
Thursday 7 October 2010

Thursday Chit Chat . . .

There is a sameness about summer trees . . . when the boughs and boles are covered in heavy green lush foliage . . . and then autumn arrives.

The leaves begin to fall, one by one . . . we begin to see the individual outlines of the trees and mark their different colourings.

In people's gardens there is a glorious blaze of colour . . . maple, cherry, sumach, liquidambar . . . parrotia persica outdoing all of these . . . a glorious dome of gold and crimson leaves.

In the woods . . . the oaks are still green above the brown bracken . . . but the birch tree tosses it's yellow leaves into the wind . . . slim and graceful amongst the solid mass of fruited thorns.

Over yonder is a lane line by beautiful beech trees. They take my breath away. The sun shines down and draws the fire out of every bronzed and coppery leaf. They burn above my head and beneath my feet.

In the garden here the roses are fading, the dahlias are drooping . . . the blooms have disappeared from the petunias and other garden beauties. It looks quite desolate and ruinous . . . but there amongst the decay stand the chrysanthemums, displaying their brilliant blooms! They set the garden ablaze and light up chilly rooms with their loud array of colours, brilliant rich and bright.

Oh I do love the autumn! We are supposedly in for an Indian Summer this weekend. I can't wait! The rain and cold can get one down sometimes. Many thanks for your get well wishes. My chest is a lot looser now and not so much coughing . . . but it has moved into my ears and I find myself completely deaf on the one side and it does hurt. I manage the pain with Paracetamol and Ibuprophen. It works a charm. If I have been slow to visit around your blogs, that would be why. My balance is a bit off kilter and I get a bit dizzy on the computer. Hopefully all will be restored to normal soon!

Mitzie in a rare quiet moment. She is looking more like an
English Cocker with each day that passes.

I thought I had not showed you a picture of our Mitzie in a while. She is such a little dear, and growing by leaps and bounds. She is such a happy dog! When we say to her do you want to go for "walkies", she practically turns herself inside out with excitement! She has taken to it very well. I am so pleased. She sits here next to me in the mornings and snoozes until Todd gets up.

As soon as we hear Todd moving about she sits right up and watches the lounge door in great anticipation, ears pricked and head cocked. Once that door opens she bounds off the sofa to fall at his feet in giddy adoration, ripe for her morning belly rub. Oh it is a sight to warm the heart . . .

I made us a lovely vegetarian curry for our lunch yesterday. It comes from off those recipe cards you can pick up in the grocery store and I’d been eyeballing it for about a week now and wanting to make it. The picture looked delicious and let me just say, I was not disappointed! Of course I made a few changes and so it’s not exactly like the one on the card. I like to think it’s better!

*Cauliflower and Cashew Pilau Rice*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

This delicious rice dish combines several of my favourite flavours. Sweet and tender cauliflower, wonderfully crunchy cashew nuts, aromatic spices and basmati rice all work beautifully together to create a very tasty pilau! You can add a can of chickpeas or a peeled, cubed and deseeded butternut squash instead of the cauliflower if you wish.

1 TBS vegetable oil
1 red onion, peeled and finely chopped
400g basmati rice
1 TBS Korma curry paste
750ml of boiling water
1 TBS vegetable stock powder
1 cauliflower, cut into small florets
50g roasted cashew nuts
A small handful of fresh coriander leaves, roughly chopped (cilantro)
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
4 TBS natural yoghurt, to serve

Heat the oil in a large saucepan and cook the onion for several minutes over medium heat, until softened. Add the rice and curry paste, cooking and stirring until all the grains of rice are coated.
Tip in the boiling water, the stock powder and the cauliflower florets. Bring back to the boil, then cover the pan and reduce the heat. Allow to simmer gently for 13 to 15 minutes, until the rice is tender and all the liquid has been absorbed.

Stir in the cashew nuts and coriander leaves. Season to taste. Divide between four heated places and serve with a dollop of yoghurt!

Sultana and Oat Squares, in The English Kitchen today.


  1. Lovely morning here Marie. One of mellow mists....the autumn colours are all sowing now over on the Rec. it is looking lovely....if only it were not getting so near winter...I am NOT a winter person...what a great photo os Mitzie that is. She is growing into a lovely girl. Are you taking her to the vet ? or is she one day going to have puppies?..
    Have a good day rest plenty please.
    Sorry I would not hav enejoyed todays rescipe !! cauliflower and curry...two of my no no's LOL
    Love Sybil xx

  2. Mitzi is so cute! I just can't get enough of her. Glad you are on the mend and hope the ear problem clears up quickly. Being dizzy and half deaf are no fun.

  3. We are to have some lovely days for the weekend too. I don't mind fall when its a little warmer and sunny but I have to use some positive thinking strategies on the gloomy wet cold days. I just love your little bundle of joy. She must keep you smiling a lot. I hope your Thursday is a great one!

  4. Mitzie--hello sweet little love! Oh, she's such a beauty, Marie! And autumn glory...*sigh*... The trees area going all golden here at the moment. If the pouring rain would stop, I could get out and take some photos! ;o) LOVE today's recipe...YUM! I've not made a proper curry for a few weeks now, must do. This inspires. Hoping very much you are feeling better, dear friend... Be taking good care, rest... LOVE YOU LOTS ((BIG HUGS))

  5. Hi Marie! Oh I have missed your blog and haven't read any, in spite of my intentions a few days ago to get by. Yours was #1 on my list. So sorry to hear you have been ill. But sounds like it is getting better. Sounds like you need a good decongestant to get rid of that ear problem causing the dizziness.

    I must agree with you, Vermont just may be the most beautiful place on earth. We visited the birth palce of Joseph Smith today. Oh my, it was gorgeous and a beautiful experience, bringing tears of gratitude. I would love to serve a mission there.

    Running off to find dinner now, sending my love your way...Bon


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