
Thursday 9 September 2010

Thursday thoughts . . .

No atom of the cosmic dust of space
Is hidden from the glory of God's face,
Yet He who holds the sun and moon apart
can make His dwelling in the human heart . . .
I cannot hide from those unclosing eyes.
I feel His presence when I sleep or rise,
He is within, beyond, above, below.
What is this love that will not let me go?
~Patience Strong

I need those words this morning. They help to remind me that no matter the task I have at hand . . . no matter how bumpy the road is that rises up to meet me . . . I am loved and He carries me in His hand. I am not alone . . . never alone.

For my friend Holly, who has not been able to bring home her baby boy yet . . .

For my friend Lura, who has a grandson leaving on his mission today . . .

For my friend Tatiana, whose partner has just lost his job . . .

For any and all of you who are hurting, or grieving, or afraid, or saddened . . . with problems that may seem unsurmountable, with steep hills waiting to be climbed . . . with losses that may seem too great to bear . . .

A small reminder that day always follows the night . . . and sunshine the rain. There is one who has walked this road before us, and who will help to guide us through and along the paths we have yet to tread. What a comforting thought.

My God hath been my support; he hath led me through mine
afflictions in the wilderness; and he hath preserved me upon the
waters of the great deep. He hath filled me with his love, even unto the consuming of
my flesh.
~2 Nephi 4:20-21

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, said the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
~Jeremiah 29:11

My thoughts this morning. Thank you for the love.

I made another little teacup pin cushion yesterday. I have been wanting to make a patriotic one for several weeks now and I finally got around to it. What do you think? It's in my Etsy shop now.

I cooked Todd a potroast for his birthday supper the other night. This is the way I have been cooking pot roast for years. It's easy and simple and, well . . . quite tasty.

*Marie's Pot Roast*
Sreves 4 to 6
Printable Recipe

Nothing could be tastier or easier. This is the way I have been doing this for years. It cooks itself and pleases everyone.

1 4-5 pound beef pot roast (round, blade, or chuck, preferably boneless)
1 envelope of dry onion soup mix
1 tsp dried thyme leaves
1/2 tsp garlic salt
2 cups apple juice
5 to 6 carrots, peeled and cut into chunks
3 - 4 parsnips, peeled and cut into chunks
1/2 medium swede (rutabaga) peeled and cut into chunks
salt and black pepper to taste

For the gravy:
several TBS of plain flour shaken in a jar with some water to make a smooth paste

Preheat the oven to 160*C/325*F/ gas mark 3. Place the meat into a roaster. Place the prepared vegetables all around it. Sprinkle with the onion soup mix. Season with the thyme, garlic salt and salt and black pepper to taste. Pour the apple juice in. Cover tightly with tinfoil and then the lid to the roaster. Place in the heated oven and roast for several hours until the vegetables are done and the meat is fork tender. Take the meat and vegetables out and keep warm under cover. Whisk the flour into the juices and cook, stirring constantly, over medium heat until the juices thicken and make a gravy. I sometimes mash a bit of the vegetables into this as well to give the gravy even more flavour.

Serve the meat sliced on heated plates along with some of the vegetables, some mashed potatoes on the side and pass the gravy!

And in The English Kitchen today, a delicious Baked Corned Beef Hash.


  1. Happy Thursday Marie. I hope you have a wonderful day. Your patriotic pincushion is so cute. And your pot roast looks delicious!


  2. Hi, Dear Marie! LOVE these messages of LOVE here today! That is such a sweet pincushion--you make them up so pretty! Gosh, but your pot roast reminds me a lot of my Mom's--she made a great beef pot roast. This has me going all nostalgic--even though I don't eat mean anymore... LOL! Hope you've been having a good week, my friend. I'm a bit behind on visiting and being online. I've got a nasty cold stopped me in my tracks this week. First Hubby was sick, now I've got it. This was supposed to be a break week for me, but not quite what I had in mind... LOL! So I've not been at the 'puter much. So sorry if I've been missing you for a chat. We MUST catch up this weeken! :o) Miss you... LOVE YOU LOTS ((BIG HUGS))

  3. Adorable pincushion, you're very talented. Lovely words to start my day too. Love Lucie xx

  4. What a lovely post to read at the end of my day. Thank you.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Boy I did need this one today. So many people in our ward and stake are suffering right now. Being in the RS Presidency you just know too much sometimes. Prayer is the best way to find the comfort we need and offer the real support that people need.

    I just hate it when people say, "All we can do is pray!" It is not all we can do, it is the best we can do. Loved the video and the dinner looks great!

  7. P.S. The little pin cushion is darling!

  8. Marie, we must be on the same wave length. I loved your post and as always lifted my needy soul today.
    Of course your recipes made me hungry; I always like that. It is so fun to read your blog; thanks for sharing and blessings and hugs to you today. LeAnn

  9. Thank you dear for thinking of me in your post. You are a dear. This is a beautiful post as always.
    I love you, Lura


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