
Thursday 29 July 2010

What I did on my Summer Holidays Part Two

Thanks so much for all of your lovely comments from yesterday! We did really enjoy that part of our holiday. It was so lovely to see my two sons and all of my grandsons. The time really did pass far too quickly, but then again . . . it usually does when you are having fun!!

The rest of our holiday we basically just spent time with my mom, doing little things that she needed doing, talking . . . loving. Most days we did walk into town though for some exercise. It's a really beautiful walk and, despite the heat and humidity, we both really enjoyed our cosy walks together.

(We all look very shiny and hot in all the pictures. It was very hot and humid in Nova Scotia the whole time we were there!! Very sticky and uncomfortable, and not condusive to great pictures!)

One weekend, my daughter Eileen came to spend a couple of days with us. It was so much fun to have here there at my mom's. She is such a sweet gal, and so much fun. I can announce here today that she and her boyfriend Tim are now engaged! Yes, Tim popped the question to her father and her father said yes, in two years time they can be married. Now comes the fun of picking out a ring and everthing else that goes along with it. You can be sure that I will be going home for that wedding! It's been a long time coming. She and Tim have been together for about 8 years now! The only concern is that Tim has never lived on his own yet. He has always lived with his parents. Eileen, on the other hand, had her own apartment for a couple of years and did very well. Nevermind . . . these things always have a way of working themselves out, don't they!

One thing that I was really excited about was that my baby, Bruce, had some summer leave while I was there and so came down to Nova Scotia from Ontario where he is doing his latest course with the Canadian Airforce and I was able to spend some time with him as well. That was an added surprise and bonus as I had not thought I would be able to see him. He seemed very grown up, but I guess the Military makes men out of boys do they not? A boy no longer, he has become a very confident and handsome young man. I know I am his mum and am a bit prejudiced, but that is a mum's prerogative!!

We also had a few days out. One day my good friend Elly and her husband Jim came to see us from Fall River. I have known Elly for a number of years. We first met on, which used to be ( I don't think I'll ever really get used to calling it!) Then we got to meet in person when she came over to visit her brother who lived not too far from us down in Kent. The last time we were home to Nova Scotia, she and Jim came down and spent a day with us, and we had a lovely time together and this time we did the same thing. We also got to meet another couple, also friends on, Diana and her husband Bill. Diana lives in the town that my mom grew up in, Lawrencetown and the six of us had a lovely meal there in the Lawrencetown Restaurant, formerly known as the Lawrencetown Fireman's Restaurant. Todd got to have his much loved Liver, Bacon and Onions, something which I never cook him as I can't stand the smell of liver cooking!! I had a Hot Turkey Sandwich, something which I have always loved to eat there! (You can't teach an old dog new tricks!) We also shared a hefty piece of that Coconut Cream Pie I showed you the other day. All in all we had a lovely time with these fabulous people and not just because of the food! They are all pretty special folks!

Another night we took my mum and Eileen out to supper. It was my mum's 78th birthday on the 9th of July and we thought it only fitting that we treat her to a meal out. We went to the Big Scoop, which is an old family favourite and we each had our favourite meals and then we shifted back home to eat carrot cake, which is my mum's favourite dessert! There were a lot of people celebrating their birthday's in the Big Scoop that night, including one lady who was celebrating her 95th. Mom still has a long way to go to catch up with her!

My cousin Geralyn and her husband, Dave, took us out one Saturday on a long drive down to Brier Island. Brier Island is a rugged place, a real treat to visit and home to an industrious seafaring people. There is an amazing variety of flora and fauna there and some of the most incredible sunsets you will ever see. It stands at the most Western Point of Nova Scotia, and you have to take not one, but two ferries to get there. On the first Island, called Long Island, we stopped at a restaurant, right by the ferry, to have lunch. It was called Lavinia's. We had the most delicious Haddock there that any of us had ever tasted. Simply pan fried and served up with lovely mash and a variety of vegetables. I think we all ooohed and aaahed over this one!

