The English Kitchen today!

And, just in case you missed it . . . somebody has moved in to The Doll's House.


  1. Marie you have done it again. Today has been a sewing day here. Mum has worked on her patchwork with her Singer Featherlight and I have been preparing hexagons to paper piece English style.

    It has been most soothing.

    God Bless your day.

  2. I do love to sew but have not done any sewing in a long time. That was a beautiful poem. Now I'll go check out the doll house. Happy Saturday!

  3. Marie I loved this poem! And you are the perfect person for me to ask this question. :) Do you know of a verse about flowers/flower gardens and birds that I might embroider in the border around my mother's garden quilt that I posted this week? She loved both birds and flowers with a passion so an embroidered verse with vines and leaves would be perfect I think. blessings, marlene

  4. Hello Dear, I am back home again.
    I wanted to call you today but by the time I got unpacked and looked at the clock I saw it was too late.
    I love this poem today. I always have some handwork going on and I do day dream as I stitch.
    Your doll house is simply darling.
    Norah is lucky to have such a cozy place to live.

    I am tired but had a wonderful 2 weeks. I will post pictures of the adoption for you soon. I also posted pictures of Johnny's meet last week that I think you missed. He did a great job.... I was holding my breath the whole time. I am glad that we could go and watch him but it was nerve racking!

    By the time you read this it will be Sunday morning.... so happy Sabbath. I'm sending love, Lura

  5. Love the poem and paintings....very lovely!

  6. I can relate to this post even th0ugh I haven't been a sewer in many years. I kind of gave it up when the kids were little and never jumped back in with both feet. But I can identify with the thoughts of the seamstress as she sews along doing something she can relax with and loves to do. I use to feel this way about making scrapbook pages until I discovered blogging.

    Your doll house looks so cute (I saw it on Facebook!) I bet you can have many moments like the seamstress as you design your little house. You are doing a great job on it, Marie, and having fun! Win/win!


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