
Tuesday 21 December 2010

The Simple Woman's Day book

FOR TODAY, December 21st, 2010...

Outside My Window...

It is dark and frigid. I have never known it to be so cold over here in the ten years I have lived here. So much for Global Warming!

I am thinking...
about the Nativity play the children put on in Primary on Sunday. They were all so excited to be doing it, and they did such a super job. Everyone in the congregation loved it. I can remember being in Nativity plays as a child . . . never as Mary of course, but always an angel. There are worse things to put on your CV I think than . . . always an angel!

I am thankful for...
A boiler which continues to work through this frigid patch of weather. The missionaries boiler has packed in and they have no heat or hot water. Their washing maching has also broken down. We had them bring their laundry over here last night and I washed it for them, and they have been told if they need to have a bath they are more than welcome to come and do that as well. I hope that it gets fixed for them soon though. Yesterday morning when I was doing my own laundry the water backed up into the house and spilled out all over the floor. The outside drainage pipe was frozen solid!!! It took Todd about half an hour and I don't know how many kettles of boiling water to empty it out! It was a solid block of ice. THAT'S how cold it is!

From the kitchen...
I baked cookies yesterday to take around with our local Christmas Cards. That is the type of thing I just love doing at Christmas time. I will probably bake more today!

I am wearing...
Pink pajamas, my red flannel Grammy Nightie over top and my furry blue robe!! Warmth people, comfort and warmth.

I am creating...
I made a mobile sort of thing to hand down from the mirror over the mantle here in the lounge. It says LOVE CAME DOWN. Those words are on three Christmas ball type thingies and hung on fishing line, which has hearts and stars staggered along it's length. I quite like it. I also did some figgie pudding felt ornaments, which turned out quite cute.

I am going...
I've got a Primary Presidency Meeting tomorrow evening, plus today we have a local dog trainer coming here to the house for two hours. Tomorrow afternoon we have an appointment to get Mitzie groomed before Christmas, but that is it! We've nothing else planned. Just relaxipating before Christmas and watching as many Christmas films, programs as possible and listening to as much Christmas music as possible!

I am reading...

In My Father's House by Dorothy Allred Solomon
Although the Principle of Plural Marriage was outlawed by the Mormon Church in 1890, it was secretly practiced by numerous underground sects. Solomon tells her story of growing up in a multi-mothered family and of her father, Dr. Rulon Allred, who had 7 wives and sired 48 children. Sent to jail in 1945, he continued to practice plural marriage after his release seven months later. In 1977 he was fatally shot by a rival polygamous sect. Clearly Solomon both loved and resented her father. This is less a description of the life the family led than it is a catharsis for her in coming to terms with Allred's chosen life style. She was raped as a young woman; she later married a man who became a Vietnam deserter and heroin user. Through it all she seems to have been seeking her father's love and approval. Her writing at times is clouded by poetic, flowery phrases, but she tells her story movingly, and her heart speaks from a tradition little known in American history. An excellent portrait of the author's relationship with her father. While the pressures he bears brings growth to many in the extended family, Dorothy feels the weight coming down between her and her father, seemingly severing them - eternally.

Through her journey into adulthood, she finally sees her father's true love for his wives and children, even all the group members, a revelation that shakes her unsteady convictions. With a forboding sense of doom, he allows her to chronicle his last days...

It is a beautiful story of transformation.

I am hoping...
I am hoping that all of my family have a lovely and blessed Christmas.

I am hearing...
Early morning sounds . . . clocks ticking, early morning cars, the honk of a taxi picking up one of the neighbours, and Mitzie snozzling next to me. Oh how I love that sound. So sweet. The floors creaking as the house warms up . . . and the whoosh of the gas in the boiler as it works away . . . I love the sounds that houses make early in the day. It's like the house is waking up as well . . . and I am the only witness to it's awakening . . .

