
Thursday 15 July 2010

Finding The Simple Life

‘Tis a gift to be simple,

‘Tis a gift to be free,

‘Tis a gift to come down

Where we ought to be,

And when we find ourselves

In the place that’s right

‘Twill be in the valley

Of love and delight.

~Nineteenth Century Shaker hymn

There used to be a show on the television called “The Simple Life.” It was about two rich girls moving to the middle of the sticks in the middle of nowhere and their struggle to get along without all the things they were used to in life. They got into all kinds of scrapes and I think they were miserable all the time and really kind of nasty, looking down their noses at simple people and country ways, elevating themselves in their minds to something better than where they found themselves and who they found themselves with. Some people called it entertainment. I just thought it was stupid and very sad.

The other night Todd and I were sitting there watching one of our favourite shows that we have on DVD. “The Waltons.” He looked at me and he said, “If you could trade your life right now and go back and live in that house, with that family, in that time, would you?” That question really made me think. Who wouldn’t want to live in a simpler time, when all you had to think about was whether the chickens laid any eggs last night and what to cook for breakfast, and the rest of the day unfolded itself in the gentle ease of whatever happened next …

Who, today, doesn’t yearn for a simpler life? But what is it we are hankering for? To give everything we have up, and move into a log cabin somewhere in the wilds of Cornwall? We find ourselves living busier and busier lives. Time seems to pass by far too quickly. Todd always jokes and says it’s a wonder that our faces aren’t all warped from the “G-force” of it all passing by so quickly! It seems the week has hardly begun before it is Saturday again and we are staring Sunday in the face, and we wonder where the week has gone. I think if we only made a few changes in our lives we could transform all of that, and it starts with something as fundamental as the simple pleasure of concentrating on one task at a time. Time can indeed stand still, and it starts with the importance of living and appreciating each moment for what it is, therein lies the secret to having and living a simpler life.

If we could take stock of our lives and be grateful for all that we have and let that gratefulness begin to transform our lives I think our lives will naturally evolve into simpler lives. In appreciating how much we have already, we can feel the urge to get rid of all the clutter in our lives, and to get back to basics and discover the things that truly make us happy. We can begin to realize the things in life that are truly important, and those things have nothing to do with new carpets or furniture, or attending the ladies club, or driving the kids to the mall. Perhaps better choices such as cleaning the carpets you already have and buying some chair covers and some pretty new cushions for the couch you already have could be a part of simplifying your life?

Some people think that simplicity means doing without. In all actuality simplicity as a conscious life choice can help illuminate our life from within. It helps us appreciate all the blessings in life that are ours already and liberates our spirits from the bondage and burden of excess and extravagance. It can help lift ordinary moments, dreary lives and inanimate objects from the mundane to the transcendent. Simply put, less can and will become more.

There is nothing more beautiful than a simple jug full of wildflowers sitting in the middle of your kitchen table, while the glow of sunlight streaming in through the windows gives the room a feeling of peace and comfort, and of home. When we concentrate on the simple things of life, the simple pleasures … we can calm our frazzled and weary minds and find the place our souls ought to be. Lets embrace the simplicity of each day and take the gifts it offers, and stop looking for something out there beyond our own reach. Lets be content with the place that’s already ours. Living a simple life has nothing to do with living in a certain house, in a certain time, or with a “Walton” like family … it is searching our hearts for the place that’s right for each of us and accepting the simple gifts life offers us each and every day of our lives. Its not about having what you want in life so much as it’s about wanting what you already have …

We had some sun yesterday, and some rain and some wind. It was really a mixed bag. I had a yearning for some burgers for our supper, but because of all the wind and uncertainty of the weather I cooked them indoors instead of out on the barbeque like I wanted to. Burgers is comfort food …

*Tasty Cheese and Bacon Burgers*

Serves 4

Delicious and moist beef burgers topped with a mixture of three lovely cheeses and sitting on a bed of shaved onions, lettuce, tomatoes and crisp bacon … what more could a person want in life?

1 pound of ground beef

1 clove garlic, crushed

Salt and pepper to taste

8 slices streaky bacon

4 ounces crumbled blue cheese

4 ounces cream cheese

4 slices medium cheddar cheese

4 TBS mayonnaise

1 medium onion, peeled and shaved

Lettuce leaves

1 large tomato, sliced thinly

4 large buns, sliced in half and toasted

Combine the blue cheese and the cream cheese in a small bowl, mixing them together well. Set aside.

Mix together the ground beef, garlic and a little salt and pepper. Shape into 4 round patties. Let sit for a few minutes for the flavours to melt together while you slice the onions and tomatoes.

Heat a non-stick skillet over medium heat. Fry the bacon slices in the heated skillet until they are crisp. Remove to paper towelling to drain some of the fat off. Keep them warm while you are cooking the burgers. Cook the burgers in the pan drippings, browning them well on each side until they are done the way you prefer them. Once they are cooked, top each with ¼ of the blue cheese mixture, with a slice of cheddar on top.

