
Monday 5 July 2010

Guest Post

Knowing that I was going away on holidays I had asked if anyone wanted to do a guest post for me while I was away. My dear friend Lura jumped at the chance. She writes over at Grammy's News, an is just the bestest friend a gal can have! We were so lucky last year when we got to meet in person and have a wonderful friendship that just seems to go from strength to strength.

It was so very sweet of her to do this guest post for me, and she even baked for it. I hope you'll all enjoy reading it as much as I know she enjoyed writing it. And Lura, thanks so much. You are a real treasure!

When Your Hut Is On Fire

The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited island. He prayed feverishly for God to rescue him. Every day he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed forthcoming. Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to protect him from the elements, and to store his few possessions. One day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little hut in flames, with smoke rolling up to the sky. He felt the worst had happened, and everything was lost. He was stunned with disbelief, grief and anger. He cried out, "God, how could you do this to me?"

Early the nest day, he was awakened by the sound of a ship approaching the island! It had come to rescue him! "How did yo know I was here?" asked the weary man of his rescuers. "We saw your smoke signal." They replied.

The Moral of this story:

It's easy to get discouraged when things are going bad, but we shouldn't lose heart, because God is at work in our lives, even in the midts of our pain and suffering. Remember that the next time your little hut seems to be burning to the ground. It just may be a smoke signal that summons the Grace of God.

My daughter, Lynell posted this story on her blog a couple of years ago when her family was going through a difficult time. I am thankful for her faith in the midst of difficulties. She has been an example to her family and to me.

As I think back on the darkest periods of my life, I can see that I was not abandoned by God . . . He was just helping me to make a turn in my life's direction . . . or helping me learn valuable lessons. He was always there to support and comfort me . . . even when I didn't realize it.

When things are not going well for you, turn to your Heavenly Father in prayer. He will be there to listen, to comfort. to guide and direct you to a happier place. I know that this is true, because I have experienced His tender mercies on many occasions.


Lura even baked for us. Here is her delicious recipe for a fabulous Strawberry Rhubarb Cake!

*Lura's Strawberry Rhubarb Cake*
Makes one 9 by 13 inch cake
Printable Recipe

My husband loves rhubarb and strawberries. We grow both in our garden. However, after making several rhubarb pies and having strawberry short cake over and over again, I concocted this recipe that everyone seems to really enjoy. It is kind of a strawberry rhubarb upside down cobbler cake. It is good served warm or cold with ice cream or whipped cream. It is very easy. The only time consuming step is letting the strawberries and rhubarb set in the sugar. I often do this step first and make the rest of the cake when I am ready for it. I hope you like it.

5 cups of fresh rhubarb (about 1 1/2 pounds or a little more) cut into ½ inch slices

3 cups sliced fresh strawberries

1 cup of sugar

Mix together and let stand for 1 hour until juices are flowing.

Bring to a boil and cook until rhubarb is tender.(about 5 minutes) Remove from heat. You may add

1 box of strawberry Jell-O(dry powder, not mixed with water) if you wish. It adds to the flavor and color, however it can be left out if you don’t have the Jell-O. Set mixture aside.

Prepare a box of lemon or yellow cake mix according to directions on the box.

If you prefer you can make your own recipe of yellow cake.

Pour ½ of the Strawberry rhubarb mixture in the bottom of a greased 10 by 15 pan.

(You can use a bigger pan if you like a thinner cake on top of the fruit)

Pour the cake batter over the strawberry rhubarb mixture in the baking pan.

Pour the rest of the strawberry rhubarb mixture over the cake batter.

Mix the following together with your mixer or a pastry blender until blended and crumbly.

1 cup of flower

1 cup of brown sugar

1 cube of cold butter cut into pieces (1/2 cup)

Pour the crumb mixture on top of the strawberry rhubarb cake.
Bake at 350 degrees for 45 or 50 minutes or until cake is golden brown and firm.

Serve warm or cold with ice cream or whipping cream.

Thanks so much Lura for this delicious recipe. I can't wait to get home and bake it myself. I just know Todd would love this. If any of you would like to show Lura some appreciation for her efforts today on my behalf, please feel free to hop on over to Lura's Page and show her some love! Tell her I sent you!

In the meantime I am still away on my hols and having a great time with my family! Don't worry I'll be back soon, armed with enough photos to make you go to sleep I am sure!


  1. Thanks Marie for the nice things you said about me.... but did you have to put that silly picture of me with my ear muff on my nose when I was with you in Idaho trying to get warm??? Ahh, what fun we had being together and watching your daughter in the Special Olympics. Fun memories as well as a funny picture.

    This recipe is best made in a 10X15 pan. In the smaller, 9X13 pan the cake is thicker and covers up the crumb topping. I hope your readers note it is a 10X15 I used and not the 9X13 as listed at the beginning of the recipe. If they do use the smaller pan they can leave off the crumb topping because it disappears anyway.

    I miss you but I am happy that you are having a wonderful time with your family in Canada.

    I can't wait to see the pictures. Hugs, Lura

  2. Dear Marie What really sweet Lura post, yes I know she and is a wonderful and lovely woman and I love her so much, the recipe is really yummy, I love the colour!
    Dear Marie have anice and beauty travel with the sweet Todd, have a good and fun time and God blessings you, I will miss you alot my dear. Love ya! huggssss, gloria

  3. Thanks for your post. I have been missing my daily of dose of Marie. I have never seen green rhubarb. It was so interesting to me.

    Safe travels Marie and Todd.

  4. This was such a fun idea Marie, and you picked the perfect person to be your guest poster. Isn't Lura just precious!!!

    Hope all is well and that you are enjoying Canada, and praying you get to see all your children before you return home.

    Hugs, Jan

  5. Wow, what a good post. I make this cake as well, got the recipe from my friend Denise, except it does not use strawberries, just rhubarb. Really good with the strawberry Jell-O. My crumb topping never disappears and I do it in a 9 x 13 pan. Hope you are having a good time, Marie!

  6. Thank you Marie and thank you Laura, what a great idea to have a friend write as you "ghost writer" !! Gla you are having such a great time. I hear the weather sounds jolly nice as well.
    LOve Sybilx

  7. Great post by Lura. I can tell she is more than a friend more of a sister of your heart.
    Loved the analogy she used with the hut on fire. We have all been there and need to remember the sweet mercies the Lord sends to us.
    Mmm Rubarb and stawberries...some of our favorites.
    Enjoy a safe and happy journey making cherished memeories.

  8. Thank you, Marie, for sharing your friend with us. Her wisdom is edifying and I really enjoyed her post.

    I hope you are enjoying yourself. Have a fab time!



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