
Tuesday 1 June 2010

The Simple Woman's Day Book . . .

FOR TODAY, June 1st, 2010...

Outside My Window...

The sun is up. It looks like it is going to be a very dull day today. Yesterday was beautiful and that cold wind finally calmed down. Not quite shirt sleeves weather, but a vast improvement on the past week. Now today . . . back to rain! Oh well, it's the rain that makes this such a beautifully green and lush country to live in!

I am thinking...
My ex husband's wife just won a Caribbean Cruise for two. Is there any justice in this world? Sometimes I think not!

I am thankful for...
Seriously though, I am thankful for the many, many blessings I do enjoy in my life. There may not be any Caribbean Cruises but there was a lovely trip to Utah and Idaho last year that I am still cherishing in my heart. When we lost our home just recently, it was quickly replaced with something just as nice, cept in a different way. Jess got sick before we had to travel up here. The trip up would have been so very difficult for her, and I cannot imagine how it would have been with her being ill in the car . . . No job . . . but then again, I am fortunate enough to live in a country where that is no great hardship. We have sufficient for our needs and we have each other. We have our faith, and the Gospel in our lives. What more can a body ask for? Not much I don't think!

From the kitchen...
I need to bake. I've been trying to keep it down a bit with Todd's cholesterol and all. We sent away for some fruit trees yesterday. An eating apple, a pear and a plum tree. All dwarf trees and self fertilizing. It may be several years by the time we get any fruit from them, but we thought in the meantime they will give the birds in the garden something to perch on, and us something to look forward to in the future!

I am wearing...
Black and white pajamas and my robe. One day I may surprise the heck out of you and be dressed in my clothes!!

I am creating...
I am halfway through a little mouse doll. Oh, this one is going to be very pretty. With lace on her dress and a bustle and everything. Perhaps I'll make her a partner in tie and tails. We shall just have to wait and see!

I am going...
We don't have a lot of plans for the week. Tomorrow is our day off so we may head up to the Delamere Forest and take a nice long walk if it's not raining. We often used to take Jess up there for walks when we lived up here before.

I am reading...

Emma and Joseph, their divine mission by Gracia N Jones

This is a careful, sensitive history of this couple, describing the powerful and sustaining relationship that they shared with each other and their tremendous mutual loyalty throughout the seventeen years of their marriage.

From the author: There is no doubt that Emma put her whole soul into the effort of helping to lay the foundation of the kingdom of God. her faith in the truthfulness of Joseph's mission caused Emma to turn her back on parents, social position, security and all things a girl holds dear, to share a beggar's life with her prophet husband, whose entire energy was directed toward fulfilling God's commandment to take the message of the Restoration to the whole world. Joseph's devotion to Emma shines through his numerous letters to her.

Of Emma Joseph wrote, "She that was my wife, even the wife of my youth and the choice of my heart . . . Again she is here, even in the seventh trouble . . . undaunted, firms and unwavering . . . unchangeable, affectionate Emma!"

In sharing her very personal study of Joseph and Emma, including letters not published elsewhere, Gracia offers readers new understanding into these two very important figures in the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and the various events that shaped their lives. A cracking good read!

I am hoping...
That I soon start losing weight again. It seems to have stalled. I haven't gained, but I haven't lost either. I cannot believe that I am meant to be the weight that I am. Surely I must be meant to weigh less. We walk every day. I had hoped that when I visited my family in July that I would have been down a lot more than I am now. Oh well, they will just have to take me as I am!

I am hearing...
A ticking clock, the tapping of my fingertips on the computer keys, birds singing in the garden . . . the fridge humming in the kitchen. Normal sounds. House sounds. Not much changes . . .

Around the house...
I managed to get all the ironing done Sunday evening. I know I shouldn't be doing things like that on Sundays . . . but I did. There was three baskets of it! Hard to believe that two people can create so much, but we do! Today I am going to hoover and dust and wash the kitchen and bathroom floors. I just love house puttering.

One of my favorite things...
Is daydreaming. Oh the places I go and the things that I see . . . I have always been a dreamer. Sometimes it gets me into hot water . . . but most of the time no harm comes from it . . .

