
Saturday 28 August 2010

The quiet time of year . . .

This is the quiet time of year for the birds . . . all is silent down in the wood where shadows lay dark beneath the heavy foliage of late summer . . . tis the last holiday of summer.

Where now are the blackcap, the whitethroat . . . the warbler?? We wonder as we walk, acorns crunching beneath our feet . . .

The lark too holds his peace. How lonely it seems in the fields without his song . . .

An old plum tree stands, it's branches heavy with fruit and the wasps cluster thickly over the cracked ones, greedily feasting on their sweetness . . .

Apples turn their rosy cheeks towards the waning sun and pears hang juicy and ripe on gnarled and overladen branches . . . waiting to drop on the ground.

The corn stands neatly stacked, ready for the autumn thresher to do it's job, and the stubble in the field lays ready for the plough to til it under . . .

Heather lays it's pretty pink and purple blanket upon the moors and commons . . . mauve rolling hills in the distance . . .

Garden roses bloom in a flurry of second bloom . . . as if they know it's soon their time to go to sleep for a season . . .

This is the hour of maturity . . . a season of fruit and fulfillment . . .of gathering and garnering . . . the quiet time of year . . .

Mitzie in one of her quieter moments yesterday! She found her bark finally! I was beginning to wonder if she had one at all . . . she had not barked or anything since we brought her home. The neighbours little Jack Russell somehow managed to find it's way into the garden yesterday, and his arrival was announced with great glee!! I need to find the hole he got in by so that I can plug it up. It wouldn't do for our sweet little girl to go missing one day . . . perish the thought!!

I tortured Todd with some pasta again the other night. A delicious recipe I found on the web for a Stove Top Mac and Cheese. My goodness but this was some good! Todd didn't seem to mind overly much and I enjoyed the leftovers with great gusto the next day for my lunch! If anything they were even tastier than the night before!

*Stove Top Mac and Cheese*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

Not for the faint of heart, this calorie laden treat, but boy oh boy . . . what a delicious way to go! Easy, uncomplicated and oh so tasty!

8 ounces macaroni
4 TBS butter
2 large free range eggs
6 ounces evaporated milk
1/2 tsp hot sauce
1 tsp salt
freshly ground black pepper
3/4 tsp dry mustard
10 ounces of sharp cheddar cheese, grated

Bring a pot of lightly salted water to the boil and then cook your macaroni according to package directions. Whilst the macaroni is cooking, whisk together the eggs, evaporated milk, hot sauce, salt, pepper and mustard in a large measuring cup. Once the macaroni is cooked drain well and then return to the pot.

Stir in the butter until it melts, then stir the egg mixture into the hot pasta. Add the cheese and cook and stir over low heat until the cheese is melted and the whole thing is nice and creamy. Serve hot.

Over in The English Kitchen today we baked a deliciously Traditional Victoria Sandwich Cake! (Plus I announced the winner of my Delightful Hamper Giveaway!)


  1. Have a lovely Bank Holiday Marie - I hope you enjoy an extra day with gorgeous Mitzie! xxx

  2. We still have a few birds coming to our feeders but nothing like earlier in the year. It has been a quiet time here too. As I drive through the country side a lot I've noticed that our corn will soon be ready for harvest, but it's not begun yet. Farmers still have their work cut out for them. Your stove top pasta reminded me of what my mom always made. She would always fix it on the stove top. It wasn't til after I married that I realized people made it otherwise. Now that Mitzie has found her bark you'll probably be hearing a lot more of it.

  3. Enjoy the bank holiday, dear Marie! This is a sweet time of year as the seasons changes. While I always feel a little sad to see summer go, autumn has her own glories to sing praises of--so all is good! Sweet Mitzie--hello precious girl! Oh, I saw a stove top mac & cheese recipe via Tastespotting earlier this week that I'm itching to try. Time for more casserole meals--I love that about autumn! That cake looks sooo good... I must go see. We have our nephew's christening tomorrow, so I won't be online. But will see you Monday. Happy Weekend to you all there--LOVE YOU LOTS ((BIG HUGS))

  4. I liked this, I had never noticed that the birds are quiet now. I will when I am out today though! Little Mitzie is so cute, Marie...plug up that hole!

  5. Marie, with those thoughts, the discriptions for the pictures; I really think you should publish these into a book. The pictures are so peaceful. As usual your recipes make me hungry. Perhaps, my dear husband would love some Mac and Cheese tonight.
    Hugs and blessings to you! LeAnn

  6. Dear Marie I love the Mitzie pictures, you feel like you had she always didn't? is nice.
    Georgeous pics, your near of Atumn and we hoe for Sping but really my favorite season is Autumn we have a cold day today but yesterday was warm. So this time is so.
    Enjoy all your blessings Marie, send you huggs for you Todd and Mitzie of course! xoxoxo have a nice weekend, gloria

  7. beautiful photos-they relaxed me. i think i'm ready for bed now:)


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