We had a fabulous day together exploring the craggy cliffs of Brier Island. The Lighthouses, the flowers, the birds . . . On one spot the rocks are covered with little miniature Inuk Shuks that people have created from the stones that lay about. Simply beautiful . . . You can also hire out on a Whale Watching Excursion and we saw a few of the boats going out that day to see what they could find. My cousin Sherri had gone just the weekend before. We didn't go as it is very expensive and not within our budget, besides I get very sea sick and I didn't fancy that experience! Eileen went the last week we were home and she was very sick on the boat, poor girl!

Another day we went out with Geralyn and Dave to a Chinese buffet lunch and then for a long drive along the back highways and byways of the Valley. Todd really enjoyed seeing all of it's rustic beauty. We also stopped in Berwick for a delicious ice cream cone, which was fabulous indeed! Geralyn and Dave are such wonderful friends and I am so blessed to call them family as well. We have great plans for the next time we are over to Canada, because once again, the time went far too quickly and we just didn't have enough days to do what we would have liked to do together!

Our last night there we were invited to an old friend of mine, Mabel and her husband Rick's home for supper. It was a wonderful time to catch up on old memories and reaquaint ourselves with each other. We have shared so very many happy times together and our children have always been very close as well. Todd really enjoyed getting to know them better. They have a beautiful home, not the least because of their warmth and welcoming natures. Rick had cooked us a beautiful meal of Salmon, which he had marinated all day and then roasted on the Barbeque on a Cedar Plank. My but it was delicious as was the dessert of fresh Nova Scotia Berries, cake and ice cream. We really enjoyed our time with them and are hoping that they will be able to come over here to the UK at some point so we can treat them UK Style! I can't believe that I didn't get any pictures of us together!

The next day we began the long journey home. Mum and Uncle Harold took us to the airport. Uncle Harold always drives us to the airport when it's time to go home. It has become kind of a tradition for us and we do enjoy spending this special time with him and Mum. It's always hard to say goodbye at the end of our stay, and I know it's especially hard for Mum, so it helps for her to have this kind brother in law of hers around to soften it somewhat. He's always been her favourite Brother In Law.

We landed at Gatwick Airport very early Friday morning and had booked in to stay at our London Temple Friday evening. What a peaceful and special way to begin the end of our holiday. We spent most of Friday sleeping and walking the grounds. I just love the Temple and it is a real blessing to be able to actually stay there and immerse oneself in the special spirit that rests there.

We visited some friends in the area, visiting our old Church Ward in Tunbridge Wells on Sunday and then began the long drive back to Chester afterwards. Of course we got caught in a huge traffic jam on the M25, due to an accident and had a two hour delay there, but we did finally get here at the end, and that was it!

Holiday over for this year. We had such a lovely time and our days were filled to overflowing with wonderful people, beautiful feelings and special experiences . . . more joy to lock into our hearts and treasure until the next time we can go to Canada again, which I hope will not be too long in coming.

Holidays are wonderful things to be sure, but it's always nice to be home again, safe and sound. Hope you all enjoyed seeing my holiday snaps!!

That Haddock was so good that we had on Long Island, I just had to recreate it here at home. I think I did a rather good job of it actually! I have written the instructions for two people, but it would be very easily multiplied.

*Simple Pan Fried Haddock*
Serves 2
Printable Recipe

Quick to cook and oh so easy and delicious. We both really enjoy this!

2 boneless, skinless haddock loins
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 TBS flour
a knob of butter
several sprigs of fresh thyme
the juice of one lemon

Season your Haddock filets well on both sides then sprinkle with flour to coat, patting it lightly into the flesh. Set aside. Melt a knob of butter over medium high heat in a skillet until it begins to foam. Add the springs of thyme and then brown the Haddock fillets, starting with the presentation side, and then turning them after about 2 minutes. They should only take about 2 minutes per side to cook through, depending on the thickness of your fillets. After you have cooked both sides, squeeze the juice of a lemon over all and allow it to bubble up. Remove from the heat and let stand for several minutes before serving. Delicious!

