
Saturday 15 May 2010

Saturday this and that . . .

The finest tonic in the world,

The cheapest and the best,
Put the pills and drugs aside
And put this to the test.
Take a walk and fill your lungs
With air that's fresh and clean.
Even in a city, you can find a patch of green.

When you feel run down
And out of tune with everyone,
Get out in the open
In the rain or in the sun.
Breathe the air that blows from heaven
Deeply, thankfully.
It is Nature's medicine.
It's wonderful. It's free.
~author unknown

There is nothing like a little bit of fresh air to blow the cobwebs out is there! We've not had very nice weather here lately . . . dull and showery, and downright cold . . . but one can't stay in the house for long. I really need to take myself out, no matter the weather . . . and just get some air into my lungs and feel it on my face. It's the best medicine in the world I think . . . helping Todd to put out the catalogues has been good for me this past couple of weeks. Although I have been in a lot of pain, it still has been good to feel the air on my cheeks. I think all of your happy thoughts and prayers help a lot as well. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Somehow when you know you are being buoyed up and bolstered with prayer . . . there is nothing that can keep you down!

I managed to get three dolls finished and now will begin work on a custom order. Because of the dull weather, it has been really hard to get any decent pictures of them. I tried using my lamps, but the colours don't come out naturally. One must do what one must do though and so here they are for you to have a look at. I think they turned out quite nice!!

This first doll is one that I made for my friend Laurie. She wanted one for her grand daughter. It had to be playable, without anything dangerous, so I made a puffy felt "button" for on the front of her dress and have glued it on with double sticky tacky glue.

I don't think it will be coming off. Just to be sure though, I also sewed it on a bit. I think she turned out quite cute. I haven't named her. That will be for Laurie and little Gloria to do!

I found this really pretty Mary Englebreit patterned fabric a few weeks back and immediately wanted to turn it into a doll's dress. Here's little Lulu!!

I think she turned out really sweet and I just love the way the dress turned out!!

Of course I had to make her some kind of accessory and so I came up with a little felt duck pull toy.

I think it's rather sweet. How about you?

Then there is Chloe. She's a sweet little girl, that trys hard to be good, but sometimes she needs a little help . . .

Like these cute little angel wings I fashioned out of gingham to match the pretty bows on her pigtails.

They are completely removeable, for when she feels a bit naughty, naturally!

Her sweet little dress is made of a lovely red floral print with a crocheted ecru lace trim and a button adornment of course!

I'll be posting them all in my Etsy Shop later today, so do pop on over and have a good gander.

I really love being creative. I always have done. When I was a girl I always had to make my own clothes for my paper dolls . . . drawing them, colouring them and cutting them out. The ones they came with were never good enough. I also used to fashion new clothes for my Barbies using scraps, although to be sure they were pretty basic . . . it was not the prettiness of them that counted really . . . it was the act of being able to create something new with my hands and mind . . .

It is the same with my cooking . . . it's like magic to me . . . taking all the raw ingredients and then putting them together into something that is delicious, and pleasing, and that brings joy to those who I feed, even if it's only little old me!

I guess it's the same with this blog every morning. I sit down before an empty screen and I create something for you to enjoy (hopefully!) with my words and pictures. Its kind of selfish in a way as I get probably even more enjoyment out of creating it than you do from reading it! It's an integral part of my day!

I wanted to make some stuffing to go with some chicken we were having the other night for supper. My mom always added potatoes to her stuffing. They make it really moist and delicious. Try as I might, my stuffing never quite tastes the same as my mom's. I don't know why that is. I do everything like her . . . it's probably just that the memory of the way her's tastes is so much better than anything real. Anyways, I had a sweet potato that I needed to use and so I grated it into the stuffing mix . . . I thought it would be a tasty addition and it was!! We both loved this!

*Sweet Potato Stuffing*
Serves 4 to 6
Printable Recipe

A delicious stuffing that you can use to stuff your chicken with before roasting, or bake in a covered dish. Makes a wonderful side dish. The sweet potato gives it a wonderful richness and moistness.

1/4 cup finely chopped onion
1/2 cup chopped celery
1/3 cup butter
1 sweet potato, peeled and grated
4 cups stale bread cubes
1 tsp pepper
2 eggs beaten
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 to 1/2 tsp ground sage
1/4 to 1/2 tsp poultry seasoning
chicken broth to moisten

Preheat the oven to 160*C/325*F/ Gas mark 3. Butter a casserole dish with a lid. Set aside.

Melt the butter in a large skillet, over medium heat. Once it begins to foam add the celery and onion. Cook and stir until they begin to soften.

Place the grated sweet potato and bread into a bowl. Pour the onion mixture over top and toss together. Add the pepper, salt, sage, poultry seasoning and beaten eggs, tossing to mix together well. Add just enough broth to moisten and then spoon the mixture into the prepared casserole. Cover and roast for 35 to 45 minutes, removing the cover during the last 5 minutes so that it browns a bit. Serve hot along side roasted and grilled meats and poultry. It is particularly good with pork.

Alternately allow to cool and then spoon into the cavity of a roasting chicken, and roast along with the chicken.

And for dessert?? How about a delicious Strawberry Bread and Butter Pudding. That's what is showing today, over on The English Kitchen.


  1. The beautiful things you write each day DO give us joy, my dear friend!

    Your sweet dollies are just wonderful...each one a treasure!

    I hope you're feeling better'll be in my prayers, of course!

    Hope your day is wonderful--I'm off to bed now...had a lovely day...

    Much love to you, my friend!

  2. Your dollies are delightful. As Julie said I hope you are feeling better today. The sun is out and we are promised warmer weather, so that is always good for mind body and soul.

  3. The dollies are so very wonderful but to tell the truth I love the duck and the wings the most.

    I hope you have a wonderful Saturday. I pray that your pain is minimal. I drove my girl and a friend up to the school music camp today. It was a beautiful day here. A very crisp morning with a wonderful clear sunny day. The camp was by the sea and we never got there due to a disaster that is over now!

  4. You are a very creative person for sure. What cute ideas you have adding the duck and the wings on the dolls. What a good feeling you must have when you finished them. It's still a bit on the cool side here today but we should have some sunshine and that is a wonderful thing. I hope your Saturday is a wonderful one!

  5. I love the poem and the recipes...and the little doll with the duck! How very cute!!! :D

  6. Marie,

    You are so creative, those dolls are so so pretty, any girl would like them, they are so unique too :) Your a great chef too, I really got to improve my cooking skills. Thanks for sharing with us all.

    All things nice...

  7. The dolls are so cute, Marie. I will order one for Hazie for her birthday in September. I am going to skip over there right now and take a look!

    I feel the same way about the blogging and creating. I just have to do it! You do such a fantastic job on yours.

    Most mornings when I sit down to do it I have no clue what will come pouring out of me. It is kind of fun, no, it is very fun!! My day is not as good if I do not do it.

    Happy Sunday tomorrow!

    Lovey you! B

  8. oh what I wouldn't do for that annie with the duck!!!! I LOVE her!!!!! They are all sweet...BUT...I LOVE HER!!! SNIFF SNIFF...MICA

  9. I love all your dollies - and your recipes - and your words - and just the lovely anticipation when I get around to logging on that there you will be.

    Love you loads, xxx

  10. That poem was exactly how my morning went. Once The kids were off to school & I was out planting sprouted peas with Rosie, everything seemed just fine.

  11. These are so adorable. One is more lovely than the next, and I just love the little duck too. You are so creative. What a blessing!
    P.S. Can you tell I'm working my way down your blog from top to bottom? I am so, so behind on my reading and trying to catch up.


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!