
Sunday 6 February 2011

Marie's Sunday Six

Welcome to my weekly Sunday Six Smile Makers post! It's been a rather difficult week to say the least. I really miss Angie so very much. I keep thinking of things I want to tell her, and then . . . I can't. There have been lots of tears, to be sure . . . but there have also been lots of smiles too.

This is Sheilagh. I hope she doesn't mind, but I scooped this lovely picture of her from Facebook. I first met Sheilagh through her blog, Sixty is Good. Something seemed to just click with us, as it often does when you meet people on the net. Like goes to like, especially in the blogging world. We seemed to have a lot in common. We kept saying we had to meet in person, especially since we lived very close to each other, only about 45 minutes or so away. Well, we did finally get to meet when she and a few friends came to my PC party a few weeks ago, but this past week I invited Sheilagh and her husband Ralph over for dinner and what a lovely evening we had together. It was the highlight of my week! WONDERFUL people. We had such a good time together, and I think Todd and Ralph clicked together really well also! I love it when that happens, when invisible friends become real life friends. They are like the icing on a very beautiful cake! Smile maker number one, getting to spend some real time with Sheilagh and Ralph!

She may get into mischief like chewing through Ethernet cables and speaker cables, but this little furry creature makes me smile every day of my life. She has grabbed ahold of my heart and has never let it go. Even when she has done something wrong you just can't stay angry with her. All she wants is to make you happy and to love and be loved by you. I love her soft warm little body laying next to me in the mornings as I type away on here. She cuddles up right next to me, her little head laying there as if she is watching every word I type. It doesn't matter if I have been out of the room for 5 hours or 5 minutes . . . she is hap hap happy to see me when I come back in! What a lovely greeting to get a bazzillion times a day. Smile number two . . . Mitzie.

I've been playing with my doll's house this week, practicing putting it together before I actually do. Playing with some of the small stuff I have been collecting for inside, and creating for inside. It's ever so much fun. It has brought me lots of pleasure. I have most of the furniture things set up on top of my dresser for now and I fiddle with it every day. I will be glad when I get the house built and decorated so that I can move it all inside and start fiddling with it in there! Smile number three, childhood dreams realized in a little doll's house.

Working on my rubber stamp designs. (This isn't one of them by the way, I can't show you any of mine just yet!) I love being creative and I have high hopes for these designs that I am creating. I hope that they are popular and that they sell well, so that there will be even more work for me. I have had lots of hours up in my "studio" this week tweaking and creating. I have my fingers crossed and will be on tender hooks until they go on the air in just a few weeks time. (They'll be on QVC) I am very excited about it all. I'm also taking an online course in marketing, which I hope will help me in the future. This week we have been concentrating on finding our niche. I think that has been one of my problems all along, finding my niche. I'm not sure if I have found it yet, but I'm having fun trying! Smile maker number four, being creative!

As I have prepared my lessons for the classes I will teach in church this morning, my heart has been fed and nourished by God's word, and the Saviour's example. I have been inspired by the testimonies of others, and uplifted by the love and comfort that I find on every page. It has ever been so in my life. Life is not easy for any of us. It is hard and a trial, even at the best of times. How very grateful I am to have the strength of the Gospel in my life to help to carry me through the rough terrain each of us must travel over. I just don't know how people cope without it. They must often feel like they are drowning in a sea of despair. When I look back on my life I can clearly see that I have been carried and lifted up many, many times. I am grateful for that. Smile maker number five, The Gospel.

Brad Pitt he ain't, but then again I'm no Angelina Jolie!!! He may not be perfect, but he's perfect for me. We were made for each other and Todd makes me smile every day of my life. Sure, I have lots of wanting to pull my hair out moments, but then so does he! For the most part though, our life together is filled with joy and comfort and love, even in the annoying moments! He is patient and kind . . . he is loving and true . . . he is honest and hard working . . . he loves my socks off and I love his off too! Smile maker number six, my beautiful Todd.

And just because I can . . .

Smile maker number Seven, each of you. Your lovely comments, your e-mails, your messages, they all bring a smile to my face. I appreciate each and every one of them. You lift me up in countless ways and I am grateful for all the love that you share with me. I thank you from the bottom of my little heart!

This chicken is to die for. I know I say that alot...there's alot of to die for things in my life and they are mostly food...ok, so they're ALL food.....I am incorrigible I know. But oh so sweet....

*Cheese & Herb Stuffed Chicken Breasts*
Serves 2 (But can be easily multiplied to serve more)
Printable Recipe

These chicken breasts are moist and full of flavour. Chicken breasts are so often dry and lacking in taste. These never are. These are so much better than Chicken Kiev's.

2 boneless, skinless, chicken breasts
2 TBS softened cream cheese
3 spring onions minced
4 TBS chopped fresh oregano, or basil, or sage leaves
salt and cracked black pepper to taste
1 tsp sweet paprika
1/3 cup plain flour
1 large egg, beaten with 1 tsp water
1/4 cup plain dried bread crumbs
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/4 tsp garlic powder
2 TBS melted butter

Preheat the oven to 180*C/350*F/ gas mark 4. Slice the chicken breasts through the middle almost all the way but leaving them attached on one side. Open them up like a book. Spread one half of each with 1 TBS of cream cheese each. Season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with the chopped onion and herbs. Fold the other half over top and press tightly to seal the cheese, onion and herbs in.

Combine the flour, salt, pepper, garlic powder and paprika in a shallow dish. Put the egg and water in another and the breadcrumbs in a third, along with the Parmesan Cheese. Dip each breast first in the flour, shaking off the excess. Then dip it into the egg and finally into the crumbs. Place on a lightly greased baking sheet. Drizzle with the melted butter and bake for 25 to 30 minutes until lightly browned and done. Delicious!

Over in The English Kitchen this morning, Roasted Rhubarb and Proper Custard.


  1. Thank you as always for your lovely smiles...They make me smle as well..
    Have a lovely Sunday, it is quite mild this mroning and the wind has eased a little. we are having a blessed Sunday this morning when we have communion and a new member is joing us. He is an older man whe has been coming to church for a wee while now but wants to commit himself..How wonderful it will be.
    Love Sybil xx

  2. Marie the next time my mother is not home I am making this dish. It looks lovely and I am sure it is scrumptious. Have a very blessed day.

  3. It's another cold and snow Sunday here and I'm going to just stay in. This winter is wearing me out. Take care and have a great Sunday there at your house

  4. you make me smile too! :) i love how you always leave the sweetest comments on my blog-they always make me happy! you are such a wonderful, funny(your brad pitt/angelina jolie reference was a riot:), cheffy(not a word, i made it up:), sweet, giving & artistic woman. hope you have a wonderful sunday! xoxo

  5. I told you am so sorry about Angie. She was an special woman sometimes came to my blog, and make me smile Marie.
    I hope we can make smile you too.
    I have to say you I really love Todd, I dont know why maybe I love like he is, I love him because I think is an special man and of course I think is PERFECT for you, send you huggs to you and Todd and blessings, gloria

  6. Thank you for sharing your smiles with us. I am glad that you got to meet a blog friend. What fun to have her over for dinner. I wish you lived close to me and I could have you over for dinner.

    Guess what.... this coming week is the second anniversary of our Idaho trip. What fun I had with you. I am so glad we could share that experience. I treasure the memories.

    I miss Angie too. I wish that I were there to go to the funeral with you. My thoughts will be with you.

    I'm sending love. Hugs, Lura


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