
Thursday 10 June 2010

A Spiritual Wish List

A little common sense, to take people as they are . . . and not as they should be.

A little more cheerfulness, to share my happiness rather than my sorrows.
A little more humility, to do God's work when I'd rather be looking to my own comfort.
A little more perseverance, to keep doing the above.
A little more prayer, to leave a space in my heart where God can speak . . . and I can listen.

I found this spiritual 'wish list' some time back. As I read it . . . it struck me how very much of a difference 'a little' can make. The magic of it all is that each one of us, no matter how rich . . . or how poor . . . has it in us to do 'a little' of the things that are truly important here on earth . . .

I had another night of disturbed dreams last night. I think losing my job must have impacted me much more profoundly than I thought. The dreams are always about work and loss, and my ex boss is always in them. In the dreams I am generally being very kind and helpful to her. In truth, I do feel a great deal of compassion for her, despite how very difficult she was to work for at times. Both of our lives were blown apart in all of this, albeit in very different ways. I always wake up feeling very distressed though . . . and upset. I wish that these dreams would just go away, I really do.

We had a very unsettled day weatherwise here yesterday. We had showers and heavy rain and even thunder! It did clear enough later in the day so that we could go for a short walk after tea, so that was good. It looks very gloomy here again this morning, so not promising! (Although the weather man did say last night that we would have a bright dry day today, although somewhat cooler.) Here's hoping!! I have a lot of walking about to do today and I don't relish getting wet!

I didn't bake much of anything yesterday, except a delicious Lemon Meringue Pie, using a Jello Lemon Pie Filling packet . . . mmmm . . . my favourite. I can't really show you a recipe for that can I!!! I can show you that delicious recipe that I baked the other day though, for the Lemon Blueberry Drop Scones. These are fabulous, easy and quite, quite delicious also! It does make a lot so make sure there are people around to help you eat them up! I have never frozen them so I don't know how well they freeze. I sent half of ours over to a friend, who declared them to be scrumdiddlyumptious!

*Lemon Blueberry Drop Scones*
Makes 12 to 14
Printable Recipe

Deliciously moist, flavored with lemon and stogged full of lucious blueberries!

2 cups flour
1/3 cup sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp grated lemon zest
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup (8 ounces) lemon yoghurt
1 large egg
1/4 cup butter melted
1 cup of fresh or frozen blueberries

1/2 cup icing sugar, sifted
1 TBS fresh lemon juice
1/2 tsp grated lemon zest

Preheat the oven to 400*C/200*F/ Gas mark 7. LIne a large baking sheet with parchment paper. Set aside.

Whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder, lemon zest, baking soda and salt in a large bowl. Beat together the yoghurt, egg and butter. Add all at once to the dry ingredients. Stir to moisten evenly without over mixing. Fold in the berries.

Drop by heaped tablespoonfuls onto the prepared baking sheet, leaving 2 inches of space in between each. Bake in the preheated oven for 15 to 18 minutes, until lightly browned and well risen. Remove from the oven.

Whisk together the glaze ingredients until smooth. Drizzle over top of the warm scones. Serve warm.

Over on The English Kitchen today . . . a delicious Vegetable Cheese Soup!

Pssstt!!! The Queen is in Chester today, along with Prince Philip, handing out medals to the Regiment here that has just returned from Afghanistan. I wonder if she'd be up to lunch? Prolly not, but what a thought! tee hee Wonder what I'd serve . . . hmmm . . . any suggestions?


  1. I love the list and it does make one think.

    I have to thank you for the crumble recipe from yesterday. I used it as inspiration for our dinner and everyone enjoyed the crumble topping. Thank you so very much. After a busy few days it was wonderful to sit and have a longer meal.

    As for our sovereign I think she would appreciate something that was light and tasty and what is wrong with home cooking. I imagine it would be so awful eating fancy food all the time.

    I wish you a wonderful day.

  2. I loved the good thoughts! Your is strange how thing stick in the deep pockets of our minds and come out in our dreams isn't it?! Have a great day :D

  3. This is a thoughtful list, Marie! So very sorry you've had a time with unpleasant dreams. I think our dreams are often our brains trying to sift though what happens during our days, the brain just working through things--even this past. Do hope you have more pleasant dreams soon. Oddly, I had a very odd dream last night about someone I used to know, and old friend long lost touch with--not sure what that was about... LOL! LOVE, love, love these lemony scones you've served up today... Oh, I must make these soon! This weekend I hope to host a little bloggy giveaway--do stop by when you get a chance. And can't wait to chat with you this weekend--at last...LOL! Happy Day, dear friend--LOVE YOU HEAPS!! ((BIG HUGS)) OXOX

  4. Several years ago I lost a job for reasons totally out of my control and having nothing to do with me really. I don't know if that's your situation or not but it sounds as if it might be. I too was troubled with unpleasant dreams and feelings of deep regret. It was at the end of my career and I hated going out on that note. But in the end God used the whole experience to teach me a great lesson - and I was totally blessed to be out of the situation. I pray you will be as well. blessings, marlene

  5. Just wanted to thank you for your lovely message. I love your list, seeing the poppies uplifted me also. My favourite flowers prove to me that no matter how fragile, we can always come back, time and time again. Thank you so very much Marie.



  6. I love the list too like all your other readers. The dreams are something that is perplexing. I have that same problem over things that have gone very deep in my life. Particularly people I have loved and lost. Some are very pleasant and others not so much. I think it is our way to deal with things and is probably a good thing so it doesn't just sit there festering indefinitely.

    The Queen would love whatever you cooked for herself I would think she would be quite honored. Hope she stops in. :-)

    Hugs, B


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