
Saturday 30 October 2010

The Parable of the Redwood Tree

I read a story the other day about a tree. It was not just any tree . . . it was a giant redwood tree! ( My friend Jo has been to California and seen these redwood trees. They are absolutely HUGE. If you ever want to feel really small, just go see those trees!)

This particular giant redwood nad stood, proudly aloof, for over 400 years. Rain and wind had beat upon it's bark. Periods of drought had dried up it's sap. It was said that it had been struck by lightening at least a dozen times. Rumour had it that even a powerful earthquake had failed to dislodge it. One day though, not so long ago, that redwood tree crashed to the ground without warning, making some thunder of it's own.

What could have caused something as majestic as this tree to suddenly just keel over??? The simple answer is that somewhere below it's bark, some tiny beetles had riddled the timber, thus accomplishing in secret what tempest, drought, lightening storms and earthquakes had failed to do in over 4 hundred years.

One could apply this parable, which I am calling the Parable of the Redwood tree, to our own lives. Satan, the great deceiver, would have us believe that little lies and dishonesties . . . small ways in which we are tempted to do or to give less than our best . . . that they are unimportant and of no report . . .

The sad truth is, they gather and collect beneath our skin, deep in our hearts, and they can bring us down like that mighty redwood tree, in a thunderous thump . . . without warning.

We must all beware the little beetles that would riddle our timbers and bring us down.

And that's what I have to share with you today!

Todd is off to spend the day in the Temple today with our friends Audrey and Peter. We can't both go at the same time at the moment, because of little Mitzie. She can't be left alone for that long yet, so we have to go at different times. I have a Sunday School lesson and a sharing time to work on anyways!

This muffin recipe is one that I have had in my big blue binder for a very long time. These are rich and moist and chock full of sweet apple, and with that crunchy sweet and lightly spiced topping they are real pleasers!

*Norsk Apple Muffins*
Makes 12 large or about 5 jumbo!
Printable Recipe

This recipe is one I have had in my big blue binder for a very long time. So long, that I can no longer remember where it came from. You will love the delicate hint of cinnamon and lemon and the moistness from the apples, not to mention the golden crunch of toasted almonds and cinnamony sugar on top!

1 ½ cups plain flour
1 ½ tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
½ tsp ground cinnamon
¾ cup sugar
1/3 cup butter, softened
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
The finely grated zest of one lemon
1 medium apple, cored, peeled and finely chopped (1 cup)
For The Topping:
¼ cup Demerara sugar
¼ cup toasted flaked almonds
½ tsp of cinnamon

Pre-heat the oven to 190*C/375*F/gas mark 5. Grease a muffin tin, or line it with paper liners, and set it aside.

Cream the butter and sugar in a large mixing bowl until light and creamy. Beat in the eggs and the lemon zest. Continue to beat until well incorporated.

Whisk the flour, baking powder, salt and cinnamon in another bowl and then stir it into the creamed mixture just until moistened. Gently fold in the chopped apple.

Spoon into the prepared pan, dividing it evenly amongst the cups. Sprinkle the sugar and almonds evenly on top of each muffin and dust each with some cinnamon.

Bake for 18 to 22 minutes or until lightly browned. Remove from the oven and let stand for 5 minutes before removing from the pans to a wire rack to finish cooling.

In The English Kitchen today, there's Chunky Marmalade Muffins! I guess it's a muffin type of day!


  1. A great story! And I loved the recipes too! Have a good weekend there :D

  2. great parable!! loved it. very true! i have never seen a redwood in real life but hope to someday. how amazing and majestic they look! and HUGE!

    hope you enjoyed your time at the temple! xoxo


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