
Tuesday 5 October 2010

The Simple Woman's Day book

FOR TODAY, October 5th, 2010...

Outside My Window...

It is dark and cold, and whilst it is not raining, it looks wet out there. We had a gorgeous day yesterday. The sky was a brilliant blue, which was nice to see!

I am thinking...
Doors may close . . . but windows open, letting in the sun. God never leaves us to sit in the dark alone. He has given the power to each of us to look with eyes of hope towards a brighter view and I am grateful for that.

I am thankful for...
The many inspired talks that Todd and I got to listen to at the weekend. Yesterday we were able to catch up with the ones that we had missed due to technical difficulties and I was so glad that we were. How very wonderful they were! Just the things we needed to hear. There seemed to be a general theme running through all of the talks . . . we must listen to the Prophet's voice carefully and then be prepared to act on what we hear. President Monson spoke on cultivating an attitude of Gratitude. Oh how I love to hear him speak. As I listened to him, my hand held in Todd's . . . I felt as if his words were just for me. Todd and I have experienced a lot of losses in this past year, but we still have the things in life that are the most important . . . our love for each other, our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, our health, our families, our friends . . . everything else is just the icing on the cake.

From the kitchen...
Not a lot. I've not been feeling really well, or sleeping well, and so haven't had a lot of energy to rattle my pots and pans. Hopefully this cold or gripe or whatever it is will soon move along!

I am wearing...
Pink and Grey jim jams. and my trusty blue robe. Comfortable and warm. I did get dressed yesterday, but the way I feel now I may just go back to bed . . .

I am creating...

I am still doing my cards and have a few new designs ready to put my paints to. I really do enjoy this being able to create . . .turning my little daydreams and musings into reality. I need to make a new doll . . . my fingers are itching to ply my needle and thread . . .

I am going...
I have no plans to go anywhere or do anything this week, thank goodness! I was going to go into the city this morning to pay the rent, but I think I will send Todd on his own to do it. Me, I am just going to stay home here with Mitzie and rest.

I am reading...

The Miracle of Forgiveness, by Spencer W Kimball

During his earthly ministry, Jesus performed many miracles, including healing numerous diseased and disabled bodies. But perhaps his greatest miracle was the healing of people's souls — the forgiveness of sin.

Jesus offers us that same miracle on the same terms — sincere repentance. In The Miracle of Forgiveness, President Spencer W. Kimball gives a penetrating explanation of repentance and forgiveness and clarifies their implications.

His in-depth approach shows that the need for forgiveness is universal; portrays the various facets of repentance; and emphasizes some of the more serous errors, particularly sexual ones, which afflict both modern society and Church members. Most important, he illuminates his message with the brightness of hope that even those who have gone grievously astray may find the way back to peace and security.

This is not the first time I have read this . . . nor will it be the last. It has helped me to gain a better understanding of forgiveness and the miracle that it truly is. It has helped to strengthen my testimony. There are a lot of books out there on forgiveness, but this one is the BEST! Easy to read, direct and . . . inspired.

I am hoping...
That I start feeling better soon! This is getting to be a real drag!!

I am hearing...
Clock ticking, keys tapping . . . music playing softly on the stereo. Life is good.

Around the house...
I can't be asked! 'Nuff said!

One of my favorite things...
is cuddling Mitzie, although a lot of the time she just ain't havin it! It is lovely though when she is in a quiet mood and lets me snuggle and snuffle her.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
Not a lot really . . . just resting and getting better.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

I just love blue and white china. I think it's so very beautiful. Oh how I would love to have a collection like the one in this picture, but alas, I know I never will. I am grateful for the picture though and just looking at it brings a smile to my face! ☺

And just as a closing thought for today . . .

If you want the rainbow, you've got to put up with the rain!
~Dolly Parten

You just can't help loving Dolly can you . . .

And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!)

Here's a recipe from the archives on my old AOL journal. My mom always made this for us when we weren't feeling well. I can remember that first winter after my marriage broke up. I was living on my own in a rented room and I had a terrible cold, perhaps even the flu. My mother brought me over a nice big container of this soup. Just the thought of that day brings a smile to my face. I think it was then that I knew that everything would be ok, and that no matter what, my mommy loved me . . . and always would.

