
Sunday 17 October 2010

Marie's Sunday Six

Welcome to my Sunday Smilemakers post for today, October 17th, 2010. Dwelling on the good things in your life is good medicine I think. I try to do it daily, but it is also nice to take some time once a week and pick out some of the smiliest things! Sundays are days that make me smile anyways. I get to go to church and renew my covenants with the Lord and my Heavenly Father. I get to see my church friends, most of whom I haven't seen since last Sunday. I get to call my mom, which I love doing. I wish I could call her every day! It's just a smiley day all round, and sharing my special smile makers with you in the morning helps to get it off to a great start!

It may only be the middle of October but Mince Pies are already making me smile. I love the ones you get at Aldi, the cheap store. They are the best and fruitiest. I wish you North American's could taste them. They are guaranteed to make even the strongest mince pie hater turn into a mince pie lover. I should know! I grew up hating mince pies and now I adore them! Aldi's are the best. Did you know that they beat out even the Harrod's ones in tastes tests??? It's true! They make me smile and will be making me smile well into December!

YOU make me smile. Yes, all of you, my faithful blog readers and friends. You lift me up with your comments and I appreciate each and every one of you. I really wondered yesterday after I wrote what I did if it had been the right thing to do or not . . . your comments really made me feel a lot better about things and I am glad that I shared my thoughts with you. Thank you all so much for your kind and loving comments.

This little lady makes me smile each and every day of my life. She is such a little treasure, even when she is being naughty. I know she doesn't mean to be naughty, it's just the puppy in her. I love how she greets me with her joyful exuberance when I come into the room . . . even when I've only just left it five minutes before! She makes you feel as if you are the most important person in the world! When I see her running around in the back garden, enjoying and sniffing . . . watching her turn around in circles when I have her dinner ready . . . watching her sleep all curled up next to me here on the sofa . . . her puppy kisses, all open mouthed and more like a nibble . . . the way she gets pleasure out of an old cardboard box . . . there is nothing she does that doesn't bring a huge smile to my face and warmth into my heart.

He can't dance and he can't really sing, but Wagner from the X-Factor makes me smile! He is always so happy and you can tell he is really enjoying his experience up there in front of the X Factor audience. He probably knows his time on the show is numbered as there are some very talented people on the show this year, but he is enjoying this experience for what it is, and I am enjoying him! He seems like somewhat of an aging Lothario in some ways . . . charming and compelling . . . kinda like my dad I guess! You just can't help loving him! (To you Americans out there the X-Factor is the British version of American Idol.) Even Simon Cowell seems to be enjoying him!

I just adore the music of Mindy Gledhill. This is the song that has been making me smile this week! Whenever I hear it I smile. It has a childish melody, but the words are so profound. It makes me think of my Todd. He is my everything and my world . . . my anchor, just like she is singing about in this song. It also makes me think of the Saviour, He and the Gospel are my anchors as well. I could listen to this song all day. It makes me smile in a very big way! I want a pair of those fairy wings. I would wear them all day if I had some! That would make me smile too!

I've been going to bed with this fella all week and he makes me smile to no end! Yes, I've been reading the complete works of Winnie the Pooh before I go to sleep each night. I was able to get the book really cheap and have been devouring it. For a bear that professes to be not so smart he sure comes up with some pretty wise things! I just love him to bits!

What has made you smile this week? I would love to hear about it! Come on, don't be shy . . . Share!!

I made these delicious scones yesterday afternoon. They smelled heavenly when they were baking and came out of the oven looking like luscious little pillows!

*Maple Sugar Scones*
Makes 8
Printable Recipe

These smelled so wonderful when they were baking I could hardly wait to tuck in! Fresh out of the oven they were moist and cake-like, with a distinctly sweet maple flavour. Over-night they have become more crumbly and scone-like and the maple flavour seems even more pronounced. I think I shall have one for breakfast ...split, toasted and spread with butter and jam . . .

3 cups plain flour
2/3 cup granulated maple sugar (you can substitute soft light brown sugar, firmly packed)
4 ounces cold butter, cut into pieces
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
½ tsp salt
½ cup chopped, toasted pecan nuts (optional)
2/3 cup buttermilk
2 TBS pure maple syrup
1 large egg
2 TBS pure maple syrup
2 tsp granulated maple sugar (Again you may substitute soft light brown sugar, firmly packed)

Pre-heat the oven to 200*C/400*F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.

Whisk the flour, maple sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt together in a large bowl. Using a pastry blender or two round bladed knifes, cut the butter into the flour mixture until it resembles coarse crumbs, making sure the butter pieces are no larger than peas. (You can do this in a food processor as well, pulsing only until the butter is incorporated properly and dumping the mixture into a bowl afterwards). If using nuts, add them now.

Using a fork, beat together the buttermilk, egg and maple syrup. Drizzle over the flour mixture and toss with a fork until it comes together in moist clumps. Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and gently knead for a few minutes to combine. Shape it into a 7 inch circle. Using a floured knife cut this into 8 equal wedges. Place each wedge on the prepared baking sheet. Brush the tops of each liberally with the maple syrup and dust evenly with the maple sugar.

Place the tray on a rack in the middle of your pre-heated oven and bake for 18 to 25 minutes, until puffed and golden brown. Place the pan on a wire rack and let cool for about 15 minutes before removing from the pan with a spatula to another rack to finish cooling. Serve warm or at room temperature with lashings of butter. Store in an airtight container for up to 4 days. (These freeze beautifully).

Over in The English Kitchen today you will find a delicious Roly Poly Bread and Butter Pudding!


  1. I always love reading your SMILES. Sometimes I think we just don't smile enough but when you think about it there are really thousands of reasons to do so. I hope your Sunday is a wonderful one!

  2. Well, I've decided that since I DO read you EVERY day and have been for at least a 2-3 years now, that I should start posting and telling you just how much your blog means to me on a daily basis. This can't be more than maybe the fourth or fifth time I've commented, but I want you to know that what you post is so inspiring to me. With so much stress on us for the last 2 years, I often begin your posts with a heavy heart and end with a much lighter one. You inspire me to keep the faith when I think I have nothing left and have me fascinated with the positive ways of the Mormon religion. My background is German and my dream has always been to cross the ocean and visit my relatives there and see England(the other half of my heritage). Its at the top of my "bucket list". At any rate, keep up what you're doing and take care! You're in my prayers. :)

  3. What lovely smilemakers, my friend! I love the classics...but do you know...I've never read Winnie the Pooh! I've read the simple children's versions to my children, but never the original--what a good idea!

    Those scones look divine--I'll have to try them!

    Just saw your post--can't wait to hear your good news!

    So much love sent your way this beautiful Sabbath day, dear friend...


  4. My best smile this week (or does today start a new week?) was Keith coming home from his first visit to the wood turning group. In the 40 years I've known him I never saw him so GLOWING about something new. AND he won a prize in the raffle - a set of screwdrivers, Do you know, we met on 17 Oct 1970 so that's 40 years today - so there's 2 smiles and all on one day

  5. I always enjoy reading your smile makers! These scones sound terrific. You have come up with another winner.

  6. I wonder if our cheap Aldis over here is the same as your Aldis over there. I love mince pie. Will have to check it out.


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!