
Tuesday 7 September 2010

The Simple Woman's Day book

FOR TODAY, September 7th, 2010...

Outside My Window...

It is light outside. It rained quite heavily through the night, but that seems to have cleared now. Here's hoping it is a nice day today! Hope does spring eternal!

I am thinking...
About the wonderful time we had at the Lee's last night at our Scripture Study/Family Home Evening. There are six of us that get together each Monday evening. It is nice to be able to fellowship with each other and to study the scriptures together. Last night we also watched an interesting little film about a young man, Helmuth Hubener, who had formed a small resistance group against the Germans in WW2. You can read more about him here. I had never heard of this brave young man and we all really enjoyed this film. I do hope you'll take a look at the link.

I am thankful for...
The love of good friends and family. They all mean the world to me.

From the kitchen...
There are some of those dangerous Double Chocolate Chunk Blondies. Oh my but they are tooooo good!

I am wearing...
Pink and white check pajamas and my robe. I will soon have to pack all my summer pj's away. The nights are getting decidedly cooler! I'm happy for that!

I am creating...

I painted another painting yesterday. I am really happy with how she turned out.
You can go and see her in all of her splendour here. It's called 'Nobody Can Be Uncheered With a Balloon.'

I also made a china teacup and saucer pin cushion the other day. You can see it in more detail in my Etsy Shop. I think it turned out quite lovely.

I am going...
I have my Primary Presidency meeting tomorrow night and then on Saturday we are having a Ward Activity. A Hoedown! It should be fun! I haven't been to a hoedown in years. I am supposed to bring a slow cooker entree with me, so I think I'll do a Cabbage Roll Casserole in the slowcooker. Everyone always loves that.

I am reading...

Eat Pray Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert

American writer Elizabeth Gilbert begins her memoir, Eat Pray Love with a vivid description of her crying alone on the bathroom floor. She is married to the wrong man (who is asleep next door in their bedroom), has found herself on the repressive suburban baby track and is living a seemingly perfect life that she doesn’t want.

With that image of a terribly private moment, the author captured the attention of a huge female book-buying audience. I think we can all relate, and have been there at one time or another. Gilbert, a journalist and author based in New York, is 34 at the time the book is set.

As her crisis plays out, she appeals to God (“It was all I could do to stop myself from saying, 'I’ve always been a big fan of your work’,” she writes), divorces her husband, has a doomed affair and leaves for a year of self-discovery and healing. “I wanted to explore the art of pleasure in Italy, the art of devotion in India and, in Indonesia, the art of balancing the two,” she writes. All in all, a very good read!

I am hoping...
Today is Todd's Birthday. It is hard to believe that he is turning 72 today. I hope that I can give him the best day ever. It is also the anniversary of our having met in person for the first time! Our lives both changed forever and for the better on that day!

I am hearing...
Clock ticking, keys tapping . . . Mitzie snuffling next to me here on the sofa. Classical FM is on the telly, playing softly in the background. Life is good

Around the house...
I am sure that there is an unwritten law somewhere that says . . . "The ironing you will always have with you." Not that I mind. I love ironing. It's that mindless kind of chore that gives you some thinking time . . . some dreaming time . . . some meditation time. It's all good.

One of my favorite things...
Is creating. A cake . . . a crafty project . . . a painting . . . some words . . . I love it all. It has ever been so. I used to draw out and colour my own game boards and clothes for my paper dolls when I was a girl. I also loved writing poems and stories. I wish I still had some of them . . .

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
A little this . . . a little that! The weeks seem to fly by so quickly. Is it just me, or is it like that for everyone???

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Somebody wants us to play!! What a dynamic little lady this is! She has such a delightful personality. The other day Todd came in from having been out and he didn't give her a belly rub right away or pay much attention to her. She stood in front of him and gave him what for in a very strong telling off! She then slumped down in front of him with her head between her paws, with a big sniff and it was just like she was pouting! She is a treasure!

And just as a closing thought for today . . .

I never see any home cooking. All I get is fancy stuff!
~Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburg (some people are never happy!!)

And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!)

Here's a delicious salad that is food for the eyes as well as the tummy. I just love avocado. I also love bacon and tomatoes. Put the three together, and well . . . I'm in heaven!

*Avocado, Bacon and Tomato Salad*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

You will want to keep your vegetables fairly chunky in this for the best presentation. It has lovely flavours, colours and textures. Try to let it sit for at least an hour before eating, preferably two. This really helpt the flavours to fully develop.

