
Tuesday 7 December 2010

The Simple Woman's Day book

FOR TODAY, December 7th, 2010...

Outside My Window...

It is dark and very, very cold. A heavy frost lay yesterday morning and it never lifted at all. Expect it's only been added to this morning. This is very unusual weather, very unsual for this time of year.

I am thinking...
about a mother's love and how it never changes. I love all my children deeply . . . . I always prayed for the children I would have one day, even before I had them. I pray for them still . . . that God would keep them close, and safe . . . that they would be happy in life . . . in all ways. That they would love their Heavenly Father and their Saviour . . . My youngest son turns 22 tomorrow, my youngest daughter 31 the day after. I have sent cards, of course. I don't know if it matters to them. They never acknowledge the receipt of a card in any way. Perhaps one day that will change. One can but hope.

I am thankful for...
A husband, three children, a mum and dad, brother and sister . . . friends throughout the world and a Heavenly Father and His Son who do care. My cup does runneth over.

From the kitchen...
Dang . . . why did I buy that box of Ferrarro Roche? Not to mention that box of Raffaelo . . . and why do they have to be so dang good! I think my will power has got up and gone this week!

I am wearing...
Pink and Black Jim Jams, my blue robe and slippers. Warmth people, comfort and warmth.

I am creating...
I have all sorts on the drawing board at the moment. I'm working very hard on a big, but still very hush hush project. It won't be long now . . .

I am going...
I've got a Primary Presidency Meeting on Wednesday evening, then Saturday Morning we are having a Craft Activity with the Primary, which I have to do the food for. Then on Saturday Night we have our Ward Christmas Party, which I am also doing some food for. This is the busy season! I am grateful for a heart that recognizes the underlying beauty of and the reason for this season of cheer and good will.

I am reading...

Spoken From The Heart by Laura Bush

In this brave, beautiful, and deeply personal memoir, Laura Bush, one of the world's most beloved and private first ladies, tells her own extraordinary story. Still enjoying this read. It's a big book and very engaging.

Born in the boom-and-bust oil town of Midland, Texas, Laura Welch grew up as an only child in a family that lost three babies to miscarriage or infant death. She vividly evokes Midland's brash, rugged culture, her close relationship with her father, and the bonds of early friendships that sustain her to this day. For the first time, in heart-wrenching detail, she writes about the devastating high school car accident that left her friend Mike Douglas dead and about her decades of unspoken grief. When she left West Texas in 1964,she never dreamed she would end up in the White House.

With deft humor and a sharp eye, Laura Bush lifts the curtain on what really happens inside the White House, from presidential finances to the 175-year-old tradition of separate bedrooms for presidents and their wives to the antics of some White House guests and even a few members of Congress. She writes with honesty and eloquence about her family, her public triumphs, and her personal tribulations. Laura Bush's compassion, her sense of humor, her grace, and her uncommon willingness to bare her heart make this story revelatory, beautifully rendered, and unlike any other first lady's memoir ever written. A very interesting read!

I am hoping...
That I manage to get all my Christmas Cards out before Christmas this year! I know. Every year I say I am going to start early and every year I procrastinate! Am I alone in this??? Please say it ain't so!!

I am hearing...
Early morning sounds . . . clocks ticking, early morning cars, the honk of a taxi picking up one of the neighbours, and Mitzie snozzling next to me. Oh how I love that sound. So sweet. The floors creaking as the house warms up . . . and the whoosh of the gas in the boiler as it works away . . .

Around the house...
My ironing basket it empty! Yahoo! Todd got it done for me last week. I know! ME<=== One Lucky Woman! One of my favorite things...
is listening to carols this time of year. I just love them all . . . they are so filled with hope and joy. I love all the Christmas Commercials on the telly . . . even the annoying ones. I love the old Christmas specials they start showing on the Gold Channel, even if I have seen them a hundred times. I love all the old Christmas movies . . . and re-watch them each year. I just love Christmas and everything about it. The hustle, the bustle . . . the quiet moments of bliss . . . the excitment, the smells, the feelings . . . I'll take the whole package and gladly revel in it!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
I have just a few finishing touches to put on the project I've been working on and then I'm done. With the meeting and activities, that's about all I have planned, other than just enjoying my Todd and Mitzie. Life is to be enjoyed in the moment . . . the past is gone and we can do nothing about it . . . the future might never happen . . . the here and now, well it's what we've got. Wring every scrap of joy from it you can!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

The latest Mitzie Picture. I had been working on a special project for PetPlan, (which will be revealed soon) and she was waiting to enjoy the fruits of my labours. I call this anticipation! Oh, how I love this little lady!

And just as a closing thought for today . . .

Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking . . . the whole world belongs to you.

A thought to inspire for today.

And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!)

