
Saturday 14 August 2010

A day in the life . . .

Who steals your heart with a magical touch?
Who ensnares your love in a wee angel clutch?
Who makes you a slave and a worshiper, too?
Who gets adoration, so lavish and true?
Who plays with your heartstrings like a
champion love maker?
Nobody but puppy . . . the little heartbreaker!

~Adapted from a poem entitled Nobody but Baby by Helen Steiner Rice

What is this new place that I have come to? I thought I was only going for a drive in the car with some nice new people, but where are my brothers and sisters? Where is my mummy? I have a lovely cage that I can go into and feel safe . . . it has my old blanket in here that smells of my family and my own teddy bear that smell like them too. Maybe it's not so bad after all . . .

Well . . . perhaps I'll stretch my legs a little tiny bit . . . just to see what new things there are here in this strange place that I've come to . . .

Hmmm . . . a bit stringy with a slight bouquet of . . . wait . . . wait . . . I think it's busy lizzie . . . yep, I'd recognize that taste anywhere!

There are so many new things here to explore . . . what's a gal to do!

New nooks and crannies to investigate . . . new smells and textures . . .

Not to mention a somewhat besotted crazy lady following me around with a camera everywhere. Is this what is known as the Parrapazi???

Well . . . perhaps just one still photo for my adoring public . . . what could it possibly hurt???

It's not so bad here after all . . . lots of toys to play with and I don't have to share them with anyone! Likewise the comfy bed and all the treats! There's a lovely big garden that's just mine, all mine! And two giant besotted humans that are doting on my every move . . . ahhhhh . . . celebrity. I could get used to this!

But . . . I think I'll take a nap first . . . sigh . . .

(and now back to your regular programming)

As you can all see Mitzie has arrived and settled in very well. In fact she is sitting next to me here on the sofa as I type, snoring away. She had a very good day yesterday and feels quite, quite at home . . . needless to say, she already has us both wrapped around her little doggie paw! She is just the best birthday present ever . . . for both of us. Our pooch loving hearts are filled to overflowing with love for this special little gal! Somehow I don't think our lives will ever be the same.

Many, many thanks for all of your lovely birthday wishes, both here and on Facebook . . . for the texts, and the lovely cards. I'm not sure what I did to deserve all of this goodness, but I musta done something good! I am most grateful for it and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart! You all made my special day even more special!

Oh yes . . . the winner of my Birthday Giveaway was lucky number 13! DonnaTN, please send me your postal details and I will pop it into the post on Monday!

Now, I am going to go and get me some more puppy love if you don't mind! In the meantime here is a tasty recipe that you can use to help get rid of some of those courgettes that are overtaking your garden! They're a very versatile vegetable! This is just one tasty way of many to use them up!!

Serves 6
Printable Recipe

This is a Tex Mex dish and a great way to use up some of that garden glut of courgettes we all have in our gardens this time of year! Courgettes are one of those lovely vegetables that gladly take on the flavour of anything you cook them with.

1 onion, peeled and chopped
4 tsp olive oil
4 medium coourgettes, unpeeled and cubed
1/2 cup seeded and chopped green chillies
2 cups sweet corn kernels
salt and black pepper to taste
1/4 cup whole milk
1/2 cup grated medium cheddar cheese

Heat a large skillet over medium high heat and add the oil. When it is just shimmering add the onion and sauté it until it is softly translucent, stirring the whole time. Add the courgettes and chillies. Turn the heat down to medium low and cook, stirring from time to time for about 20 minutes or until the vegetables are just crispy tender, but still retaining their lovely green colour.

Add the corn and seasonings and cook for about 5 minutes longer. Finally, add the milk and the cheese, stirring constantly to help prevent the cheese from sticking, cooking and stirring until the cheese is melted. Serve immediately. I could eat the whole pan myself and nothing else!

Over on The English Kitchen today, a delcious Celebration Cake!


  1. Oh isn't she adorable? So clever also, I look forward to reading her blog..LOL

    She will bring you so much love that is well deserved. She is one very lucky little dog.



  2. She's lovely. So are you. She'll be ruling the roost in no time.

  3. That is a tiny little sweet pup you have there. What a baby she is. It would be quite impossible not to love that cuddly little one. Glad you had a great birthday!

  4. Ahhh look at your new puppy so adorable :) You'll have lots of fun with her. Glad you had a nice birthday

    All things nice...

  5. I have been waiting eagerly to see how our new wee lassie was fitting eis just GORGEOUS...I was away at the Bristol Balloon Festival yesterday and I can't think how many times I thought about you..yes I so much that my friend Pam said why don't you ring..I had to confess I didn;t have your number. We seemed to see a lot of lovely spaniels ...must have been cause Mitzie was in my thoughts !!
    Bless you all.
    Love Sybil xx

  6. Hello, Mitzie--Welcome to blogland! Oh, Marie... she is BEAUTIFUL! Oh, I could kiss that sweet nose... These the loveliest most charming photos, especially of her frolicking amongst the flowers. This is soooo exciting! I am sure you all will be on the same page in no time. Can't wait to hear & see more! :o) LOVE YOU ALL LOTS ((BIG HUGS))

  7. A lifetime of blog-fodder there

  8. Aaaaawww Mitzie is so adorable. I bet she will grow into a beautiful dog. Hope you have many wonderful years together.

  9. OMG finally she arrive, she is absolutely adorable and cute! I love her dear Marie! Mitzie is you special gift I think Have a lovely day with your new baby!! ha,ha, (LOL)huggss gloria

    Im sure she is will really happy with Todd and you! take care my dears! xoxoxo

  10. almost forget.... yes, I wanna see more Mitzie pictures, yes!! xoxoxo

  11. Ho dear what can I say I am not one of those jealous people that want and wants but a Blue Roan Spaniel now thats a different kettle of fish altogether. You see we had one thirty five years ago called Thor and he looked just like your puppy your pictures really broke my heart again even after all this time he was such a good boy we have never had another dog he was so irreplaceable. May I wish you a belated Happy birthday and lots of luck with the puppy. Take Care Love Joan

  12. what a sweetheart!!!! and one blessed little puppy to have two people that love her so much! enjoy her! glad you had a wonderful birthday!

  13. I am amazed that you just got Mitzie yesterday and she already knows how to blog. What a smart puppy! She is adorable. She is one lucky dog! I am so glad that you have your new 4 legged child. Our 4 legged girl, Heidi, is 11 which is very old for a large German Shepherd. She is starting to show signs of aging. I don't know what I will do when she is gone. She has been my only child at home since David left. Oh well, I will enjoy every day that I have her as I know you will Mitzie.

    I just loved this post today. Please tell Mitzie to do it often. I just can't get enough of her pictures.

    Hugs, Lura

  14. Mitzie is adorable. I can see why you are smitten!


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