
Thursday 26 August 2010

Lord when I get to the end of my rope . . .

I love finding quotes and collecting them. I find them very inspiring and helpful from time to time, especially the ones about coping with the difficulties of life, coz . . . let's face it, we all have to cope with them from time to time! Here are some that I found just recently that I really enjoyed.

"I find difficulties and problems attractive. It is only by coming to grips with difficulty that I can realize my potentialities."
~General Charles DeGaulle

"I do not pray for an easy life, I pray to be a stronger man; I do not pray for tasks equal to my powers, but pay for powers equal to my tasks."
~Bishop Philip Brooks

"If possible it shall be done, and if impossible . . . it must be done."
~John Mason Neale (writer of Good King Wenceslas and Good Christian Men Rejoice.)

"Lord, when I get to the end of my tether, tie a knot for me to hold on to!"

That last one is really familiar to me. I have felt like I've been hanging on to the end of the rope for months now . . . and today I have come to recognize the knot at the end . . . it's called hope . . .

Where would any of us be without it???

hmmm . . . somebody chewed up Todd's magazine . . . I wonder who that somebody could be? How could you get angry with a face like that? We couldn't! We just resolve to put the magazines up higher from now on!

I do try to cook healthy from time to time. This is an old favourite that I recently did over, exchanging ground turkey for the minced beef that it originally called for. I like to buy really lean ground turkey, one that is mainly ground turkey breast. This is very delicious and if you use the low fat cream soup and cheese, it's not all that bad for you. Turkey is one of the superfoods too!

*Turkey In A Haystack*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

I like to think that this is a bit healthier than the beef version of this tasty dish. Layers of rice, a delicious turkey and gravy combo and baby peas, all covered with some cheese. Scrumdiddlyumptious!

3 cups hot cooked rice (I like basamati)
1 pound of ground turkey
1 (10 3/4 ounce) tin of condensed cream of chicken soup
2 TBS milk
1/2 tsp summer savoury
garlic powder to taste
sea salt and white pepper to taste
1 cup cooked baby peas
shredded cheddar cheese for topping (I like to use strong)

Cook the turky in a large skillet which you have sprayed with nonstick baking spray. Cook, stirring until begining to brown and cooked thoroughly. Add the soup, milk and seasonings. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and cook for about 5 minutes or so until creamy and bubbling all the way through.

To serve, divide the rice equally amongst 4 plates. Divide the meat mixture equally as well, spooning it on top of the rice. Top each with an equal amount of peas and then sprinkle on the cheddar. If your peas are hot enough the cheese should melt. If not, pop into the microwave for about 30 seconds or so. Serve immediately.

These may well be the best cookies you have ever tasted! Blueberry Almond Cookies. Check them out today over in The English Kitchen.


  1. thankyou for taking the time to find such wonderful quotes! I love your pup, even though they are like having toddlers all over again...getting through the first year is the hardest. She is adorable. Hugs dear Marie,Mica

  2. Great quotes Marie. They can be so inspirational. Have a wonderful day with Todd and sweet Mitzie!

  3. Do you find that little spot, just above Mitzie's eyes very kissable?

  4. aaawww... Mitzie likes magazines too--she's such a girl! ;o) Too cute... Nope, couldn't be upset long with a cutie-patootie like Mitzie. Love these quotes, Marie. I've been a quote collected since my early teens, when I seriously started loving poetry and forever bringing home books from the library. I have two books I jot down quotes and other good lines in. The inspiration they provide has seen me through the years. I must go check out that sweet treat at your food blog...mmm... Happy Day, dear fried--LOVE YOU LOTS ((BIG HUGS))

  5. Yes, who could get mad with that little face? Is this the first thing she's chewed up? You're doing well if it is!

    Did you watch that "Rubbish Chef" challenge last night, where they had to feed 60 people entirely with food that was being thrown away? The chefs actually had to get out on the streets, round the backdoors of restaurants and supermarkets, in the bins, at the fish docks. it was interesting what gets chucked out

  6. I too love quotes and often use them in my blog. I should say I always use them. They often sum up in a very few words what I'm thinking or feeling. One of my son's uses ground turkey in just about everything they have. Maybe once a week they'll have beef instead. Last night we had turkey tacos and they were very good.
    Those puppies sure do remind us to keep things picked up. Just like having a toddler around that gets into everything. Have a great Thursday!

  7. Dear Marie,
    I love the qoutes. I just hope that soon you won't feel like you are at the end of your rope. That is a hard place to be even if there is a knot at the end. I pray for you and Todd.

    Have a good evening. I'll be back to visit tomorrow.
    Love, Lura

  8. Hi, Marie -

    I'm sorry I haven't been around in awhile. I put off blogging for the last few weeks of my children's time at home before school starting. Now, I am trying to catch up with all my blogging friends.

    I loved the quotes, especially because they are about adversity.

    How are you? I hope you aren't at the end of your tether anymore. I certainly know what that feels like. When I get that way, I pray and fast. It really helps me be dependent on the Lord. I've been doing that recently and it sooo helps me.

    I will keep you in my prayers as well.

    God bless,

  9. I love the quotes you find. Recently most have them have been a message to me and I was finding it quite unerving. I think you are an angel messenger:)



  10. PS That little doggie is going to get away with murder with that look of her's, she is adorable:)


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