Around the house...
My ironing basket has a few things in it. Thank goodness for Todd! He's been such a big help to me these past weeks with my knee problems. He's been hoovering and all sorts! I am so blessed to have such a loving husband.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
A little of this and a little of that . . . but mostly
-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S !!!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Is this not just the cutest family ever!!!! It's my eldest son, Anthony, his wife Anne and their two boys, Gabriel and Luke. They are waiting at the airport for Anne's sister to come in for the holidays. My son sent me this yesterday and I was just thrilled to receive it. I'm sure he won't mind me showing it to you. They are just the most fun family! I love this picture and I love them!

And just as a closing thought for today . . .

There is an unseen Guest at every table, hallowing . . . and transmuting by His presence every common thing . . . Break your bread with gratitude your gracious thanks expressing, for every meal is sacramental when He gives the blessing.
~Patience Strong

A thought to inspire for today.

And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!)

*Quick as a Wink Chicken Corn Chowder*
Serves 6
Printable Recipe

You can have this delicious soup on the table in less than half an hour! Great anytime, but especially handy at this busy time of year!

2 TBS butter
1/4 cup chopped onion
1/4 cup chopped celery
1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and minced (optional)
2 TBS flour
3 cups milk
2 cups chopped roasted, boneless, skinless chicken breast meat
1 1/2 cups of fresh or frozen corn kernels
1 tsp chopped fresh thyme (or 1/4 tsp dried)
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
pinch salt
1 (14 3/4 ounce) tin of creamed style corn

Melt the butter in a large saucepan. Add the onion, celery and pepper. Cook and stir over medium heat until softened and tender. Add the flour, cooking and stirring constantly for about a minute. Whisk in the milk, cookign and stirring until the mixture comes to a boil and thickens. Stir in the remaining ingredients and heat through for about 5 minutes. Ladle out into heated bowls to serve!

Baking in The English Kitchen today, delicious Nutmeg Fingers, just in time for Christmas giving!


  1. Morning Marie. Glad that the nativity went without a hitch..It is so wonderful to see children being introduced to the Christmas story by this amazing liitle play..Sorry to see you had a blocked outlet pipe. Down here it was -9 yesterday morning ! only -1 this morning !! quite a few frozen piped here. Mary had no hot water yesterday but cetral heating was on...however we called a plumber and he aid just leave on it would melt the ice....eventually !!...Thankfully when she went over last night it was back to normal..Peter also had a frozen pipe which thankfully also melted itself..Poor Muriel has not been so lucky she still has a block and was back and forth yesterday filling buckets and kettles with water !
    keep warm like us just relax nothing much more we can do as we are stuck indoors..
    Love Sybil x

  2. I love the picture of your son and family. How delightful that they all dressed in Santa suits. I am relaxing these last few days before Christmas and just enjoying it all. What seems like weeks of preparation deserve some time just to take it all in. I chuckled over your description of the layers you have on...I often layer up during the winter. Even though I have central heat I won't turn it up high so I still wear layers to keep the chill off. I hope your Tuesday is a terrific one.

  3. In your 'I am hearing.....' description it's so good to hear you say "...and Mitzie snuffling...". Only the name has changed!

  4. Hi

    Great information in this post and I think the outside drainage pipe was frozen solid!!! It took Todd about half an hour and I don't know how many kettles of boiling water to empty it out! It was a solid block of ice.

    James Parker….
    Recipes of Gulzar

  5. Oh, I just LOVE that photo of Anthony & his family... too cute! They look very happy. Winter Solstice today... And it snowing again here! Seems like more than enough winter already...LOL! So happy to get a chance to chat with you yesterday, Marie--what a lovely pre-Christmas treat! Just stopping by to say hi... We're heading out to hubby's parent's for an evening's get-together. Talk to yous soon, dear friend. Happy Day... LOVE YOU LOTS ((BIG HUGS))

  6. Just wanted to say "Merry Christmas" to you and Todd!!! Hope you have a wonderful day. It's been really nice here in Arizona. We've stayed in the 70 degree plus range for weeks. Hope your weather warms up soon. I've been following your cold spell and snow on the television. We sure don't miss Minnesota winters! They have had two major blizzards in the last two weeks...around 3 feet of snow with both storms.

  7. I love the picture of Anthony and family. How cute that they were all dressed like Santa. What a fun family.

    Have a great week waiting for the big day. Hugs, Lura


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