
Thursday 13 May 2010

Thursday This and That . . .

The Ten Commandments of the Modern Woman

  • To be as true and clear as a drop of dew.
  • To be as strong as a thread of silk, which may be stretched, but will not break.
  • To be as upright as a palm tree in the fields.
  • To be as simple as the lark, which has only one song.
  • To have an ideal which will be a shield.
  • To be as active and hard working as the bee.
  • To be as generous as a ray of sunshine.
  • To accept life with serenity and joy.
  • To rise above the bitterness of unhappy hours.
  • Not to fear sorrow.

It might surprise you to know that these words above, came from a Church Girls paper back in 1927. They could have been written today! These words are as applicable in these modern times, as they were almost a hundred years ago. I reckon that is because truth does not change. What is true yesterday, is true today and will still be true tomorrow.

We had a bit of a day off yesterday and took ourselves off into town on the bus. It will be nice when Todd's bus pass comes through as we will safe a lot on the fares. It used to be £2 for both of us to go in return, but now it is £2 a piece return! We had great plans of course, but the weather quickly turned, and so we ended up not doing much of anything, but walk around a bit, pick up a few odds and sodds at Wilkensons and have some lunch. I do so love Chester City. It is alive and bustling, but in a good way, every day of the week. There were a few buskers singing and making music, which always adds something special to the mix. It is a beautiful city with old Tudor buildings and cobbled streets in the town centre, just teeming with history and life! There were loads of groups of tourists walking the streets, with their tour guides . . . school groups being lead about by Roman Soldiers . . . the curious and the familiar, all together in one happy mix.

I also got to call my good friend Hazel last evening to see how she was doing after her hip replacement surgery. She seemed to be in very good spirits and, although she is still in pain, she is recovering well, even taking herself up and down stairs! I am going to the Doctors today to see about mine, and she gave me great hope. My but it was good to hear her voice, and to talk for a time together. Hazel is one of those friends you call eternal friends . . . you know the kind I mean . . . you just feel as if you have always known and loved each other and you always will. Very special indeed.

I don't know what has happened to May, but it hasn't been a very nice month weatherwise so far at all!!! There's been a cold wind most days, that just blows right through you, and it seems to have been making up for all the dry days and sunshine we had in April, with lots of showers. I think somebody got the months' backwards there!! I heard on the telly that the other night was the coldest May night on record in 15 years!!! I can well believe it! We are still having to use our heat from time to time!

I also got three dolls almost completed yesterday as well, and some other plans sorted. I didn't get around to my painting yet . . . but that will come I am sure! It was just nice to have a day with nothing to do but whatever I wanted to do!

I even had time to roast a delicious chicken yesterday. You just can't beat roast chicken for a tasty meal. I think a chicken is good economy. You get all the pleasure of eating the roast chicken on the day, and then . . . depending on the size of your bird, you can get sandwiches out of it the next day, and if you are really thrifty, a nice pot of soup from the bones and scraps on the day after that!!

*Roasted Lemon Chicken with Croutons*
Serves 3 to 4
Printable Recipe

A simple chicken, stuffed with lemon and roasted, then sliced onto a bed of warm and crunchy croutons. Delicious!

1 (2/5kg) roasting chicken
1 large onion, sliced
olive oil
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 unwaxed lemons, quartered
about 4 cloves of garlic, bruised
2 TBS butter, softened
6 cups of bread cubes, 3/4 inch in size (1 baguette or round boule. I have even
used a cubed olive ciabatta loaf, it's all good!)

Preheat the oven to 200*C/400*F/Gas mark 6. Toss the onion with a little olive oil in a small roasting pan. Wash your chicken and remove any excess fat and pinfeathers. Dry well. Season inside with some salt and black pepper. Stuff with the lemon quarters and the garlic, giving the lemons a little squeeze before you put it in. The last quarter, I squeese all over the surface of the chicken before I put it inside. Rub the outside of the chicken all over with the softened butter. Season with some more salt and pepper and place it on top of the onions in the roasting pan.

Roast for 1 1/4 to 1 1/3 hours, or until the juices run clear when you pierce between the breast and the thigh. Cover with foil and allow to sit while you deal with the bread cubes.

