
Friday 15 October 2010

Sunny day this and that . . .

We've had a particularly lovely week weatherwise, these past few days. It's been sunny, although a bit cooler . . . but . . . one can almost forgive anything, even colder weather, when the sun is shining.

When the weather is bad though, it can get us all a bit down. It is quite natural to feel sad when the clouds are dark and the rain is pouring down . . . it sometimes seems to happen far too often over here . . .

I found a quote by William Arthur Ward which said . . . "A cloudy day is no match for a cheerful disposition." . . . How very true that is. A cheerful friend or associate with a positive outlook can help to brighten any day!

I am reading the complete Winnie the Pooh at the moment. Can you believe I had never read Winnie the Pooh?? I know! What a sheltered life! Eeyore can be a little bit gloom and doom, but in a very loveable way. He surprised me last night . . . there was a little bit of cheer there, despite the weather . . .

"Hello, Eeyore," said Christopher Robin, as he opened the door and came out. "How are you?"
"It's snowing still, " said Eeyore, gloomily.
"So it is."
"And freezing."
"Is it?"
"Yes," said Eeyore. "However," he said, brightening up a little, "we haven't had an earthquake lately."

The next time I am tempted to feel down because of the weather, I think I will remind myself of that little piece of Eeyore's positivity and remember that we haven't had an earthquake lately!

We are off to take Mitzie for her first grooming session today. They are free until she is about 8 months old. The breeder we got her from provides free grooming sessions for all her pups. She likes to catch up with them and see how they are doing a few months down the road. We thought we might as well take advantage of the free service. I can't imagine that they will be doing much, probably just a bath and blow dry, perhaps a trim of the nails. It will be interesting to see how she does, if her daily brushing is any indication! She seems to see the brush as something to attack and chew! It's mostly an exercise in futility!

I did another little card yesterday. I wanted to do something for my mom. She loves ginger cats and I am hoping she will love this. You can see it in it's entireity over on The Artful Heart.

Yesterday I made potato pancakes. My, but they were delicious!! It had been a long time since I had made them. I can remember as a young girl my best friend’s mother always made potato pancakes for supper on Sunday evenings. They sounded both exotic and delicious to me. I would peddle my bicycle over there as quickly as I could after my own supper, in hopes that they would still be having theirs, and that her mother would take pity on me and invite me in to share their tasty repast with them! Anyways, I have the best recipe in the world for them and am sharing it with you this morning . . . these, if possible, are even better than hers, and, you don’t have to peddle a bike anywhere to get them!

*Potato Pancakes*
Makes about 10
Printable Recipe

These are easy to make and so delicious! You can tell from the grease splattered piece of paper I’ve got it written down on that it’s a winner, but don’t take my word for it. Try them for yourself! We like to have them with applesauce and sour cream, with a few chives sprinkled on top . . . but you can have them with whatever strikes your fancy. They go good with everything and anything!

2 to 3 cups raw potato, peeled and finely grated
2 eggs, well beaten
1 tsp salt
2 TBS plain flour
2 TBS grated onion
Sunflower oil for frying

Grate your potatoes and squeeze as much liquid from them as you can, working quickly so that the potatoes don’t turn brown. Put into a bowl along with the remaining ingredients, mixing well.

Heat a skillet to medium hot, and grease well with some oil.I add about 3 TBS and swirl it around.

Once the oil is hot, drop the batter by tablespoonsful onto the hot skillet. Press with the back of the spoon to flatten a bit. Fry for about 3 minutes on each side until browned. Place in a low oven to keep warm while you fry the rest.

Serve hot with applesauce and sour cream. Delicious!

Baking in The English Kitchen today, some delicious Gooey Double Chocolate and Cherry Cookies


  1. I'm so glad you've found the Winnie the Pooh stories. I know they are supposed to be for children but they do offer a lot of wisdom for all of us. I am very affected by the short and cloudy days that are coming. Winter seems to go on forever here. It seems we really have 2 seasons...we get about 6 months of nice weather and 6 months of nasty weather. Your potato pancakes look wonderful. I do love them too! I hope your Friday is a fantastic one! Have fun with the grooming!

  2. Never read Winnie the Pooh?! So glad you are now--everyone must! ;o) I've always treasured those stories. And I still read the collected stories sometimes for fun. Good luck with Mitzie to the groomers--so nice the breeder provides a grooming service too. LOVE your new illustration--look at all those kittens she has... very cute! Hope you, Todd & Mitzie have a wonderful weekend ahead. I will be offline much of the weekend as we do last bit of garden clean up, errands, and I have projects in progress... so cramming it all in! Talk to you soon, dear friend--LOVE YOU HEAPS!! ((BIG HUGS))

  3. Those potato cakes are so pretty all lined up! As always thanks for the inspiration!


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