
Saturday 31 July 2010

Saturday Thoughts . . .

I was sitting here thinking yesterday (I do that a lot, that's why not much ever gets done around here!) and the thought occurred to me that . . . God is who He is because He knows EVERYTHING! All seeing, all knowing, everywhere at once . . . it's pretty amazing stuff, and awesome to think about, and perhaps a bit scary at the same time, coz He knows exactly how many times I put my hand into that cookie jar . . . there's no fooling Him . . .

One of the most beautiful things that I love about the Gospel is that everything we learn, every experience that we have, all that we see and do . . . we take with us into the future, and we can use what we have leearned . . . again and again. No bit of knowledge ever goes wasted.

Just think . . . everything you are learning now . . . everything you are living through, both the good and the bad . . . all that you are watching and observing and acting upon . . . these things are all helping to prepare you for something else!!

Each day we take with us some little gem that may come in handy in the future, or maybe even lots of little gems. What a fabulous concept, and what a wonderful gift from a loving Heavenly Father!!! I am so very grateful for all that He teaches me, each and every day of my life and for all the experiences that I have had . . . both the good and the bad . . . they both help and strengthen me in a very beautiful way.

"Seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith."
D&C 88:118

Just my thoughts on this gloomy, dull Saturday morning . . .

It looks like we are in for another week of dull, showery weather as well! I had popped in to town yesterday morning to pick up a few things and when I came out of the shops it was just bucketing down! Of course I had forgotten my umbrella! I often do. It's just something else I have to carry . . . but I sure regretted being lazy about that yesterday! Lesson learnt!

I cooked Todd some delicious pork chops for his supper yesterday. He really enjoyed these and had two of them himself! This tasty rub is both sweet and spicy at the same time . . . very, very good if I don't say so myself!!

*Cocoa Rubbed Pork Chops*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

A slightly sweet and spicy cocoa rub meets the natural savory, smoky taste of pork to create a wonderful taste sensation. A simple pan sear is all these chops need to be ready for the dinner table. Moist and flavourful these tasty chops are sure to become a firm family favourite!!

2 tablespoons firmly packed brown sugar
2 teaspoons onion powder
1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
1 1/2 teaspoons garlic powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon of mild chili powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
4 bone-in pork chops, 1-inch thick
2 tablespoons vegetable oil

Combine the brown sugar, onion powder, cocoa powder, garlic powder, cumin, chili powder, salt, and pepper together in a bowl. Rub the mixture evenly over pork chops, rubbing it in well.

Heat the oil in a large heavy skillet over medium high heat. Add the pork chops and cook 4 to 5 minutes per side, until no longer pink. Serve warm. Delicious!!

There are some Little Ginger Cheesecakes waiting for you over at The English Kitchen this morning!



    Learning happens never mind if we want it to! I do sometimes wish we could resemble a sponge as much in childhood as we do in middle age.

  2. LOVELY "reminder post" Marie! It was supposed to be a sunny wonderful weekend here, but looks like it could rain any moment! Got hubby a gas grill for his birthday... we have yet to be out on the terrace using it for dull weather! Those cocoa chops look fantastic--great idea with the cocoa! Sent you an email, two actually...haha...but hope to chat with you tomorrow. Happy Day, dear friend--LOVE YOU HEAPS! OXOX ((BIG HUGS))

  3. I do learn something new every day of my life and I try to remember it all but sometimes that is just not going to happen. Some things I learn over and over again. Sorry you got drenched yesterday. I'm hoping we will have sunshine today as I'm going to do a bit of shopping and there is a chance, slight one, of rain here. I'm glad you enjoyed cheesecake day and your recipe looks delicious!

  4. YUM to the recipes! I attained something new yesterday...When we come to God in prayer and we come in anger over someone...our prayers do not reach him...we must first repent of the anger, then come unto him. I loved makes such a difference! :D

  5. Beautiful thoughts Marie. God is so amazing and purposeful!


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