*Chicken with Rice Soup*
Makes about 6 servings
Printable Recipe

There is nothing nicer on a cold and windy day than a lovely pot of hot soup. I save all my chicken carcasses (that’s what’s leftover after you have eaten all that you are going to eat off of a roast chicken) in bags in the freezer, and then, whenever I want a nice pot of soup, I just haul one out and within an hour or two I have a lovely meal, fit for a king, and very good for you as well. They don’t call this Jewish Penicillin for nothing!

Leftover bones from a roast chicken, hopefully with some meat still
Clinging to them
(If it’s not real meaty you can throw in a small package of chicken wings)
1 large carrot peeled and cut in half
1 medium onion, peeled and cut in half
1 celery stock, complete with the leaves
A bay leaf
A few pepper corns
Several sprigs of fresh thyme
2 tsp salt

To finish:
1 carrot, peeled and grated
1 parsnip, peeled and grated
1 piece of swede, (rutabaga)peeled and grated
½ cup long grain rice
Frozen peas and corn as desired
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
a small handfull of fresh flat leaf parsley, chopped finely

Put the bones from the chicken and the wings into a large saucepan and cover with cold water until they are submerged. Add the carrot, onion, celery, bay leaf, peppercorns, thyme and salt. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat, cover and let simmer for at least an hour and a half. At the end of that time you should have a well flavoured stock.

Strain the stock through a colander into another large pot, and cool the bones. Add the grated vegetables to the strained stock and place over the heat again and bring it once again to the boil. Add the rice. Reduce the heat and let simmer until all is tender and the rice is cooked. Pick any meat you can find off of the reserved bones and add them to the soup, along with the chopped parsley. Taste and adjust the seasoning as needed. Serve hot with crackers or bread. Enjoy!

This freezes very well.

And in The English Kitchen today, a delicious Apple Crumble with Maple, Oats and Walnuts!

Thanks everyone for all your get well thoughts and prayers! They mean the world to me!


  1. My first comment has gone !! wonder where these last messages go!!
    Was just saying to take care of yourself this week my dear Marie, You have had a very hard year this year and leaving your lovely cottage and your ever faithful dog was really a bit like a bereavment and it takes some time to get through that, and although you have your nice new house it will take some time for it to be "yours" (I am sure you know what I mean)
    take care dear friend, fingers crossed this "goes" this time
    love Sybil x

  2. Oh you warm my heart Marie.
    Get better soon.



    PS. I have that Dolly Parton quote on my fridge:)

  3. Hope you feel better soon, my friend. My favorite Dolly quote is, "Find out who you are and do it on purpose." Gotta love Dolly! Take care!

  4. Just be resting, Marie... take the week to slow down, rest and get to feeling better. You soup is just the thing for being under the weather--yum. ;o) LOVE that quote by Dolly Parton--she's got some wisdom, doesn't she?! Be well, be happy, my friend... LOVE YOU LOTS!! OXOXO ((BIG HUGS))

  5. Dear Marie..

    I agree with Sybil. You have had a busy year and lots of changes too. This weather can't be helping any either. Rain ..rain..and more rain! Bah! Humbug!
    Just cosset yourself and take as long as you need to get better. We all need a little bit of TLC sometimes.
    Hope you manage to get a bit of needlework done. I have taken up my pencil in the hope of eventually using my watercolours.
    Must be the time of year.
    Take care angel....and stay warm.
    Jeanie xx

  6. I was just thinking you need some good chicken soup and there you put the recipe on your post. Hope you get some and also that you are well soon. Your body needs the rest so it is best you just stay in and take care. LOLAH!

  7. The food looks so great and I love that book! Love the china and all your good thoughts...have a great day! :D

  8. Along with the others, I think your present low state is your reaction to all the bad things that have happened this year. It's the 'still small voice' speaking to you. Listen.

    We all love you very much

  9. Oh my gosh; I love the recipes today. It is the perfect fall and or don't feel good recipes. I loved the picture of the Blue China; I love that kind of China too.
    I do hope you get to feeling better.
    Conference was the best. I too loved the thoughts by our Prophet on Gratitude. Also, I love the message by Elder Bednar on the Spirit in our lives. I so believe that we need that spirit in our lives.
    Please get feeling better; I am sending my prayers and hugs to you today.


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!