Heat about 2 TBS of olive oil in a large saute pan. Once hot, lower the heat and add the bread cubes. Saute, stirring frequently, until nicely browned. This should take about 10 minutes. Just before they are done, I stir in a knob of butter and sprinkle them with a bit of salt and pepper.

Place the hot croutons on a serving platter and slice the chicken on top. allowing any juices from the chicken to be absorbed by the bread. Strain any juices from the pan, discarding the onion, and spoon over all. Serve warm.

Over on The English Kitchen today? A delicious Courgette and Carrot Gratin!


  1. Love the 10 commandments of the modern day woman! And your description of Chester sounds AMAZING...plan on my visit eventually ok! ;)

    Also, I didn't know Hazel had hip replacement surgery! That is kind of a big deal yes? I hope you don't have to have anything that extreme done--but I am sure if you do that you will stay positive and recover!

    Great post as aways, all my love to my family across the pond! (that's you!)

  2. My friend Judith said the first thing she noticed when she went back to her ward from the operating theatre was.....the pain was gone!

    Let's hope Todd's bus pass will soon be here. That seems an awful lot of money for a short bus ride.

    I don't think I know Hazel but she sounds nice. Does she have a blog I can visit?

    love, Angie, xx

  3. "The truth does not change". I love that! It is so true. Glad you and Todd had a good time in town. Sounds bustly and fun!

    xoxo, Rachel

  4. I hope that pass arrives soon. It must be so much fun going into to town and exploring together.

    I used to work in rehab in a ward that specialised in hips and knees. I thought it a genuine miracle how a lady would come in with a shattered femur and would be up and walking so soon after surgery. It takes an effort and I am sure it isn't at all comfortable but I was always pleased to see pain relieved and a horrid situation changed. I have had four major abdominal surgeries and I know it isn't comfortable after that but wow doctors and nurses can help so much now. Human bodies are amazing too. When I think about that I am even more convinced that God is AWESOME.

  5. I love the beautiful flowers Marie. I am hoping everything will be ok with Todd and that your lives can go back to normal soon. You have had so much upheaval lately, it must be very stressful.

    The chicken looks lovely, as usual.

  6. Beautiful "modern" commandments, Marie! Truth IS definitely truth, and timeless, as we know...thanks for sharing that!

    Sounds like you had a lovely Chester day! Sorry your weather hasn't been very nice...ours has been very strange, as well. We don't normally have so much rain this late in the year...things are different this year!

    Love that chicken recipe--looks simply scrumptious! I hope you have a wonderful day, my friend...much love and many hugs sent your way today!

  7. absolutely love the commandments! the columbine is just gorgeous, so fragile looking yet so beautiful :)

  8. Oh it has been the same kind of weather for us here in Ohio too. Many rainy days chilling and dreary. I was ready for some sunshine and warmth but didn't get it yet anyway.

    I hope your day is a great one!

  9. Hi, Marie! What a great entry! It's very sunny here today in Seattle..finally 71 degrees F. Those 10 commandments you shared with us are so poetic and wonderful. Just what I needed on such a beautiful day. The tips on the roasted chicken were good too. I haven't roasted one for awhile...we can buy them at the store that way....but then I don't get that wonderful fragrance in the house. Smiles to you!

  10. I hope your Docs appointment has gone well today Marie. Am glad you are enjoying being back in Chester - I will look forward to catching up with your posts now and could just eat that roast dinner for tea tongiht - Kisses Kitty xxx

  11. those ten commandments are awesome, perfect for women of any time!

    sorry i've been absent commenting lately-my very best friend came to town to visit and we were busy livin it up! :) hope you've been well!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I hope your doctor appointment was promising. They can really do miraculous things with that.

    Don't you love how truth remains never changing. It is about the only sure thing anymore.

    I would never think to put roasted chicken on a bed of croutons but it sounds great. You are so creative, Marie! You enrich me every single day!

  14. I loved the 10 commandments and they are good for our modern day woman.
    I loved your pictures and the description of your day. The town of Chester sounded like such a fun place to be.
    When we lived in Washington there was an old German town called Leavenworth that we loved to visit. It was quaint and fun to walk around an see the little German shops and the food was great there. Love your recipes too.
    Hug to you

  15. Love the 10 commandments of the modern day woman :)

    The chicken looks amazing, as do all of your recipes :)


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