6 slices of smoked streaky bacon
2 TBS extra virgin olive oil
1 TBS white wine vinegar
1/2 tsp salt
1/8 tsp freshly ground black pepper
3 drops Tabasco sauce
2 medium, fully ripe avocados
2 medium ripe tomatoes
1 small onion, peeled and chopped
2 TBS chopped fresh flat leaf parsley

Fry the bacon until crisp. Drain well on paper towelling and then crumble. Set aside.

In a medium sized bowl, whisk together the oil, vinegar, salt, pepper and hot sauce. Peel and chop the avocado in one inch chunks and drop them into the dressing, gently stirring to coat them thoroughly. Chop the tomatoes into half inch pieces and gently fold them in as well, along with the chopped onion, crumbled bacon and the chopped parsley.

Cover and refrigerate for two hours before serving. Serve on lettuce leaves, if desired.

And in The English Kitchen today, a delicious and hearty Savoury Chicken Hot Pot!


  1. I got to meet Elizabeth Gilbert once, nearly 8 years ago. I was 17 at the time and my dad and I were taking a summer vacation by hiking a small chunk of the Appalachian Trail in the White Mountains. We ran into Liz and her dad, who happened to be hiking the same chunk of it, in the hut we stayed at the first day.

    The four of us hiked together for the remaining three days of our hike through the woods. At the time she was a young writer for GQ and she was half vacationing with her dad and half researching a piece. The four of us had a great time sharing meals, conversation and views over the course of three days. When we parted ways at the end we vowed to keep in touch, but I don't know if my dad really did. I certainly didn't. But it's still a fun memory. She was a wonderful person, very down to Earth and great fun to spend time with.

    Every time I encounter a mention of her book I'm reminded of those few days. I'm thrilled to see she's met with such success. And I'm glad you're enjoying her book!

  2. Brrr....get your winter PJ's out now!! That llittle Mitzie is a character isnt she? What would you have said to your kids if they had gone to such lengths to get their own way? My mum used to say "And you can put your pet lip away anorl". Not that we wanted a tickle on the tum! A biscuit would have done.

  3. A very happy birthday to Todd today! I'm sure it's going to be a terrific Tuesday at your house! We are having a hot day here but it's to cool off with rain coming in this evening. I hope your day is filled with lots of happy times celebrating!

  4. So much here today, Marie! Firstly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to dear Todd--wishing him the very best day! :o) Sweet Mitzie... she has the most expressive eyes ever! Would you believe I have yet to read that book?! I'm on the waiting list for it in English. I had my flannel PJ's on the other night for the first time--it's gotten quite chilly here already--too early really! LOVE, love, love the teacup pincushion and the new illustration--you are SOOO VERY clever! Great salad today...YUM! Hope we get a chance to chat later this week... Wishing you & Todd a grand day celebrating! :o) LOVE YOU BOTH ((BIG HUGS))

  5. Hi Marie, it's so good to see you doing well. I'm having a giveaway on my Blog if you want to hop along. Hugs, Catherine x

  6. i'm back to blogworld! :) i missed u! all is well at our house-this baby is perfect! so cuddly and sweet, barely cries. and he seems to be a mama's boy already(yes!).

    i'm sending birthday wishes to your todd-hope he has a wonderful day!!! and lots of love to you-thank you for your warm words of congratulations and love! i'm so blessed to have you as a friend.

  7. Hi Marie, I just wanted to say a quick Happy Birthday to Todd. Mitzie has the most expressive face, what a little cutie. I will be interested in your opinion of the book. I enjoyed it, but several ladies in my book club thought she was really self-centered. The movie was good and the scenery was great.

  8. Hi Marie,

    Loved your Daybook as always. It was time for me to come over and chat. Honestly life has been in the fast lane lately and I'm lucky to get things written each day. If I miss a day or two I will always come by and catch up with you. I don't want to miss a thing you publish.

    Again I am always so flabbergasted at the similarities in our lives. Loved Eat, Pray, Love. Catch the movie if you can.

    We are starting our FHE group with good friends (8 of us altogether) this coming week. Dinner here and the lesson then on to someone else's house next month.

    Nice reading your thoughts. Oh, I have been meaning to tell you that your ending on your daybook entries says...and there you have it my first entry in JUNE. (Or something like that) And I love the thought from the dude in Edinburgh! Funny! Poor thing! LOL B


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