And over on The English Kitchen today??? Delicious Peanutbutter, Chocolate Chip and Oat Bars!! Oh so scrummy!


  1. I have loved reading all about your holiday Marie. It sounds like a lovely trip and so wonderful for you to have precious time with your family. Canada looks a lovely country - I would love to visit. Nice to have you back - I have missed your posts. Lucie x

  2. Marie, thanks for sharing you vacation with us, you all look like you had a wonderful time and I've enjoyed the pictures. Here's a funny question:

    Are you sure we've not met???You look soooo familiar to me...did you ever live in the Toronto/Mississauga area?

    Maybe I've met your doppelganger??? lol

    Have a blessed day

  3. It looks like every minute of your trip was filled with only good things. So many family and friends and good food and SMILES! The pictures are all just wonderful. Thanks for sharing your happiness with us. It makes a great start to my day!

  4. Oh Marie Im so happy because look like Todd and you had a lovely vacations at New Scotia, nice pictures, all look lovely and georgeous, Im happy you had a lovely time, huggs Love yah! gloria

  5. Sooo much fun, Marie! Thank you for sharing so many photos... and LOVE all the photos! Oh, I could just cry... CONGRATS to your sweet Eileen's engagement! Everything is sure to work out...they have time. Such fun to dream and planning a wedding. So happy you'll be going over when it happens. And your mum's birthday... Many happy memories made on this trip, eh? You look so good with long hair--such pretty hair! Happy Day, dear friend... Oh, if you get a chance, stop by my place tomorrow. I'll be having a little gift giveaway fun connection with my shop closing sale--must liven it up a bit! Talk to you soon... LOVE YOU HEAPS!! ((BIG HUGS))

  6. Hello Dear Marie,
    We just got back from Wyoming. I am using Lynell's computer and only have a minute but I wanted to welcome you home. It sounds like you had a lovely holiday...except for the Day's Inn... I am so glad that you got to spend so much time with your kids and family. I know that they loved having you too.
    I am sending love and hugs, Lura

  7. Marie:

    My heart is so happy that you were able to have this holiday. You and Todd have had a rough go lately and going home, meeting with family and friends, must have been such a special treat! AND...I must say, I am still amazed at how long and gorgeous your hair is these days! Thanks so much for sharing your holiday with us.

    Gerushia's New World

    P.S. Just a side note ~ I'm having a give-away on my blog this week!

  8. Hi Marie, I have just spent half an hour reading all about your exploits has been a lovely Nova Scotia. Also looking at the photographs and putting faces to names. I am so happy that you and Todd had such a wonerful time...Here's looking forward to the next visit !! sorry I have been so slow to coment but things down here are a bit mixed and I am truly feeling a bit jaded !! still ever onward is the motto..
    Thank you so much for sharing your time with us. I am so glad you are home Love Sybil

  9. Sounds like a great holiday, your photo's are wonderful. It must be heartwrenching leaving your family, especially your mum. It is great have you baqck here though:)



  10. congrats to your eileen on her engagement! how exciting. and i agree, things will work themselves out for them. i loved as always seeing all of your wonderful pics. traveling, seeing family, spending time the ones you love, having fun, thats the stuff life's made of!

  11. I would have come home packing an extra 15 lbs. with all the eating out etc. It sounds like so much fun..congrats to your daughter, that will be fun to look forward to. The Brier island is so beautiful...lots of memories now to think about! :D

  12. And who might the auburn haired beauty be with the long flowing tresses? You know - the girl who looks like Eileen but isn't? Never mind your faces glowing because of the humidity, it's happiness they're glowing with.

  13. I am so happy you got to see Bruce! Perfect timing!

  14. Just spent a lovely time reading all about your trip. Thanks for sharing. Sounds like you had an awesome time. And I also got a good chuckle reading about how one simple laptop purchase led to so many other changes. LOL Been there, done that!
    Welcome back!

  15. Thanks so much for sharing your pictures and filling us in about your trip back home!!! You have a lovely family and I am so glad that you got to see them all.


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