
Tuesday 11 January 2011

The Simple Woman's Day book

FOR TODAY, January 11th, 2011...

Outside My Window...

It's cold, wet and windy . When the wind blows down the chimney it whistles and sounds twice as cold as it really is. One might almost imagine we were in a drafty old house lost somewhere out on the moors . . .

I am thinking...
Yesterday I realized that in just two short months we will have been back here in Chester a year. My goodness the time has just flown by! It hardly seems possible, and yet . . . it is!

I am thankful for...
Mitzie is healing very well from her operation. She had a good check up from the Vet yesterday and we were told we didn't need to keep that plastic thing on her unless we were not around to supervise her. I didn't have the courage to say that was what we were already doing!

From the kitchen...
I need to bake a cake. I am craving cake. A nice farmhouse fruit type of cake. Anyone else with me on this?

I am wearing...
Blue stripey jim jam bottoms, a turquoise short nightgown and my blue robe and slippers. Yes, I am still layering to keep warmer.

I am creating...
Still working on new designs and that special project. I have some new dolls that I am going to showcase soon as well. It's all go in my creative workshop! I feel like one of Santa's Elves, except a lot taller and my ears are not pointed!

I am going...
I have a Presidency meeting for Primary tomorrow night. I want to get in there early as I want to work on the bulletin board if I can. I will need to go into town in the morning to pick up a few things for it that I will need. I hope that it is not raining. Other than that I have not a lot of plans this week. So, all in all, a very quiet week ahead.

I am reading...

The Weight of Silence, by Heather Gudenkauf
A tense tale following the disappearance of two seven-year-old girls from a small town in Iowa, the storytelling is brilliant and easy to read. In short it is a can't put it down kind of book! Very engaging and wonderfully written. If you like books by Jodi Picoult you will love this novel. Spread over a 16 hour period of time it follows the disappearance of two 7 year old girls who disappear from their homes on the same night without a trace. Written a chapter at a time by a different narrator each time, (individual characters in the book) it is a real page turner!

I am hoping...
I have an appointment at that special clinic on the 29th of January and I am hoping it all goes well. I have been reading up on Knee replacements. It is a bit scary and I am deathly afraid of operations. The last operation I had, a tubal ligation (21 years ago now), I almost hemorrhaged to death afterwards. It was really frightening. I was walking out of the hospital to get into the car which my husband had pulled up to the door and everything just let go. I could feel the stitches ripping out and it was just like my insides were pouring out. He threw me into the back of the car and drove me around to the Emergency Entrance right away and back in I went. Very frightening experience to say the least!!

I am hearing...
Early morning sounds . . . the house cracking and snapping as it comes alive. Clocks ticking. Walls creaking . . . the Westminster chimes from our newest clock, Mitzie snuffling here beside me. Joyful sounds. The house is waking up. Some things never change . . . and that is a good thing I am thinking.

Around the house...
My kitchen table is so untidy. I am good at taking things out, but not so good at putting them back. It drives Todd to distraction!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
Not a lot, not a lot. A bit of this and a bit of that and a lot of puttering in between. Sounds good to me!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

He first lit up our screens way back in 1994 as the brooding hero of Middlemarch and has recently been starring as Aurelio Zen in the BBC 1 series, Zen, on Sunday evenings. (Based on Michael Dibdin's best selling crime novels.) Not since Vinni Barbarino in Welcome Back Kotter have I been so enamoured of a male television character. Rufus Sewell . . . that hypnotic green gaze, those chiselled cheekbones, that toused crop, that sultry husky voice . . . dressed in a well cut dark Italian suit, and wearing Persol shades . . . striding around Italy, the place I want to visit more than anything and dream about going to one day. Sigh . . . I think Todd thinks I've gone mad. As the youth would say . . . I fancy him something rotten. I thought he'd make a little eye candy this morning. I hope you don' t mind me sharing!☺

And just as a closing thought for today . . .

The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them.
~paulo coelho

A thought to inspire for today. I am glad that I can see the simple things. They greatly enrich my life in ways too many to count!

And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!

Here's some more eye candy! Oh my, but this is some good. And calorie free of course! (Shhh . . . )

*Hot Butterscotch Sauce*
Serves 2
Printable Recipe

Beautiful served on top of cold ice cream. Delicious contrast to say the least!

1/2 cup packed soft light brown sugar
a generous 1/2 cup cream
5 TBS butter

To serve:
4 scoops of vanilla ice cream
some crushed nut brittle or toasted nuts

Place all of the sauce ingredients into a small saucepan. Cook and stir over medium heat until boiling. Reduce heat and cook for about 3 minutes. Serve hot as the sauce will set up when cool. Any leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator and gently rewarmed for use another time.

