
Monday 31 January 2011

Friends . . .

Nothing among human things
has such power to keep our gaze
fixed ever more intensely upon God
than friendship.
~Simone Weil

I could not settle for most of yesterday. I kept wanting to pick up my phone and send my Angie a message and wait for her reply. We did that every day you know . . . most days . . . quick messages fired off to each other, cloaked in love and friendship. I shall miss that so very much. I always knew that she was only a message away. She was one of my bestest friends and I know she was my biggest fan. That's supposed to be your mom, but I'm afraid that mom and Angie always jostled for first position . . .

I went to her blog and I read the whole thing from back to front . . . it was a way to feel close to her, and to breathe her in one last time, and all the way through it I could hear her voice, with that lovely accent of hers . . . and I remembered the fun we had that last time I saw her, when she and Keith were here just before Christmas . . . and I laughed . . . and I cried . . . and I felt that big old hole in my heart . . .

And then I dug out my Conference dvd's and listened to a prophet's voice and his thoughts on death . . . and the talk he gave last April in which he answered the question of Job . . . “If a man die, shall he live again?”

I found comfort and peace amidst my tears, in the prophet's voice and words and when he spoke the words that the Angel spoke to Mary at the Saviour's tomb . . . "Why seek ye the living amongst the dead. He is not here but risen." . . . I was reminded that we all shall live again, and I felt peace at his words.

Angie is not here, but risen, and the lives she touched with her special ways and words are her legacy to each of us. My heart goes out to Keith, who has lost his best friend, his life's companion, his joy, his love . . . to her family who have lost such a precious daughter, sister, Aunt . . . I wish I could do more.

I have been blessed to have deep friends in my time here on earth. They have been an oasis to me when my life has turned into a desert. Angie was one such friend. She blessed my life in countless ways. It is no mistake that the German root of the word friendship means "place of high safety." My heart was always very safe in Angie's hands, and today I give thanks for the privilege I had of knowing her, and of loving her in this very special way, and especially for the blessing of knowing she loved me back. For that is a special gift.

"We are here to live out loud."

Angie lived out loud, in a most beautiful way, and I am so grateful that I was within the sound of her voice.

*Not Your Mama's Spag Bol*
Serves 6
Printable Recipe

This is a different sort of a twist that I put on good old Spaghetti Bolognaise. In truth, I love this even more than regular Spag Bol! I just can't get enough of it!

1 TBS olive oil
16 ounces extra lean beef mince
1 small onion, peeled and grated
1 fat clove of garlic, peened and crushed
2 green chilies, seeded and finely chopped
1 tsp salt
1 tsp ground cumin
1 envelope of Taco seasoning mix
(I use Discovery)
1 (420g) tin of chopped tomatoes
14 ounces of beef stock
6 ounces tomato puree
1 (420g) tin of black beans, drained and rinsed
12 ounces of uncooked spaghetti
Sour cream, Shredded cheddar cheese, chopped or finely sliced red onion

Place the olive oil into a large saucepan and heat. Once it is hot add the beef mince. Cook and stir until it is completely browned. Add the onion, garlic, chilies, salt, cumin and taco seasoning mix and continue to cook and stir until the onion, garlic and peppers are soft. Add the chopped tomatoes, beef stock, and tomato puree. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. Gently stir in the beans and cook for a further 5 minutes.

In the meantime bring a pot of lightly salted water to the boil. Add the pasta and cook according to package directions. Drain well and divide amongst hot serving plates. Top each with a portion of the sauce and pass the toppings!!

Over in The English Kitchen today, a delicious Cinnamon Swirl Tea Bread.


  1. Dearest Marie, Thank you for these wonderful words in memory of our lovely Angie. I don't suppose she ever really knew how many and how much her words and friendship meant. I timely reminder to us all to never forget to Love one another and to make sure that they know it..
    Hope Mitzie is back o her old self.
    Love Sybil x

  2. Marie, my heart goes out to you. I know first hand what you are going through. It's the hardest thing to loose someone you love, and its not our place to question why but it doesn't stop the pain. I too went back to her blog and read pages, she was such a great writer and had me giggling all over again.
    I hope you found comfort in it xxx

  3. What beautiful words Marie. My heart hurts for your loss, I hope that you find comfort and peace during this time of suffering. My prayers are with you. Love to you and your family.

    Nicole xoxo

  4. That was a beautiful tribute to a dear friend. I think that any of us that read her blog at all were touched by her and now feel a loss. What a blessing she was. Those we love are never truly gone but alive always in our hearts. It is a wonderful thing that you were able to have known her personally. Lots of Love and Hugs to you!

  5. beautiful words MJ...I had a good cry yesterday and then had a lovely day outside in the warm sun thinking of Angie and enjoying it for her..I like you keep thinking about Keith...bless him..

  6. Oh, my goodness, Marie... How very, very sorry I am for your great loss. I am so terrible sorry Angie didn't make it. I'm just so shocked. I didn't know Angie, but your posts in recent days, my prayers sure turned her way, that she may come through yet. Oh, how my heart goes out to you, and everyone touched my Angie. It is so hard to lose those we love in a physical way. But the comfort is that Angie's spirit is always with you. We never truly completely lose those we love as long as they remain a live in our heart and mind. I wasn't online during the weekend, so only now just getting to catch up with you here. Thinking of you extra much, dear friend... and sending you sooo MUCH LOVE & HUGS! OXOXO

  7. I love that quote "life life out loud." That's exactly what Angie did. I know you'll miss her so very much - as will we all. blessings, marlene

  8. Hello dear.
    After our visit late last night I was able to finally get to sleep. Hearing your voice and talking with you is such a comfort. I love you. I wish that I could be there with you at this difficult time. I will miss Angie so much and I know you will miss her even more.

    How much would it cost to pay for the gas for you to go to the funeral? Maybe those of us who love you and Angie could chip together and collect enough to send you there to say goodbye for all of us. I would like to see if that is possible. I got the idea this morning. The thought makes me smile.

    I'll call later today.

  9. Dear Marie,I know too well how much you hurt.I have lost too many friends over the last five years and I feel so much for you.I too like Lyn cannot get Keith out of my head.Yesterday I couldn't stop thinking about how she used to make me laugh in our exchange of e. mails etc and chat in J/Land early days on South Yorkshire derelict.She was the best.Just a pity I never met her personally as you did.Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers at this very sad time for us all.Take Care God Bless Kath xx

  10. Dear Marie, What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful friend. My heart goes out to you and Angie's family.

    I agree with Sybil about love and friendship.

    Big Hugs to you my dear friend.


  11. Marie, beautifully said. I think a person's blog after they are gone is such a treasure, don't you? She left her family a legacy.

    Hugs, B

    Hope your Mitzie is better!


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