
Thursday 5 August 2010

Smiles and Puppies

What sunshine is to flowers,

Smiles are to humanity.
~Joseph Addison

Today as you step outside your door to enjoy the warmth of a new day on your skin, the smell of newly mown hay, the scent of a freshly cut lawn, wispy clouds in a sky of azure blue, the vibrant colours of some garden flowers, or even the beauty of a cold winter's day (depending on where you live) . . . remember this . . . you DON'T have to just be a spectator. You, too, can play a huge part in the glory and beauty of this day.

Smile. Spread a little sunshine and brighten someone else's day today. It is easy to do, costs nothing, and I guarantee you will get more than a few of them back. That can't be bad at all!!

I have a confession to make. We've been searching for a puppy, and we think we may have found one. We are going to look at a litter of Cocker Spaniel pups this morning. I'm very excited about it. They are blue roan and orange roan pups. We want a female, so are not sure which colour it will be, but they are all beautiful. That's them in the above picture. Are they not adorable?

This is what an adult blue roan looks like.

This is what an adult orange roan looks like.

We even have names picked out. Mitzi if it is a blue and Buffy if it is an orange. I am in love already. Ever since we met that woman the other day with the Cocker Spaniels, I have been researching online about that breed of dog and also looking for some puppies. It sounds a lovely breed, gentle and mild tempered . . . playful and affectionate. Just the type of dog we are looking for. I found this litter of pups on Tuesday and we have been communicating back and forth with the breeder ever since. Today we are going to see them, and like I said I am really excited. I could hardly sleep all night in anticipation! (When I did fall asleep, I dreamt I was in a swimming pool with Boy Zone, and they were all wearing kilts . . . mmmm . . . but that's another story. ☺)

Anyways, I doubt that we will bring one home with us today. We are not ready here at the house for one yet, and I am not sure they are ready to leave their mother yet. We need to get a bed and grooming brush, some toys, food, puppy pads, etc. We gave absolutely everything away after we lost Jess . . . it has taken a few months, but I think our hearts are ready now to let a puppy in. Wish us luck!!

ahhh . . . puppy breath . . . I can't wait!!!

Here is a quick, easy and delicious supper that your whole family will enjoy! Kids especially love it, both the big and the small! Even Todd likes this, and he is not fond of pasta as you know!

*Chillie Weenie Pasta Pot*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

This recipe is a real timesaver and unique in that the pasta actually cooks in the sauce on top of the stove. You get the delicious smoky flavour from the wieners, which goes very well with the rich, cheesey and slightly spicy tomato sauce. Children really love this, both big and small!

2 (295g) tins of condensed tomato soup (MUST be the condensed type of soup that
you have to add water to)
2 1/2 cups water
1 (420g) tin of cooked red kidney beans, drained well and rinsed
1 pound package of frankfurters, sliced into bite sized pieces
8 ounces of farfelle pasta
2 tsp mild chilli powder
1 TBS parsley flakes
2 cups of grated cheese (medium cheddar, edam or gouda)
salt and black pepper to taste

Spray cooking spray on the bottom of a large skillet that has a lid. Heat over medium high heat until hot and add the cut up frankfurters. Cook, stirring until nicely browned. Add the remaining ingredients, except for the cheese. Stir well and then reduce the heat to medium low. Cover and let cook and simmer until the pasta is cooked and tender, about 15 to 17 minutes. Add the cheese, stirring it in until it is melted into the sauce. Taste and add some salt and pepper, if needed. (I never add any) Serve hot, in bowls, with some slices of buttered toast on the side.

Over on The English Kitchen today, a delicious salad of Corn and Beans with a tangy lime and yoghurt dressing!!


  1. O my Marie, That is so exciting....I love the blue ron... you hardly see them in that color. I always see the orange ones. Either way...I am sure she will be a beauty. Puppy love is so wonderful... yet can be hard...but, if you can get past the first year with a pup...your good to go.hee hee. I wish they would stay wee little forever without the chewing, peeing and poo of course. Have a great time visiting your future baby...Hugs,Mica

  2. Oh do hope you are able to obtain a puppy. We have a buff Cocker Spaniel - a male we obtained from the shelter. He was just being left when we happened upon him a few years ago. Such a love so hoping for you too.

  3. Oh, a puppy... sooo very EXCITING, Marie! A Cocker Spaniel makes a great loving, loyal pet. I love the names you've picked already... And both colorations are so beautiful. Oh, I hope you have good news for us next time... and that you've found the pooch for you & Todd. Can't wait to puppy dog tales! ;o) Happy Day, dear friend--LOVE YOU BOTH LOTS ((BIG HUGS))

  4. you know once you go see them that will be it. :)
    i'm sure you'll find the perfect one and what a lucky puppy it will be!

  5. I used to make beans and wieners for the babes a lot when they were little. Your recipe would be right up their alley yet today. I'll have to copy that one down for them. It would be good even when camping. I like to make one pot meals there. I do hope your are able to get your puppy. They are so adorable.

  6. I am smiling at the thought of you guys with a new puppy. I am partial to the orangey one but a girl is more important than her color. So happy for you but do not envy the puppy stage. My brother an his wife just got a new dog. They are in heaven!! They got a minpin. She looks like a little fawn.

  7. I love the puppies !! Look wonderful, I hope you hae yours soon!! (I hae a serious porblem Esperanza arrieed the other with a little cat (a rainy day) that she find in the street, hae two months aporx. weel for the moment I have the cat inside the house you know I have three dogs, we are searching someone want a cat, oh my God! you know how is MarĂ­a Esperanza.
    I love your post and I love you say, and think sometimes we have to try to smile and is difficult but is healthy!!
    and yes "That can't be bad at all!!"

    send you huggs and kisses, to you and Tood I cant wait to see your puppy! huggs, gloria

  8. The puppies are so darn cute :)
    Wish ever one you pick will be "one lucky dog" coming in to your home!!

  9. Cockers are my favorite breed.....I've always had one! My current is a black one....the smallest of her litter...named Sophie. Spoiled as can be... :)

  10. You will make your puppy smile that's for sure! You have alot of love to give...lucky dog!!

  11. Love the daisy pic - so happy! And such exciting news! Not much compares with getting a puppy. We have two canine babies, a Kuvasz who is now six, and a Tibetan Spaniel who is a year and seven months. We also did a ton of research before deciding on those breeds - each one is so different!
    Love the pics of the babies, so beautiful! I especially love the blue roan coloring - very sleek. Good luck, and hope you post lots of pics!

  12. Hi when I was born I was born at the kennels at Lonmay and my granddad was the Game Keeper there and he used to breed Cockers they are A great dog I know you will be happy with her they are so loving.I was born at home and the name of the house was the Kennels and yes I used to get my leg pulled all my life about being A dog
    Hugs Mary.

  13. Marie -- Happy puppy breath and furry cuddles! Of course those puppy pictures make me smile! I would have the devil of a time picking and would want them all! Can't wait to hear all about your new little love. Thanks for your very sweet visit to my table too.

  14. Hi Marie! I don't comment very often because I am so stretched for time, but I so enjoy your posts. I hope you found a puppy that you can bring home and make a member of your family. I want to thank you for all the wonderful recipes. I often save them just in case because they all sound so good. You are a sweet heart to share them with your readers!


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