Spread the mayonnaise onto the bottom half of each bun, top with two slices of the bacon, and divide the onions, lettuce and tomatoes equally amongst them, laying them on top of the bacon. When the cheese has melted a bit on the burgers, carefully place one on top of each dressed bun bottom, and cover with the top halves of the buns. Serve.


  1. Blooming where we are planted...noticing and being grateful for the things in our daily true, so true! :D

  2. Wonderful post as always, Marie! Welcome back. We are in Utah so I have been out of the blogging loop for awhile. I hope your trip was all your dreamed it would be.

    Love, B

  3. I daydream about the simple life -- about having a big garden with chickens & space for the kids to roam the woods without me.

    Of course, I just finished looking at the ad for an extravagant house that's for sale nearby & wishing there was a way to move into that old converted church.

    Sigh. Opposition in all things -- even in my desires.

  4. I wasn't even looking for a posting but I was glad to find this, what a lovely surprise. I don't think I could live like the Waltons, though if I had lived in their time I wouldn't have known any different. I wonder how they would get on in 21st century?

  5. You always speak such words of wisdom...have you ever thought of writing a book? Decluttering is always a good thing...we don't need half these gadgets we think we need...appreciating what we have - I totally agree with you. Plus - I love that song you quote - I sang that for my first singing exam! xxx

  6. Well said Marie. It is so good to enjoy the abundant blessings we already have. A grateful and open heart seems to wash away some of the world's silliest desires. "Clean the carpet you have." so true and it made me chuckle. :)

  7. Phew! i feel less stressed just reading what you wrote :-)

    You are right of course, but i do dream about that house in the country or the one by the sea that i might have one day where everything is just so much more relaxed and i have time to do all the things i don't do now, well we all gotta have a dream haven't we ;-)

  8. Nothing would please me more than to live a life like "The Waltons" Marie.I do lead the Simple Life since I moved back home,no new furniture no fancy gadgets etc,still hand washing and also slowed down by choice,I am happy I have hands and eyes etc to see and do these things.Material things mean for nothing.Lovely post.Take Care God Bless Kathxx

  9. Nice post. I am glad that you chose it to post while you are gone. I thought that my life would be simple when I retired from teaching. Without having to work all day and then grade papers and make lesson plans at night I thought I would have hours and hours to do nothing but rest and think...... I don't know what happened to that plan but I seem to be as busy as ever. I know that isn't possible... but I am so busy that I don't know how I ever found time to work. Is there something wrong with this picture???

    I know that you will be home soon. I can't wait to hear about your trip. Hugs, Lura

  10. Oh Marie! You've been and gone and I didn't get to see you! I'm so sorry! I obviously had the dates mixed up thinking you were here now / mid-July.

    I'm glad you had a wonderful visit though.

    PS - I thought that Simple Life show was extremely stupid as well and refused to let my girls watch it.

  11. I've missed your precious heart.

    How are you?

  12. What a thoughtful, lovely blog this is. I really enjoyed visiting here this morning. Thank you for sharing your fragrant thoughts with us.

  13. I hope you're doing well! I miss talking to you!

  14. Your thoughts are so poetic. The Simple life is as you say, a frame of mind, an live your true life with less stress and enjoy the sunshine each day with friends and family. To do for others and to give of our talents in simple ways. Thanks for a wonderful usual. Maria

  15. Beautiful post Marie - well I have been busy whilst you have been away and have a a new 'little furry friend' to introduce you to over on DollieDaydream for which we are SOOOOO grateful. I can't wait for you to visit him! Also I'm planning a Bake Off and giveaway on the week and weekend of 31st July - I would love you to join in xxx

  16. All so true...
    And I love that hymn, that was the song sung at my wedding. :)

  17. How true, Marie.

    Hope you and Todd are having a wonderful time. Can't wait to hear all about it.

  18. i love that you have posts scheduled for during your trip-how thoughtful!

    i thought that "simple life" show was stupid too. i admit i watched it a couple of times just to laugh at those two idiots though:) hehehe

  19. Oh my, you are a gourmet! Yum, Yum on the hamburgers.

    As for the post on simplicity...I once lived a life of excitement and more privilege than I do now. It was appropriate for the time, place and circumstances I was experiencing. When that life stopped it was a bit of a transition. However, I have come to return to more what I was like as a child - admiring the beauty of the clouds in the sky, basking in sunshine, thrift shop finds. Now, my entertainment is birdwatching in my backyard and watching my garden grow. My social life centers around home and family. I had a really fun life before, and I am thankful for that, but now I am even more truly happy. Now, my life is more based on things that will never pass or grow old.


  20. Lovely post Marie, Im happy you come back, send you huggs and kisses, gloria


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