To make a sundae, put a bit of the warm sauce in the bottom of two bowls. Add the ice cream and spoon more sauce over top. Scatter with some crushed nut brittle or toasted nuts and serve.

Bacon and Cheese Scones are being served over in The English Kitchen today.


  1. I have a lovely, unstarted upon, plum bread in the cupboard, a slice of which would be delish with a thich slice of strong cheddar cheese - and plenty of butter so the cheese doesn't fall off! BUT I could also manage a nice bit of farmhouse type fruit cake (would that be with a crisp sugary top?) and a cup of tea.

    Don't you be afraid of surgery. Just think how wonderful being pain free will be. Things have moved on a bit in 20-odd years!

    I've never watched Zen. Is it still on?

  2. I love fruit cake Marie of any kind.Like Angy morso with Butter and cheese too Mmmmmmm I feel realy hungry now.I was laughing my sides sore at the descripyion of Rufus Heeeeeee.Who couldn't guess you fancied him beroe the whole description was read.LOL!!Then when you stated You thing Todd thinks you have gone mad.Well I amstill chuckling .Oh what a good laugh does for me it works wonders.You hav emade my day I can tell you.I love Girly chat.LOL!!Have a lovely day happy to read Mitzy was well.Fancy having secrets from the Vet re-: (collar)and you of all people heeeeeeeeeeeeee.Shhhhh Motherhen promises she won't tell.Have a lovely day.Take Care God Bless Kath xx

  3. Like you I'm thinking I really need to bake something around here too. I do have company coming for lunch on Friday and also for dinner on Sunday so it is the perfect time for me to do that. I love turning on the oven in the winter as it always seems to give the house some extra warmth. I hope your Tuesday is a terrific one!

  4. Oh, my goodness, Marie... THANK YOU for the Rufus Sewell eye-candy today! I'm a HUGE fan too... isn't he just gorgeously dreamy...*BIG SWOON*... LOL! I well recall "falling in love" with him in Middlemarch years & years ago...*swoon*... Very fun your posting this! Oh, but I do hope all will go well for you if it comes to surgery for your knee. Your previous surgery years ago sounded like a true nightmare... a one-off surely. Glad Mitzie is doing well. :o) Happy Day, dear friend--LOVE YOU LOTS ((BIG HUGS))

  5. Mmmm! I watched the beginning of that series too Marie. I'll fight you for him! lol
    I just had a late delivery of a hamper from a friend in Australia and it is loaded with fruit cake and other goodies. I have yet to finish the Christmas cake I made myself! I took some up to my elderly neighbour yesterday so that he could help demolish some of it. lol
    Glad your little angel is getting beter.
    Time does fly when you look back..doesn't it?

    Jeanie xxxxx

  6. I think simple week's plans Once I get all my Christmas mess put away I plan a restful week too.
    We don't get The Zen TV show here. I wish we did.
    It was so nice to talk to you today. I hope your knee behaves itself. I am sending you lots of love.

  7. I loved your post today. The recipe has me drooling. I must try both. I like your screen star too.
    I wonder if we get the series in the United States.
    I know several sisters who have had this surgery and they are so happy that they did; I think you will be fine. Just have a blessing before it and you will do great.
    I hope the book you are reading has a good end; I love a good mystery; but two girls being taken from there homes is scary. We had Elizabether Smart that was kidnapped and it was really a unbelieveable story.
    I am happy Mitzie is doing well. I just got our two little ones back from the groomer and they are so cute.
    Wishing you a wonderful week and thanks for the daybook entry; I am enjoying doing them myself.
    Blessings and hugs to you! LeAnn

  8. I am with you, Rufus Sewell is just too adorable for words. We don't get that show here, but I'm wondering if it is on YouTube.

    I just placed on hold at the library that book younger reading. It sounds intriguing.

    I loved reading about your life. that surgical experience experience you had sounds terrifying. however, I vet a knee surgery will go far easier. you'll have to let me know. My aren't so great.


  9. Ugh, I am typing on an iPad and I keep making mistakes. :(

  10. haha! love your eyecandy:) he does have some really cool eyes. i haven't seen that show but i've seen him in a couple of movies. great actor!

    glad mitzie is doing well. and glad you are doing your research on the knee replacement. i know several people who have done it and it has been amazing for them. recovery sounds pretty tough though, but worth it. and yikers, that story about your surgery is scary! glad you were ok!!


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