
Tuesday 9 November 2010

The Simple Woman's Day book

FOR TODAY, November 9th, 2010...

Outside My Window...

It is dark and cold and wet. They say it is going to go down to zero this week. Brrrrr . . . winter is in a hurry to arrive!

I am thinking...
We were at friend's last night for a FHE and we all watched the Birthday Celebrations for our church's late President, Gordon B Hinckley, on dvd. What a wonderful celebration it was . . . filled with a variety of talents and music. As I was sitting there watching it, I thought to myself, how marvelous this church is and how very beautiful the Gospel is. Those thoughts touched my spirit and brought a tear into my eye. I am so very greatful for the knowledge I have of . . . who I am, my purpose in being here, where I'm going to go when I leave this earth . . . of the Saviour and all that He has done for me, for us . . . of the truth of the restored Gospel, and all that it teaches us . . . of my Heavenly Father and the love He has for each of us . . . it is at once overwhelming and oh so very precious to me.

I am thankful for...
The many, many blessings in my life. For the Gospel and all the precious things it brings into my life. For a husband, kind, loving and true. For my home, humble, warm, cozy. For all my needs being met, and even a few of my wants. For Mitzie, and the way she has made me the centre of her universe . . . I hope she knows that she is the centre of mine as well. For family and wonderful weekend visits with them. I could go on and on . . . my cup does indeed runneth over . . .

From the kitchen...
Not a lot!! I must try to bake today!

I am wearing...
Pink and yellow jim jams! Old, comfy and warm!

I am creating...
I have all sorts on the drawing board at the moment. Nothing I can speak about just yet, but when the time is right I'll be shouting it from the rooftops! Let's just say it's very exciting. I hope to be able to reveal all soon.

I am going...
I have a Primary Presidency meeting scheduled for tomorrow night and our Ward (church congregation) is putting on it's annual Pantomime on Friday night. I do love a Pantomime and I hear that they do a fabulous job! This will truly usher in the Christmas Season for me, I think. If you want to know more about what a Pantomime is click here.

I am reading...

Susan Boyle, The Woman I was Born to Be

"My name is Susan Boyle. A year and a half ago, if you weren't from Blackburn, the village in West Lothian, Scotland, where I have lived all my life, you would almost certainly never have heard of me. Today you've probably heard all sorts about me, some fact, some speculation, some pure invention, so I'm writing this book to tell my story from my point of view, and I hope you'll enjoy reading it."

She inspired the world a few years ago when she was on Britain's Got Talent, now she has written her autobiography and has a new album coming out as well. I am still reading this book as it is a very large book. I love all the pictures in it and also getting to know Susan better. It is a very thick book. I received her newest Album the other day. It's beautiful, it truly is. Pierce Morgan interviewed her on his show this past Saturday evening. I taped it and am hoping to get to watch it today!

I am hoping...
That I will soon be able to tell you what I've been up to creatively. It's hard for me to keep secrets that are so exciting, but I must!!

I am hearing...
One of my favourite singers is Mindy Gledhill and I am listening to her Anchor Album right now. It's beautiful. I also have Mitzie snozzling next to me here on the sofa. It's just a special time . . . you, beautiful music, and my Mitzie.

Around the house...
I have some ironing to do. With this cold I have had I have gotten behind on a few things. I will be glad when it vamooses!

One of my favorite things...
is reading. I have always been a voracious reader. I do love true stories and historical novels. Not trashy ones though. I also like mysteries.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
Not a lot really. I am going to the Doctor's at 9 to see if I can't get something for this cough of mine. It takes my breath away, almost like asthma and I am choking with it. It is using up all of my energy.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

This is a picture of my new stove. It is being delivered a week from Friday! I can't wait. It is twice the size of the one I now have and has an electric oven. I can't get on with gas. It is hit and miss with me. It is a dual fuel stove, so the burners are gas and the ovens electric. It is big, BIG! Not as big as the one I really wanted, but we would have had to remove a cupboard to fit that one in, and I can't afford to lose any cupboard space. Finally I will be able to use all my pans and to cook proper sized foods again! I do love the cuteness of the little stove I have now, but it just isn't practical! We had an eletric point put in last weekend so that is ready and now all we are waiting for is the stove and for a friend to come over and shave a bit off of the countertops.

And just as a closing thought for today . . .

"The question is not what you look at, but what you see."
~Henry David Thoreau

A wise and inspirational thought from my Mary Englebreit desk calendar for 2010. I just love Mary's art and thoughts. They are a great way to begin each day!

