
Monday 25 October 2010

Monday morning prose . . .

High above the fallow fields a lone lark hovers . . . scattering June's melody across bare brown earth . . .

earth that seems to melt in the frost and bring back memories of sunny shining hours . . .

hours when days were warm . . . and bright . . . and long.

Though the sky be grey and dismal . . . there floats an echo of summer song.

Blue smoke curls thickly from the cottage chimney's which line the lane . . . my heart fights the truth . . . wintertide cannot . . . must not be nigh . . .

a keen wind sweeps the pastures . . .

Trees stand gaunt . . .

stark sentinels against a darkening sky . . .

but still I hear the song of summer . . .

in the music of the lark . . .

I was feeling all nostalgic yesterday afternoon, and so I made Todd some sweet and sour meatballs for his tea. Meatballs are kind of hard to photograph so it’s not the best picture in the world, but they sure were delicious! This is my ex Mother In Law's recipe for sweet and sour sauce. I use it for lots of different things . . . spare ribs, chicken . . . and these delicious meatballs!

*Sweet and Sour Meatballs*
Serves 4 to 6
Printable Recipe

I always keep a bag of meatballs in my freezer ready to make into this delicious favourite or Swedish meatballs. You can have it on the table in less than half an hour. Really tasty with steamed rice and a green vegetable.

2 dozen meatballs (either from your own favourite recipe or good commercially prepared ones)
1 cup brown sugar
¼ cup cider vinegar
1 TBS tomato catsup
2 TBS plain flour
2 TBS soy sauce

Pre-heat the oven to 180*C/350*F gas mark 5.

Blend the flour and the brown sugar in a small sauce pan. Add the vinegar, catsup and soy sauce and blend well. Cook and stir over medium heat until it comes toa boil and thickens somewhat. This will take about five minutes.

Put the meatballs into a 1 ½ litre casserole dish. Pour the sauce over top and give it a stir. Cover and bake in the heated oven for about 20 minutes until the meatballs are all coated in the sauce and have absorbed some of it. I always remove the lid for the last five minutes or so. Serve hot with rice on the side.

In The English Kitchen today . . . Bakewell Scones!


  1. Those meatballs look delicious! As do the scones. :) how do you come up with so many recipes Marie? Impressive!

  2. Such a lovely way to start the week, Marie... LOVING all these gorgeous photos today too! My hubby would love these meatballs. And I HAVE to go see about those Bakewell Scones. Making Jerusalem artichoke soup today--we harvested the chokes at the weekend. :o) Happy Days dear friend, let me know when you have some time to chat. LOVE YOU LOTS ((BIG HUGS))

  3. I like meatballs too - very versatile.
    I'm going to try this sauce on some grilled chicken and ribbon pasta this afternoon

  4. That sounds really good Marie - I was trying to think of something for our supper and those would be perfect. blessings, marlene

  5. Thanks for your sweet visit. We love meatballs too. I had to stop buying the bags to keep in the fridge though - they were too tempting for snacking for my husband -- Now I just buy them the very day I'm going to use them!

  6. i LOOOOVE sweet & sour anything!

  7. Hello Hello Hello.....
    I am so happy to come back and visit you again. I have missed you my friend... so much.
    We have had several cool rainy days here this week. I love it because rain in so rare here but I can see that it would get old if it went on and on. We don't usually get much winter weather but a little would be nice.

    I am catching up on reading your past posts. I love the last one. I too resist change but it is usually for the better as you have said. We do grow from change. Thanks for the salmon loaf recipe you posted yesterday. John loves salmon loaf and I will have to try it.
    I am glad to have a computer again. I send love, Lura


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