I made this delicious salad for lunch yesterday. It is quite different than the usual leafy green salad. Todd is not a man who likes salad overly much, but he does enjoy this one. I could eat just a big plate of this for my lunch and feel quite healthy doing so! Especially important this time of year when we are surrounded by things like Ferrarro Roche!!

*Hot and Sour Salad*
Serves 4 - 6
Printable Recipe

This is a wonderful salad, chock full of tasty vegetables, with a lovely tangy and spicy dressing. It’s a great keeper, so don’t worry if you don’t get it all eaten right away. It will last for several days in the refrigerator and indeed it tastes even better for having sat around.

125g broccoli, cut into florets and small pieces
125g fine green beans, each one trimmed and cut into 4 pieces
125g baby corn, each cut into 4 pieces
75g smallish mushrooms, wiped and sliced
100g Chinese cabbage, finely shredded
150g fresh bean sprouts

1 - 2 tsp Tom Yam paste ( use your own discretion as it can be quite spicy)
1 tsp dark sesame oil
2 heaping TBS rice vinegar
1 heaping tsp runny honey
2 heaping TBS sunflower oil
A healthy pinch of sea salt, rubbed between your fingers

Put a pot of lightly salted water on the hob to boil. While you are waiting for it to boil, prepare all the vegetables. Once they are all cut up and the water is boiling add the beans, broccoli and baby corn to the boiling water and blanch for 2 minutes. Drain and then refresh by running ice cold water over them. Drain well again, and set aside.

Put the Chinese cabbage, bean sprouts and mushrooms into a large salad bowl and add the well drained vegetables. Give them a good mix with your hands. (the best tools ever invented)

Whisk together all the ingredients for the dressing in a small measuring jug and then pour them over the salad. Give it another healthy toss and then serve. Delicious!

In The English Kitchen today, a deliciously Tasty Mince and Pasta Casserole. Yes . . . I've been torturing Todd with pasta yet again!


  1. Love the latest photo of Mitzie, she looks so lovingly at you...or might even be what you just might have in your hand for her !!I agree with you about
    Christmas time I love all the carols, the gingles etc...(Mind you not so much this year..)
    Hope your knee is feeling better ??
    I am looking out onto a beautiful scene this morning the trees over on the Rec are absolutely covered in white frost so heavy is it that I only hope it doesn't break some of the boughs..If it was not so grey it would make a beautiful photograph...perhaps I can catch it before the day gets much lighter.
    Have a good day dear friend.
    Love Sybil xx

  2. You are one blessed lady to have a hubby that will do the ironing. That is one job not many will tackle. Mitzie is such a joy and the picture is adorable. It's very cold and snowing here today.I hope your Tuesday is a terrific one!

  3. Hi, Dear Marie! How good it is to be visiting you here at last now we're back from our Thanksgiving/USA trip--I missed you! Sounds like a good week ahead for you. And LOVE seeing Mitzie. She is so sweet...*sigh*... You are definitely not along on being behind with Christmas. I have good intention to start earlier with things each year, but really can't seem to get going on anything Christmas until it's almost here... LOL! I've not been feeling too well in recent days--but getting there--so may be slow to write/visit. Happy Week, deaf friend! :o) LOVE YOU LOTS ((BIG HUGS))

  4. There you go, Marie, with your English measurements - what am I to do? I know, I will fine a chart and figure them out! Keep up the good work.

  5. There you go, Marie, with your English measurements - what am I to do? I know, I will fine a chart and figure them out! Keep up the good work.

  6. There you go, Marie, with your English measurements - what am I to do? I know, I will fine a chart and figure them out! Keep up the good work.

  7. Hi, Marie - I very much enjoyed reading your thoughts.

    About your grown children, have they remained inside the Church? Was it a difficult struggle or relatively easy? I have two. My 15 yo is strong, but my 13 yo hasn't formed a testimony yet.

    I love Christmas, too. I love how people tend to me more generous and caring during the Season. It warms my heart. I love the music and how lovely are most of the decorations. It's so very beautiful.

    When will it start snowing where you are?

  8. That photo of Mitzie - she is a little sweetie, but I think there might be an element of 'cupboard love' in that pose!

    Dang, why DID you buy the Ferrorro Roche?

    Brilliant sun's up, temps going down, bu it could be worse. Uh-oh tiny little flurry of snow going on now

  9. I loved this line from your post-"Life is to be enjoyed in the moment . . . the past is gone and we can do nothing about it . . . the future might never happen . . . the here and now, well it's what we've got." Thank you for sharing it!

  10. I found a recipe online for making your own Ferrero Rocher chocolates! Evil, it is....I love them!

    Separate bedrooms for the President and First Lady?! I couldn't imagine having my on bedroom!


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