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
Not a lot planned this week. It is a quiet week. Quiet weeks are good sometimes. They help you catch your breath and rest up for the not so quiet weeks!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

I just love this painting of dandelions. I love dandelions. Oh, the many bouquets I have picked through the years and that I have been presented . . . lots of lovely memories there. There is so much promise in a Dandelion . . . inside each flower are potentially hundreds of new flowers . . . and wishes. Who hasn't wished upon the fluffy head of a dandelion gone to seed . . . and then the magic of blowing on that seed head and watching all the seeds sail away . . . isn't nature just wonderful???

And there you have it . . . my day book for the first week in June. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!)

Here's a simple salad to enjoy on warmer days. I am being optimistic here. I am hoping that June is a lovely and warm month. Seriously though, this is a delicious salad and you can eat it warm as well as at room temperature. I just love potatoes. They are so very versatile!

*New Potato Salad with an Herby Dressing*
Serves 4 to 6
Printable Recipe

This lovely salad has a delicious lemony herb olive oil dressing that you pour onto the vegetables while they are still fairly warm. That way all those delicious flavours are absorbed right into the vegetables.

2 pounds new potatoes, scrubbed but not peeled
1/2 pound green beans, trimmed and cut into 2 inch lengths

3 TBS extra virgin olive oil
the grated zest and juice of one small lemon
2 TBS chopped fresh mint leaves
1 TBs chopped fresh flat leaf parsley
1 TBS chopped fresh chives
2 spring onions, chopped, both the white and the green parts
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Place the potatoes into a pan of salted water to cover and bring to the boil. Cook for 8 minutes and then drop in the beans and cook for a further 4 to 5 minutes, just until both the potatoes and the beans are tender.

While the vegetables are cooking make the dressing by whisking all the ingredients together in a large bowl. Taste and season well.

Drain the vegetables well. Cut the potatoes in half and drop both the hot potatoes and beans into the bowl with the dressing, tossing to coat them well with it. Cover ald chill until you are ready to serve, allowing the salad to come to room temperature before serving, and giving it a good toss.

It's my one year bloggiversary over on The English Kitchen today. I'm serving up Banoffee Pie and giving away a tasty cookbook, so hop on over to get in on the all the fun!!


  1. Lovely to read your Daybook again Marie, perhaps I should do one myself! I finished all my ironing yesterday, all the clothes we wore when we were away last week and the bedlinen...done!
    Peter is still doing the little front roof with our neighbour and tomorrow I shall be meeting my aunt for lunch, apart from that, I have nothing planned! It's a good feeling! ~~~ Pat xx

  2. Hi, Marie! It's nearly lunchtime here, and I'd love to be biting into this lovely potato salad you have on offer today! :o) On year already at your English Kitchen?! The days do fly... I always love these start-of-the-week posts you do. Today I'm glad to finally be done laundry & ironing and lots of other little things around here since getting back from our trip. There is much to do in the garden, so may start that this evening. Do hope to catch you for a chat today or tomorrow. Happy Day--LOVE YOU LOTS!! OXOX ((BIG HUGS))

  3. Shucks Marie some folks have all the luck don't they? Re- Cruise Prize.I am busy packing this week for a week away down Boston way on Saturday,No Cruise for me either LOL!!Not to worry we have our lovely soul mates Todd and The Rooster which are worth more than Gold and any prizes.Plus you have the lovely holiday coming up to see your family which will be upon you before you know where you are.Not long now!! Like Pat said I love your Day Book too.It's pouring with rain here at my end today,so no outings planned for me today.The salad looks delish Mmmmm I could just eat it.I love potatoes in any shape or form and with salad....Have a Fantastic Tuesday as Ma says..Take Care God Bless Kath xx

  4. I have always loved dandelions too. The beautiful rich intensity of that brilliant yellow is unbeatable. My Little Grandma used to call them 'Wet-the-beds' because that's what dandelion sap was supposed to make you do! We used to think the fluffy seed heads were fairies.

  5. Loving your daybook as usual. I think the dandelion picture is great and your thoughts on it as well.

    I cannot believe "they" won a cruise! Not poetic justice for sure. I am so glad you have your wonderful trip to Canada to be looking forward to soon.

    I am teaching RS on Sunday. Still trying to come up with a topic. I am thinking about true repentance.

