
Monday 15 March 2010

What song will you sing today?

The girl at the local news-agent's was humming a pretty tune as she served me the other day. I remarked to her how lovely it was and how it was one of my favourite songs.

"I heard it on the radio this morning as I was getting ready for work," she said with a smile, "And I just can't seem to get it out of my head!"

Funny how it goes . . . how some music is so very catchy that, once heard, we can't seem to get it out of our heads . . . and then . . . I think in the next breath . . . how it's not just music that we hear that is "catchy." Good humour, manners, optimism, laughter and joy can also be quite contagious . . . just as are the opposite grumpiness and gloom, alas. I wonder what tune do people "hear" when I cross their paths??? Do I spread a song of joy, peace and love? Or do I spread a song of negativity? I sure hope that it is the first and not the latter!!

It felt so very springlike yesterday with the sun shining and nary a cloud in the sky, and today looks to be much more of the same. Todd and I were both released from our church callings, a very sad moment for me. I could not help but shed a tear. I have loved our present Ward so very much and I have many good and dear friends in it. It will be so very hard to leave it, but thankfully we still have good and dear friends up North. Besides, as I have told everyone, they are always welcome to come and visit and stay a while with us in the new place. It is so wonderful to think that they will! Todd was given a beautiful card in His High Priest's Group yesterday. It is nice to know we will be missed, but I also know that each and every person in our Ward will also be very missed by us!

One thing that moving is very good for, is having a good clear out. You begin to look at everything and think about it's value in your life. I once heard someone say that you must look at things and ask yourself the questions . . . Do I need it? Do I love it? If the answer to both is yes, then you must keep, but if you don't need it or love it, then perhaps it's best to get rid. I am using that criteria and it is sometimes painful . . . I am such a pack rat, but I can tell you one thing(s) that isn't going and that is my collection of cookbooks. I do love them so very, very much!!

I am having fun running things down in the larder, freezer and fridge. I made this tasty tuna casserole for our tea the other night. I know Todd is not overly fond of pasta, but he did seem to like this. So much so that he didn't mind having the leftovers for lunch again the next day! They tasted even better than they had the first time around. I find that it is often that way with leftovers, don't you?

*Tuna Noodle Casserole*
Serves 6
Printable Recipe

A delicious version of a tuna casserole which is the combination of all my favourite versions. I like to think of this as the cadillac of tuna casseroles!

6 ounces medium noodles, cooked and drained
1/2 cup chopped onion
1/2 cup finely chopped green pepper
1 cup chopped celery
2 TBS butter, divided
1 can of condensed cream of mushroom soup
3 ounces of sharp cheddar cheese, grated
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 cup mayonnaise
salt and black pepper to taste
1 cup green olives, sliced
1 (6 1/2 ounce) can of oil packed tuna, drained and flaked, plus an additional 3 ounce can
1 cup crushed cracker crumbs

Preheat the oven to 200*C/400*F.

Place the onion, green pepper, and celery into a microwavable boil along with 1 TBS of butter. Cover with plastic wrap and cook on high heat for 2 minutes. Remove from the microwave and allow to sit while you cook the noodles according to the package directions. Drain the noodles well and then return them to the pot. Stir in the cooked vegetables, the soup, grated cheese, sour cream, mayonnaise, olives,drained and flaked tuna and salt and black pepper to taste. Mix well together and then turn into a 2 quart casserole dish. Melt the remaining TBS of butter and mix together with the cracker crumbs and sprinkle the buttered crumbs evenly over top. Bake in the heated oven for 20 to 25 minutes, until bubbling and nicely browned. Serve hot.

It's time for Hot Cross Scones over on The English Kitchen this morning!


  1. Morning Marie, Another gorgeous morning here sun is shing and all feels right with the world...
    I had to smile when I read about the singing..well a singer I am not!! but in teh ouse I am always...apparently...singing around most of the time quite unbeknown to me !! and Mary often says to me whats that your singing..was I ? said me ?
    I remember when we were wee that Mum used to hum away to herself even when we might be on a bus and how ashamed we were of her..thinking flok would think she was going dotty !!! and here I am doing the same...
    Great recipe today One I will be using for sure Pasta is one of our favs. Hope you have another good day today ...
    Love Sybil x

  2. Your tuna and noodles sounds wonderful. I make something like it but your recipe makes mine look dull and drab. I think I'll be trying your way next time. I'd not seen hot cross scones before, but will have to try them out too. Here we see hot cross buns often. More like a yeast roll with raisins and dried fruit in them then the icing cross on top. I hope your Monday is filled with song. I too sing often and enjoy it though I'm not sure if others do.

  3. Good morning, dear Marie! So cheerful you are this morning it is infectious! Here it is sunny too--almost spring-like! ;o) I'm afraid I don't feel much like singing this morning. What I thought was just the sniffles this past weekend has now turned into a full-blown cold. Just feeling pretty low... So very sorry to have missed you for a chat yesterday. :o( Hope to be on the mend soon. Oddly enough, I made tuna casserole yesterday too--though yours looks much better, richer! :o) Moving does give one new eyes to see one's possessions and what is really needed & loved--it is a good exercise in attachments, I think! Good luck as you get everything ready. Gosh, just days now! Oh, do please drop a line with your new address, if you have time. I have a card to send you to welcome you at your new place. :o) Hope to be on the mend and catch up with you more later. LOVE YOU HEAPS, sweet friend! OXOX ((BIG HUGS))

  4. I get in so much trouble visiting blogs with music! I hear great songs and then go to Amazon to purchase new music!! My husband keeps saying he can't afford my blog habit!! