
Wednesday 16 June 2010

Wednesday ponderings . . .

The work an unknown good man has done is like a vein of water flowing hidden underground, secretly making the ground green.

~Thomas Carlyle

I have always greatly admired those people who go through life quietly . . . each day an exercise in doing their best to ensure the well being of others . . . never making a fuss about their service, but simply doing what they can to make the world a much better place. How aptly these words penned by Thomas Carlyle describe just this . . . words that perhaps inspire me to want to make my own little patch here on earth a lovelier, more fruitful place!

Today Lord, may I be like a vein of water flowing . . . hidden underground, secretly making the ground above me green.

Yesterday was such a beautiful day that we took ourselves off for another long walk along the River Dee again after supper . . . it seemed that everyone was out and about!

There were lots of runners running along the pathway, and walkers walking dogs . . . and the river was filled with canoists and rowing teams . . . everyone out and about making hay whilst the sun shone . . .

How wonderful to walk together hand in hand . . . on one side a beautiful meadow filled with wildflowers and grasses . . . buttercups, clover and the odd bright patch of campion . . .

On the other side, beautiful homes from a bygone era, with terraced gardens leaning down into the water . . .

We had a truly lovely time and afterwards sat on a bench, holding hands, and watching people feeding the ducks and swans, all the time wondering why it was that we hadn't thought to bring something with us to feed them . . .

next time . . .

Oh how good it is to have someone special in my life to share these quiet pleasures with . . .

Here is an oldie but a goodie from my archives. A delicious steak with a lovely mushroom and stilton sauce. We didn't have this last night ourselves . . . tis a picture of one I did a long time ago at work . . . it is delicious though and comes highly recommended. We had beans on toast . . . coz sometimes it's nice to just have beans on toast.

*Beef Steak with a Stilton and Mushroom Sauce*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

A perfectly cooked steak accompanied with a deliciously tangy sauce, stogged full of lovely mushrooms.

4 (6 ounce) strip loin steaks (you may use other types of steak if you wish, just
so long as they are suitable for grilling)
2 tsp chopped fresh tarragon
1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
5 TBS butter
8 ounces sliced fresh mushrooms
1/3 cup dry red wine
1/2 cup sour cream
3 ounces of stilton or other blue cheese, crumbled
Rub the steaks with the chopped tarragon and the black pepper. Take a large skillet and heat it over medium high heat. Melt 2 TBS of butter in the skillet until it is foaming. Add the steaks and cook for 2 to 3 minutes per side, or to the desired degree of doneness that you prefer. Remove to a warm plate and keep warm while you make the sauce.

Melt the remaining 3 TBS of butter in the same skillet. Add the mushrooms and saute for 3 to 4 minutes until tender. Add the wine, allowing it to bubble up. Stir to deglaze the pan and then reduce the heat and allow to cook for several minuttes. Stir in the sour cream and 1/3 cup of the cheese, cooking and stirring until the cheese melts. Taste and add some salt and pepper if required.

To serve, drizzle the sauce over the steaks and sprinkle with the remaining cheese. You can garnish with sprigs of tarragon if you wish. Delicious!

Over on The English Kitchen this morning? A delicious Hazelnut Battenburg Cake! If you like Nutella, you will love this!


  1. ....very lovely sweet! and inspiring too

  2. Your walk sounds just Heavenly to me! And that little cake is mighty sweet to look at! :D

  3. Marie--I need to come and visit you! Those photos are amazing--did you take those?

    Love the steak with Stilton sauce--another wonderful comfort recipe from you...looks tasty as can be!

    Hope you're having another beautiful day, dear friend! Much love thoughts sent to you tonight!


  4. what a wonderful walk you both shared. I have been to Chester but t was many years ago Mum was with me then...shows how long ago that was !! will have to make a return visit and see it again..
    love Sybil xx

  5. Sounds lovely! Glad you are having such nice weather in your neck of the woods. We have had strong storms for days on end here in Indiana. Maybe your sunshine will make its way here soon. :)

  6. What a wonderful place you have to go for a walk. A view like that is priceless for sure! I hope your Wednesday is a wonderful one.

  7. That's what I liked about Chester when I have visited Marie.
    The lovely walks along the river and around the Roman wall.
    I especially loved the jazz band warming up prior to setting off with the passengers on board the boat on which they were playing.
    That was a memorable Sunday afternoon for sure.
    I can just see you and Todd sitting on your bench enjoying the peaceful views.
    Hugs to you...
    Love Jeanie xxxx

  8. Today seems like just the very day for having a wander somewhere nice. It's sunny and warm - one of those days when you don't want it ever to be bed-time in case the sun sleeps in tomorrow! If that happensa I'm going to teach Keith how to make that lovely Battenburg!

  9. Chester looks amazing in your beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing your lovely walk with me. The cake looks like a sin waiting to be consumed.

  10. What a great place to take a walk!

    That steak looks delish and i know my DH would really appriciate it, but i want a night off cooking tonight so guess what i was going to do? beans on toast, with maybe an egg thrown in, lol.
    Maybe i'll try your steak at the weekend :-)

  11. Todd looks a man at peace with himself.
    Bunny x

  12. It's like you live in one of my fantasies. You've been blessed with a beautiful heart, a beautiful soul mate, and a beautiful place to live...not to mention your many talents. Truly Heavenly Father loves and blesses you, and I think you have no idea how many people you bless without one little inkling of what is happening. In simpler terms, you ARE a blessing that I'm happy to partake of. Love you!

  13. Wow Marie; the pictures are awesome. I wish we could make a trip there for just a moment to view the beauty that surrounds you. What a perfect walk. Thanks, for sharing your thoughts and as usual the recipes are
    great. Blessings to you! LeAnn

  14. Lovely post my dear and the sweet and lovely Todd, really love all! the pictures! thanks by your prayers I appreciate a lot, we are tests still, only I pray! send you a lot huggs to you and Todd, love ya, gloria


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