    Well I best get on with my own daybook as I have a lot of errands to run today! ♥ B

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Marie,

    Thank you for your message and the hope that underlies it.

    I always feel guilty for toiling on Sunday but something always needs to be done.

    Take care and emjoy your day.

  8. You mentioned ironing on a Sunday. Ya know Marie; when I'm alone in the house and I play some ME music and iron, it's not work, it's sheer pleasure. And I often find that my focus is on God's goodness and mercy in my life. So, it can even become an act of worship.

    That banoffee pie sounds scrumptuous!

  9. I hope your Tuesday is a wonderful one. Congrats on your bloggerversary on your English Kitchen Blog.

  10. I enjoyed reading your daybook. We are having the exact same weather here! It's suppose to start raining and I sure hope it does, because my garden would love it.

    Congratz on one year at your cooking blog. I will have to check it out more.

    God bless,

  11. Love your simple woman day dear Marie, is fun he,he, I love this part:

    "My ex husband's wife just won a Caribbean Cruise for two. Is there any justice in this world? Sometimes I think not!" I think how you but God is perfect and He has for any of us something special I think.... Thhanks by your prayers by Espe, she has to take some tests (about her heart) and will tell you how goes. She is fine now (crossing fingers) Send you and Tood love and huggs, LOve ya dear, gloria

  12. Hi there Marie, Hope that today has gone well and that you get your nice long walk tomorrow the forecast is for much better weather...even WARM..they say...
    I am sure your weight will start to move in a downward direction again soon and one thing I am sure of is your friends and family will be so pleased and happy to see you when you get home that it won't matter a jot how fat or thin you are !!
    Much Love Sybilxx

  13. You are certainly in a reflective mood today. Yes, those dandilions look great, but not when they invade your flowerbeds!

  14. I'm sorry you haven't found a job yet. :(

  15. Hi Marie,
    I am new to your post. I often like to read what others have written for Day Book. I enjoyed your post and have been wanting to read the book on Joseph and Emma. Think I will have to add it to my "gift" list. The potato salad looks yummy! Thanks for sharing the recipe. Have a good day! Nola

  16. Awwww Marie....If I could hand out a free cruise to the Caribbean, I would surely give it to you!! You, of all people, truly deserve it. And....I know you would appreciate it more than most as well!! :)

    Gerushia's New World

  17. Hello dear. Here it is Tuesday and all day I was thinking it was Monday. I guess that is because it was a holiday yesterday and we didn't have Austin until last night. I would have called this morn if I'd realized it was Tuesday.... but then it really doesn't matter now since I can call any day. Isn't it nice to be free from all the demands and pressures of your old job!!!

    I too think of and cherish our trip to Idaho last year. I have been on 4 cruises since I took that that trip with you.... and not one of them was as special to me as the time I spent with you. Of course it is very nice to cruise.... and I am thankful that I can do it. It is nice to have a job that requires and practically pays for cruising....but being with a dear friend is the best vacation of all. Maybe one day we can cruise together with our hubbies. They can go off and do guy stuff while we sit and visit to our hearts content....dream...dream.

    Have a good week.... and yes.... no plan weeks are sometimes the very best.
    Hugs, Lura

  18. Marie,
    Even though life has dictated I take a break from blogging, I still love to drop in and and see how you are doing. I love your day posts! They usually hit an accord with me.
    Sometimes we do things on Sunday like ironing and laundry and I know the Lord understands. So often I find myself rushing to get my husband ready to leave on another church assignment. This week he is in Texas.:)
    About the Carribean Cruise...what you have with Todd is for eternity and their cruise will be over in days. (maybe it will rain on their parade:D)
    Mr B and I have never been on a cruise. Someday we both might get lucky! Right now I feel like the luckiest lady ever just to have him.
    I too KNOW I was never meant to weigh what I do. I hope this summer to walk some serious pounds off. Stress can slow your progress down. And bless your sweet heart, you have had enough stress. I think about you often and hope things turn around quickly. Your attitude inspires me.
    Your recipes look fantastic.
    I am wearing my back pajamas with tiny white polka-a-dots!~♥

  19. Mmmmm....that potato salad recipe sounds delish...I will have to try it asap! ~ Kathy

  20. your todd is lucky you iron-that is the one thing i don't do around here. i just refuse. and i stink at it. :)


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