
Thursday 11 November 2010

Happy Anniversary to my one true love . . .

The Lake
The beauty of the lake is always changing,
With the light, the weather and the season.
Yet each change holds a splendor all its own,
Each viewing precious for its own reason.
In sunshine, golden stars dance across the water.
Moonlight shines a beacon in the peaceful night.
The wind causes whitecaps to erupt and roll,
While calm brings assorted reflections oflight.
The water has a new costume each day,
Perhaps gray or green, aqua or blue.
Though each view is different, the lake is the lake,
Lovely in its every color, mood and hue.
My thoughts of the lake remind me of you,
My wonderful, loving partner in life.
Through sunny days and stormy times,
We've stayed together as husband and wife.
Your love is my beacon, my star and my light;
All your colors and moods are precious to me.
You make every day an enchanting delight,
And I'll love you for all eternity.
Happy anniversary, sweetheart.
With you at my side, every experience is beautiful!

I've been so ill these past few weeks, that I haven't been able to get out and about to buy my honey a card or anything else. This will have to do. I hope he likes it. He is my one true love, my treasure, the man I waited a whole lifetime to find and who I'll now spend my eternity with, and quite happily so.

He was truly worth the wait!!!


  1. Happy Anniversary!!
    did you go to the Dr??
    hope you feel better soon..this is lingering far too long!! x

  2. What sweet post you have for your dh! Beautiful tribute to the man you love.

    Happy anniversary to both of you.
    I hope you feel better soon.


  3. HAPPY, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY dear Marie & Todd!! 10 year on... and may the love keep ever growing & blooming! Thinking of you both today and sending so much love your way! Happy Day celebrating. Sending you get-well vibes, Marie. ;o) LOVE YOU BOTH LOTS!! ((BIG HUGS

  4. Mt dearest Todd and Marie, with love I wanna whish you a very Happy Anniversary with love, huggs and kisses to you, xoxoxoxoxo gloria

  5. Happy Anniversary xx
    Just shows good things are worth waiting for:)

    Hope you are feelinh better soon Marie, this cough and cold thing really seems to be lingering, I'm in my sixth week of it:(



  6. Congratulations to the both of you! I hope you will be feeling good enough to do something special today! :D

  7. Happy Anniversary! How wonderful that you found each other across all those miles.

  8. That was a lovely poem and I am sure your dear Toddy would just love it but even more...he just loves you xx glad you had a lovely day...sorry I missed the actual day...(like you I have been a bit under the weather these last couple of weeks)

  9. Oh, happy happy anniversary!!! (We celebrated ours this weekend as well - 11/12. I think hubs chose that day to get married so that I couldn't forget the date. ;-))

    Happy anniversary!!!!!!

  10. What a lovely post and poem. Sorry these wishes are so belated, but I'm only just hearing about the anniversary. Happy Belated Anniversary. And I'm hoping that by now you are feeling much, much better.


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