
Tuesday 16 November 2010

The Simple Woman's Day book

FOR TODAY, November 16th, 2010...

Outside My Window...

It is dark and cold, but we are supposed to have a sunny clear day. It doesn't seem to matter how cold it is if the sun is shining, or at least that is my thoughts about it! Bring on the sun!

I am thinking...
We had a bunch over here last night for our Family Home Evening, along with Angie and Keith (From Can You All Hear Me At The Back!) We had a wonderful time. We watched a short film called The Bridge. It had a very powerful message which really brought the Atonement of Christ to heart and our Heavenly Father's sacrifice . . .

I am thankful for...
Central Heating!! Brrr . . . it's been very cold these past few mornings! Reminds me of when I was a child back in Canada and how we'd all sit around the furnace vent in the kitchen early in the mornings eating our toast as the heat blasted out over us. It felt soooooo nice and warm!

From the kitchen...
There's cookies and leftover gingerbread and oh yes . . . a whole stack of mince pies that I forgot to bring out last night! Duh!

I am wearing...
Black and White jim jams! Old, comfy and warm!

I am creating...
I have all sorts on the drawing board at the moment. I'm working very hard on a big, but still hush hush project.

I am going...
Today we are going to take Angie and Keith up to LLangollen in Wales and then up to the Horsehoe Pass! It will be so beautiful up there. I can't wait to show it all to them! I just love seeing places I've been to a thousand times with someone else's eyes! It makes it new all over again!!

I am reading...

The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson Mc Culler

The Heart is a Lonely Hunter was Carson McCullers' first novel, written in 1940. Set in a small town in the American South, it is the story of a group of people who have little in common except that they are all hopelessly lonely. A young girl, a drunken socialist and a black doctor are drawn to a gentle, sympathetic deaf mute, whose presence changes their lives. This powerful exploration of alienation is both moving and perceptive.

A wonderful book about loneliness, love, friendship, misplaced devotion, and seeing in people what you need to see. Somehow sad and yet profoundly beautiful at the same time. A great book who's messages are softly hidden under a rich story I highly recommend.

I am hoping...
I hope all sorts . . . I am just a hopeful kind of person. Without hope where would any of us be?

I am hearing...
Early morning sounds . . . the birds waking up, the gas running through the boiler . . . the hum of the computer . . . Mitzie's soft snores. Bliss . . . pure and utter bliss.

Around the house...
I have a ton of ironing to do! It will just have to wait for another day. I'm off playing with Angie and Keith today! I'm so pleased that they drove up from Scunthorpe to spend some time with us! I just love them!

One of my favorite things...
is feeding people. Food and Love are very closely entwined in my Pscyche. I think it's one of my favourite ways of expressing the love I have for others. I feed them.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
My new stove arrives on Friday and then watch out!! I'll be in cooking heaven, finally! I've suffered with this teensy stove long enough!

*Note to self * - From now on don't be so impulsive when purchasing important things like stoves. Try to think on the practicalities of things instead of the cuteness. Tiny stoves are cute . . . but they are not so great to cook on if you are a real cook!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

I just love this retro kitchen . . . well, I'm not sure you could really call it retro . . . it's kind of a mix of styles. Whatever it is I love it. Just look at that beautiful sink! I just love to be able to look out a window when I am doing the dishes! Somehow it turns a mindless chore into something much, much more pleasant. Oh, the number of days I have spent with my hands in sudsy water, with my mind wandering off through the clouds . . . if I could have any kitchen in the world, I would have this one. This person is one very lucky person I think!

And just as a closing thought for today . . .

"A man sees in the world what he carries in his heart."
~Johann Wolfgang Goethe, from "Faust"

A thought to inspire for today.

And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!)

I just love lemon anything. Lemon Meringue Pie, Lemonade, Lemon Drizzle Cake . . . these lucious lemon squares are one of my favourite squares of all time! Tart lemon with the hidden secret of sweet strawberry jam. Oh my but they are soooooommmmeee GOOD!!

*Jam Filled Lemon Squares*
Makes 15 squares
Printable Recipe

These delicious squares combine a buttery shortbread crust and a tangy lemon curd topping, all sandwiched together with sweet and fruity strawberry jam. A batch of these baked in mid-winter is a sweet and satisfying reminder of warm summer days.

