
Tuesday 25 January 2011

The Simple Woman's Day book

FOR TODAY, January 25th, 2011...

Outside My Window...

It's cold, wet and still. I know if I was still down in Kent the snowdrops would be poking their little heads up through the flower bed by the back door . . . I am not in Kent though, so I will have to go seek some out here and plant them by my front door here in Chester so that I can have that singular pleasure the end of each January. They are like a little promise that spring is just around the corner!

I am thinking...
About my Pampered Chef Party tonight. I do hope that everyone comes that said they were coming. I would hate for Julie to have come all the way up here for nothing.

I am thankful for...
We did a Raclette Evening last night for our Family Home Evening Group. It was such a lovely time and we ended it up by watching the Witnesses of Christ video on the television. I am so thankful for friends that I can share my love of the Gospel with. Good times!

From the kitchen...
There are some cookies but other than that not a lot at the moment. Wait until tonight! There'll be lots then!

I am wearing...
A pair of black and white jim jams. Not my favourites, but comfy and warm.

I am creating...
Still working on new designs and that special project. I am also working on my doll's house but nothing to show you on that yet. I did a little painting the other day though. I think she turned out rather sweet. What do you think?

I need to go back to using my old printer though for prints. The new Kodak ones come out muddy looking and it is a waste of ink and paper. You would think Kodak would be able to get it right.

I am going...
I have the Pampered Ched Party tonight, and then a Presidency Meeting for Primary tomorrow night. Thursday we are having the missionairies for their dinner and then Friday is temple day. I am not sure we will be able to make that together though as it is a long time to leave Mitzie on her own. Our Temple is about an hour and a half away, so that is 3 hours alone on the travelling time, and then the time we want to spend there on top. We may have to go up and book a B&B sometime when we are feeling a bit flush, one that accepts dogs and then leave her in the room so that we can go to the Temple for a few hours. We'll have to see how it goes.

I am reading...

The Weight of Silence, by Heather Gudenkauf
A tense tale following the disappearance of two seven-year-old girls from a small town in Iowa, the storytelling is brilliant and easy to read. In short it is a can't put it down kind of book! Very engaging and wonderfully written. If you like books by Jodi Picoult you will love this novel. Spread over a 16 hour period of time it follows the disappearance of two 7 year old girls who disappear from their homes on the same night without a trace. Written a chapter at a time by a different narrator each time, (individual characters in the book) it is a real page turner!

(Yes, I am still on this book. I've been falling asleep too soon evenings! It is still engaging and still entertaining!)

I am hoping...
I have my appointment at the specialists hospital on Monday next. I am hoping it goes well and that they can get a handle on all this pain I have been experiencing in my knees, etc. It is hard to believe that even as short as 6 months ago I was able to walk distances and enjoy it. Now I am almost a prisoner in my home.

I am hearing...
Early morning sounds . . . the house cracking and snapping as it comes alive. Clocks ticking. Walls creaking . . . the Westminster chimes from our newest clock, Mitzie snuffling here beside me. She is a demanding but worthy companion in the mornings. I love her so much. She's a sweetie pie. The dog trainer yesterday said she is brilliant, but then again she's not going to tell us she's a little rotter is she? lol

Around the house...
There is a HUGE pile of ironing to do and all the dishes from last night. Nevermind . . . it will get done eventually!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
Just what I've already mentioned. With the price of petrol going up, up and UP, we haven't been venturing very far, except to church, in our car. When is it going to stop I want to know! Enough already!!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

This is a slide show I did several years ago of Pendragon Castle up in the Eden Valley where we like to stay when we go up to Cumbria. I love it there. It is so quiet and serene. I look at the stones of the castle and wonder about the hands that built it, oh so very long ago. What a work it was and it has such a magical feel about it . . . the sheep run in and out of it's nooks and crannies now . . . the river Eden running along the edges of it's mound . . . it is a beautiful place for sure. We are planning on going back this summer for a week or so and bringing Mitzie with us. It will be nice to go back . . .

And just as a closing thought for today . . .

Gardening is an instrument of grace.
~may sarton

A thought to inspire for today. I can't wait for the warmer days to come where I can putter about in the garden, God willing. I have such big plans!

And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!

Here are some delicious Oat and Ginger Cookies to tempt your palate. I think of all the cookies, Oatmeal has to be my favourite kind. I am always looking for new versions to try out. These are my latest and they're very good! (I love ginger!)

