
Tuesday 28 December 2010

The Simple Woman's Day book

FOR TODAY, December 28th, 2010...

Outside My Window...

The air has gotten a lot warmer. All the snow seems to be gone this morning and there is no frost. I wonder if it is like that all over the UK, or only up here in the North West?

I am thinking...
Here we are at the end of 2010. This is my last daybook entry for the year. What a difference a year makes. Last year this same time, I had no idea that I would be sitting back here in Blacon at the end of a year just filled with surprises!

I am thankful for...
God's Tender Mercies . . . the perfect way that He validates what I know and have always felt to be true . . . that He is there and that He cares for ME. It has ever been so, but it is only in my later life that I have come to recognize His presence daily.

From the kitchen...
You just wait . . . ahem . . . there's mighty tasty things a brewin!

I am wearing...
Pink nightie with pink pajama bottoms and my cream coloured robe, slippers. I love layering in the wintertime . . . it helps to keep me warmer!

I am creating...
I am making a very special doll. shh . . . don't tell anyone and I am working on some new designs.

I am going...
Not a lot planned for this week, but if my leg feels ok, I may try to go into town tomorrow morning. I already arranged a grocery delivery this week so that I don't have to mingle in the crowds in the shops these last few days before New Years. I think it was the smart thing to do.

I am reading...

Divine Signatures, the confirming hand of God by Gerald N Lund
I have never read a book by Gerald Lund that I have not loved. It is a book all about "God-incidences." I firmly believe that there is no such thing as co-incidence, only God-incidence. Mr Lund confirms this belief for me . . . there are no co-incidences, only sacred autographs.

"Sometimes, the Lord sends his blessings in such a highly unusual way, dramatic or precisely timed manner, that it might be likened to a 'divine signature," Lund writes. "It is as through the Lord 'signs' the blessing personally so that we will know with certainty that it comes from him. In doing so, God not only gives his blessing, but at the same he strengthens our faith and deepens our testimony of him."

Included in the book are several true accounts with inspirational messages. One of Lund's favorites is about a brand-new missionary nervously knocking his first door in Brazil. Who happens to open the door? The elder's long-lost older sister who had run away more than three years earlier. She later became his first convert baptism. For a new missionary to find his sister in a city of 14 million on his first night of tracting is no coincidence, Lund said.

I am thoroughly enjoying this book.

I am hoping...
That there won't be any drastic changes in my life in 2011, like there were in 2010. I am not sure I am up for a great deal of change, although . . . they do say that God never closes a door but what He opens a window!

I am hearing...
Early morning sounds . . . the house cracking and snapping as it comes alive. Clocks ticking. Walls creaking . . . the Westminster chimes from our newest clock, Mitzie snuffling here beside me. Joyful sounds. The house is waking up.

Around the house...
My ironing basket has a few things in it, but everything is relatively tidy. I like a tidy house. It was almost an impossibility when the children were growing up. It seemed as if I no sooner got things tidied when they were untidied. There are days I long for the untidiness of a growing family but, then again . . . there are days when I am blessedly happy that the house stays neat and tidy. I do confess I am a big culprit when it comes to making messes myself though . . . it does annoy Todd from time to time. Here's a thought! How come a pile of books is only clutter when it is my pile of books???

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
A little of this and a little of that . . . mostly puttering. I love weeks where I am free to putter . . .

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

The little tornado that has made such a wonderful difference in our lives. Last year this time I had no idea there would be a Mitzie in our very near future. Now I could not imagine a life without her in it.

And just as a closing thought for today . . .

At every moment of our life there will have been things that might have happened, but did not. There are magic moments that go unnoticed, and then, suddenly the hand of fate changes our universe.
~paulo coelho

A thought to inspire for today. We just never know from one day to the next what tomorrow will bring do we . . .

And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!

Here's a delicious cake recipe I adapted from one of my old Taste Of Home magazines. The original one had a chocolate glaze, but I prefer to just dust it with icing sugar. A house just isn't a home, without a cake residing somewhere within it's walls!! And cakes containing chocolate of any sort are the most welcome visitors of all!!!

*Chocolate Chip Pound Cake*
Serves 16
Printable Recipe

A contest winner taken from Taste of Home. Delicious!

1 cup butter, softened
2 cups white sugar
4 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla
4 cups flour
4 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
2 cups sour cream
2 cups semi sweet chocolate chips
Icing sugar to dust the finished cake with

Preheat the oven to 180*C/350*F/ gas mark 4. Butter and flour a 10 inch fluted bundt pan. Set aside.

Cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, beating in each well. Stir in the vanilla. Whisk together the flour, baking powder, and baking soda. Add to the creamed mixture, alternately with the sour cream, beginning and ending with the flour mixture. Fold in the chocolate chips. Spoon into the prepared pan.

Bake in the heated oven for 60 to 65 minutes, until a toothpick inserted in the centre comes out clean. Allow to cool in the pan for 10 minutes before dumping out onto a wire rack to finish cooling completely. Dust with icing sugar prior to serving. Cut into wedges to serve.

Baking in The English Kitchen today, a delicious Barbequed Turkey Pizza, another delicious way to use up some of that leftover turkey! With a tasty cranberry barbeque sauce it goes down as one of my more favourite adaptions!


  1. Morning Marie, That is a lovely phoo of Todd and Mitzie...they ar eboth so lovley !! also loved the one of Mitzie in her Christmas hat would make a lovely card !!
    I am glad that you had a good Christmas. We did, it was different, but we managed to smile throughout. Beth was a star and managed to make a wonderful dinner for us all, her Dad would have been so proud of her.
    Love Sybil

  2. Good morning Marie! Here's me, back in business - I THINK!! This comes by way of having lost my wi-fi connection at Christmas, through having to register my Kindle (which AQmazon was suupposed to have already done. Now I'll have to re-install my printer because my brother (who KNOWS these things) over-wrote my router password so the one doesn't recognise the other! Talk about high drama!

    Anyway! Yes I think the weather IS in 'thaw' mode generally because it's raining hard here but we're told that the east is freezing up again next week.

    I must put out the word that a bundt tin is needed in this kitchen. NOT that I shall be eating cake anytime soon. In fact, right now, I won't mind if they close down Asda for a month! I feel I ought to be wearing a sign saying "Do not feed the Angie".

    Is your knee feeling less painful with the slightly warmer weather? Keith is taking Prednisolone (a very low dose of a steroid, prescribed by doc) for his painful shoulders and it's worked wonders.


  3. It is good news to hear that leg is feeling better and that your snow is gone. We are still very cold and a little new snow keeps adding up each day. Not a terribly lot but we are white outside. It is true that we just never know what a difference a year will make. Plans can change at a moments notice. I'm thankful for each new day. Living in the present moment seems the best way to go. Have a terrific Tuesday!

  4. Hi, Dear Marie! Lovely musings and photos today... We're just emerging from the festive days. I do have my word/motto for 2011, which I plan on writing more about next week, and really looking forward to the change of year. Later in the week is my birthday,you know--hubby's taking me out to lunch. Hooray the cook gets a kitchen break! ;o) LOL! Then we ring in New Year already--it's a great time just now! Happy Days, my friend--LOVE YOU LOTS ((HUGS))

  5. I must get that book. I have several of Lund's works but not that one. However, I do believe that God blesses us every day. We just need to open our eyes and see it.

    I hope your knee is feeling better. Happy New Year. Hugs, Lura


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