2 cups plus 3 TBS plain flour
1/3 cup icing sugar, plus extra for dusting
¼ tsp salt
8 ounces chilled butter, cut into small pieces
1 ¼ cups caster sugar
½ tsp baking powder
3 large eggs
1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
2 tsp grated lemon zest (I use un-waxed lemons,
if you aren’t using these wash your lemons
well in warm soapy water)
¾ cup good quality strawberry preserves (you can also use raspberry)

Pre-heat the oven to 180*C/350*F. Grease and flour an 11 X 7 inch baking pan. I then line it with greaseproof paper lengthwise, leaving a one inch overhang either end so that I can lift the squares out after baking for ease in cutting into squares.

Stir together 2 cups of the flour, 1/3 cups of the icing sugar and salt. Rub in the cold butter until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Press into the prepared baking pan evenly and bake for about 16 minutes until just firm.

Stir together the sugar, 3 TBS flour, and baking powder in a bowl. Stir in the eggs, lemon zest and lemon juice, mixing well.

Remove the pan from the oven and spread with the strawberry jam evenly. Pour the lemon mixture over top and return the pan to the oven. Bake for another 25 to 30 minutes until set. Remove from the oven. Let cool in the pan before removing and cutting into squares. Lightly dust with more icing sugar before serving.

Over in The English Kitchen today there is a delicious Sticky Topped Gingerbread!


  1. Have a lovely day Please give Angie my love....if you rea dthis before they leave again !!
    Going to be nice a bit later here at the moment it is quiye foggy and frosty...I have to go and switch the car on in a min as I have said I will take a friend to Chippenham rail station for teh 8.45 train so will have to leav eher about 8.10ish and car is frozen !!
    love Sybil

  2. What a lovely post, really heartwarming, I need to try this.

    Hope you have a lovely day, I love Llangollen, there is a baker's there who do the best spinach and riccotta rolls. mmmm.



  3. What a wonderful day you all will be having. How nice to have Angie and Keith there with you. Please give them a hug from me too. I'm so wanting to know what you big project is and am anxiously waiting to hear. I do hope your Tuesday is a TERRIFIC one!

  4. Hi, dear Marie! Very cozy post today... and wonderful for this very frosty day...bbbrrr... It's been so cold here too, lots of hard frosts in the morning, so much so it almost looks like snow! Hope you all have a lovely day in Llangollen--very fun! Love the sweet treat today...mmm...just the thing for tea time. ;o) Goodness I read that book back in high school. Maybe time to revisit?! Thinking of you, and hoping you are feeling better, my friend. LOVE YOU LOTS ((BIG HUGS))

  5. Wonderful thoughts in your Day book today, Marie!

    SO glad you're able to have your friends over for a visit--have such a fun day sightseeing!

    I LOVE lemon squares--and filled with jam sounds even better!

    So much love sent your way this VERY chilly morning, my dear you loads!


  6. I am so happy that you and Angie are having such a nice time together. How I wish that I were there with you. .... well, maybe someday I will be. I hope so.

    I have been so busy. I had the cruise reunion pot luck at my home last night. It turned out well even though 3 couples I planned on coming didn't. We had lots of good food and good company. Today I had Stk. RS pres meeting to plan our Christmas program. Then I wrote a talk which I had to give at Pursuit of Excellence tonight at church. I had to be there at 5 to start setting up and stayed after to help clean up. We had a nice dinner and a good turn out. I have hardly had time to breath for 2 days. I am ready for bed tonight.

    I hope that you are almost well by now. You are in my prayers. Have a good week. Hugs, Lura

  7. can't wait to see your new stove!!

  8. We had a terrific time, Keith and I, even though Keith's shoulders and arms were playing up so that we never made it to Llangollen. Next time! Maybe it'll be warmer then too?

    We loved your Family Home Evening and meeting the others. They're a nice bunch.

    And best of all? YOU - TODD - MITZIE!!
    Yes, everyone, we met Mitzie, eat your hearts out! She is gorgeous.


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