And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!)

I have this really old cookbook that my momgave me years ago. (Probably because she was sick of me mooning over it and wearing out it’s pages every time I came home to visit!) It’s full of good, wholesome old fashioned recipes. I made one of them for Todd for his tea last night. (He’s kind of an old fashioned guy) He really enjoyed it! (And, if I’m being honest, I did too!)

*Heaven and Earth Casserole*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

Sweet potatoes make a change from regular potatoes. It may sound like an unusual combination to put together sweet potatoes, onions and apples, but trust me when I say they go together beautifully!!! The original recipe was called Sausage and Sweet Potato Casserole, but I changed it to Heaven and Earth, because to me it epitomizes all the best of both . . . the apples from the tops of heavily laden apple trees, and the sweet potatoes and onions from the earth, and everything in between . . .

1 pound of pork chipolata sausages (I used Cumberland)
3 cups peeled and thinly sliced raw sweet potatoes
½ cup peeled and sliced onion
1 tsp salt
¼ tsp freshly ground black pepper
2 peeled and thinly sliced apples
1 TBS packed brown sugar
¼ cup chicken stock
1 cup grated cheddar cheese

Preheat the oven to 200*C/400*F. Lightly grease a casserole dish and set it aside. Start browning the sausages in a heavy skillet over medium low heat.

Begin layering the vegetables and fruit in the prepared casserole dish. Start with some sweet potatoes and the apples. Sprinkle with a bit of salt and pepper. Then layer on some onion. Repeat the layers until all are used up, ending with a final layer of sweet potatoes. Pour the ¼ cup of stock over all, sprinkle the brown sugar evenly over top, and then put on the lid. Bake in the heated oven for 30 minutes.

Remove from the oven. Top with the sausages and scatter the cheese evenly over top. Bake for another 15 minutes or until the cheese is melted and beginning to turn golden brown.

Remove from the oven and let sit for a few minutes before serving. Delicious!

I'm playing with my new breadmaker in The English Kitchen today. I made these delicious Almond Crescents and a tasty loaf of Whole Wheat Bread!


  1. I'm glad you are getting to see the doctor for that cough. I hope you are better soon. Your new stove will be nice. I'd never heard of both gas and electric in one but that would be nice too. Sweet potatoes and sausage sounds like a perfect dish to have this time of year. Take good care and rest.

  2. Do hope you will be feeling better soon, Marie... Hope the doctor can offer some help. Your new cooker is WONDERFUL--the combo of gas & electric is a brilliant idea. Will look forward to seeing what tasty wonders you'll be cooking & baking with it. Your dish today is such comfy food for autumn, I think. I just love sweet potatoes! Can't wait for more on all the secret creatings....hhhmmm...Happy Day, dear friend--LOVE YOU LOTS ((BIG HUGS))

  3. My mouth is watering reading your recipe and seeing those rolls. I am in a rush getting everything done for my demo today. I just dropped by to say I am thinking of you and hope that you feel better soon. Hugs... wish me well... I know you do.

  4. I can just hear \mitzie's sleepy noises! Our Sally does that, old as she is, and HATES to be disturbed by her mum rooting about.

    It's been chucking it down all day here too - even a bit sleety earlier.

    Did you watch that Susan Boyle interview? I yjpught it was very good and I felt that Piers was a bit more reapectful towards her than in their first inerview. So he should be!

    Has your new stov arrived yet? I must say I have always liked to use gas and would find an electric oven difficult now, Don't stop putting the Gas mark numbers on your recipes though, will you? I'm lazy!

  5. I am with your Todd on this one the Heaven and Earth casserole is just up my street !! in fact last night I did something similar but used ordinary potato I chopped up also onion and carrot threw in an oiled pan in oven and threw on top some was delicious !! tonight extra sausages with pasta yum yum..
    Do wish you and I coudl get rid of our coughs it has hung around long enough now. I even had to have a day at home on of course I can't think what day of the week I am in !!
    PS the cooker looks great x
    Love Sybil x

  6. You are always such an inspiration. There is a peacefulness about your posts. Of course, I can't resist your recipes. I do hope you get feeling better. I am very excited for you to get your new stove. I need a larger one; so I think I will put it on a wish list.
    Blessings to you!
    If you get moment check out my latest post on an Angel named Eliza.

    Blessings to you and get well quick! LeAnn


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