
Saturday 29 January 2011

Going the extra mile . . .

I have always found myself to be fascinated with the origins of sayings, old wive's tales, quotes and the like. They are like little snippets of a people's history, and I am a real history buff. If you had told me that I would one day be a history buff, when I was a school, I would have denied it . . . I found school room history to be largely boring, or maybe it was just the presentation of the teacher's lessons that made it so . . .

It was not until I got to University that I became really excited about it. I had a particularly excellent Professor for my Canadian History class that first year, and that is where my love affair for history got really started!

We have often heard the saying, "Go the second mile." In these modern times, it is used to describe a person who does more than he or she has been asked to do. The origins of the saying though, go back two thousand years . . . to a much cruder and rougher time in history.

In ancient Judea, Roman soldiers would force the local men to carry their heavy packs for them. However, Judean law at the time, forbade them from taking any man more than a mile out of his way. Early Christians may not have been able to beat the Roman army by military might, but they had a much greater force on their side.

Compelled to walk the first mile, they would often "go the second mile" out of love for their Saviour, showing the Roman invaders their faith in action, and maybe even converting a few to Christianity along the way.

Kind of brings thing into perspective doesn't it? If you find yourself being faced with a particularly difficult task, when you would rather be anywhere else on earth, why not do it . . . go for the second mile . . . with love.

And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.
~Matthew 5:41

I was able to text Angie yesterday and get a reply. She is still in hospital and feeling pretty rough. She thanks you all for your continued love and prayers. Let's hope she begins to feel better and is soon able to go home.

I had a lovely surprise call from Lura last evening. She had our friend Jan over and they were doing a little tea party and decided to call me up and include me! It was so sweet of them! (and fat free too!)

We really enjoyed The Kings Speech! It was an excellent film and so very well done. The beginning of it was spoiled a bit for me by a man right behind me, who had obviously fallen asleep and was then snoring rather loudly, not once or twice, but right through the whole first half hour or so of the film! His partner took him out then though, and we were able to watch the rest of the movie snore free!! (The mind boggles!) Whilst there I realized that this was the first time Todd and I had gone out to the movies since we moved back to Chester. It was rather nice! We took ourselves to McDonald's after for a treat as well! It turned into a date night!

I recently found refrigerated Pizza dough over here in the UK. Most times I make my own, as it's not all that hard to do, but sometimes it's nice to have something to hand that you can use in an instant. Reminds me of the slumber parties I used to go to at my friend Gini's house, when we were all teens. We would always make pizzas. It seemed like lots of pizzas at the time, but was probably only half a dozen or so. They were always so good! Pizza and Teenagers go together like peas and carrots! Here's a way of pleasing all the different tastes in your family on one big delicious pizza!

(picture courtesy of

*Pizza Times Four*
Serves 16
Printable Recipe

Indulge your families taste varieties with this clever pizza which has four seperate topping ideas!

1 can of refrigerated pizza crust (13.8 ounce)
(or make your own )
2 tsp olive oil
1/2 cup shredded Cheddar Cheese
1 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese

BBQ Chicken Square:
1 TBS chopped red onion
1/2 cup honey barbeque sauce
1 cup of chopped cooked chicken pieces

Margherita Pizza Square:
1 TBS grated Fresh Parmesan Cheese
4 to 5 (1/4 inch thick) slices of plum tomato (about 1 large tomato)
6 or 7 basil leaves torn

Hawaiin Pizza Square:
2 TBS Pizza sauce
2 slices Canadian Bacon, quartered
1/4 cup pineapple tidbits, well drained

Pepperoni Pizza Square:
2 TBS Pizza sauce
8 to 10 slices of pepperoni

Preheat the oven to 220*/425/ gas mark 6. Grease a cooking sheet with some white vegetable shortening. Sprinkle with a bit of cornmeal if desired. Unroll the pizza dough. Place it on the cookie sheet and press out the dough, starting at the centre, until you have a 14 by 12 inch rectangle. Brush with olive oil.

Bake for 6 to 8 minutes, then remove from the oven. Sprinkle the cheddar cheese on the pizza in the shape of a cross, dividing the crust into four individual squares. Use the suggested toppings to top one of each of the four different squares. Use the Mozzarella Cheese to top the whole pizza.

Bake for 10 to 13 minutes longer, or until the crust is golden brown and the cheese is melted and bubbling. Cut the pizza into 4 squares, and then cut each square into 4 squares making a total of 16 servings.

Over in The English Kitchen today I'm pushing the boundaries with a delicious Parsnip Cake with Browned Butter Frosting! Delicious!


  1. I loved The King's Speech. I have always enjoyed Colin Firth's movies and I must admit I will be buying a copy of this movie. In fact my mother went to see this again today while I took dad to see True Grit. I know who had the better time!

    Sorry your experience was interrupted by the snoring.

  2. Love the 4x4 pizza. Yum! Mr. Schalk and I enjoyed The King's Speech, as well. Great film!
    Have a wonderful weekend, Marie! xoxo

  3. My mom used to always tells us, don't judge a person until you have walked a mile in his shoes. ;D I love your pizza here and I am going to try my carrot cake recipe next time with turnips, which I too love! :D

  4. wow, i never knew the background to the "go the extra mile" saying. thanks for sharing it-very interesting! and how fun to join in with lura and her friends. i'm so glad you were able to enjoy some phone time with them and enjoy your "fat free" party:)

    hope you are having a wonderful weekend marie!

  5. Glad you enjoyed the Kings Speech..everyone who has seen it gives it rave revues...I did laugh tough at your snoring man !!!
    sorry that Angie is still feeling poorly..please give her my love when she next phones. I have her in my thoughts and prayers...
    Love Sybil xx


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