*Oat and Ginger Cookies*
Makes one dozen
Printable Recipe

You can replace the ginger with raisins if you want for a less zesty version, or have both for a really tasty combination!

1 1/2 cups flour (6 ounces)
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp ground cinnamon
pinch of salt
3/4 cup rolled oats (2 ounces)
1/2 cup soft light brown sugar, packed (3 ounces)
1/4 cup white sugar (2 ounces)
6 pieces of stem ginger in syrup, chopped into bits
1/2 cup butter, melted (4 ounces)
1 large free range egg, beaten

Preheat the oven to 180*C/350*F/gas mark 4. Lightly grease a baking sheet and set aside.

Whisk the flour, soda, ginger, cinnamon, salt and oats together in a bowl. Stir in the sugars and oats. Beat the butter and egg together. Add this to the dry mixture, mixing well to combine until dark amd moist with a good dropping consistency. Stir in the chopped ginger.

Drop by spoonfuls onto the prepared baking sheet, leaving 2 inches between each for spreading. Bake for 10 minutes, until golden brown but still a bit soft. Leave to cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes before scooping off to a wire rack to finish cooling. Store in an airtight container for up to one week.

NO, you're not imagining things. That is spaghetti on toast. My treat for today over in The English Kitchen.


  1. Hi, lovely Marie! A very full week you've got there! Very exciting with your Pampered Chef Party tonight! I've been to a couple of those back home when visiting a friend--very fun, and tasty! ;o) Hoping very much your specialist appointment next week will help you finding a way toward better pain management--your poor knees! YUM cookies today. I'm having a cuppa now...a cookie would go a treat. ;o) A very busy week on here too. Hubby is having longer work hours again. And I'm trying to get my new shop launched by next week. Getting sick lately has didn't help...LOL! But shall we shoot for next week for a chat?! So fun that you are Vata too--I'm not surprised. ;o) Happy Day, dear friend--LOVE YOU LOTS ((BIG HUGS)) Oh, and just adore your new illustration--love all the blue.

  2. I'm afraid that snow drops wouldn't be able to bloom here at all in January. It's been one very cold one. Everything frozen and quite snow covered. You do have a busy week ahead of you. Take care and enjoy !

  3. I will be there tonight:)

    Can't wait:)

  4. That's a good thing about pampered Chef, th host doesn't have to provide the food. Have a great evening and I hope you sell loads.

    I downloaded The Weight of Silence to my Kindle but haven't read it yet.


  5. Hello Dear,
    I was just going to give you a call but after reading this post I realize that you are probably having your pampered chef party now. I wish I were there. I would love to sit around your cozy table and try tasty dishes. The only problem is I always am enticed to buy a new gadget which I don't have room for in my cupboards.
    I am sorry that your knees are so bad. I hope that the specialist will find a solution to help you.

    When Heidi was a baby John and I were both working long days. We left her outside from early morning until about 5 p.m or later every day. She was always happy to see us at night but she didn't seem any the worse for wear. You might be surprised how well Mitzie will do when you are gone several hours at the temple. Just leave her food and water and a few toys. I bet she will be fine. Dogs are very adaptable.

    You have a busy week ahead. I hope you are having a great time at your party and that lots of friends came. Hugs, Lura

  6. Loved this. I just finished reading The Weight of Silence. Perhaps you are the one who posted about this book before? I found out about it from reading a blog, maybe yours. Anyway, I loved this book. Was hard to put down.

    Have a lovely party tonight. I didn't know that Pampered Chef is also in the Uk. I love their stuff!

    Take care,

  7. I hadn't heard of Pampered Chef down here Marie...maybe ther is one somewhere. anyway by now things will be in full swing..hope you are not doing too much..please try to rest that knee as much as possible..You have such a busy week ahead. I hope that Mitzie will be ok whilst you are away as well !! but she will have to learn. I try not to leave Dee for much longer than 4 hours..but don;t really think he missed's just nice for us to think he does !!!My neighbour Muriel's dog howls like a banshee when she leaves him....untill she is out of sight....then it is silence till he hears the car come back and he starts again....We had a hard time convincing her he was ok while she was away !!
    Love Sybil xx

  8. hope you had a good turnout for your party!! i have a few pampered chef items myself-good stuff! my favorite thing is their icecream scoop-its the best out there!! with all the icecream i eat, thats important to me:)

    hope you specialist appt goes well and that you can find some pain relief soon. your sentence about being a prisoner in your own home made me sad for you:( prayers and love!!!


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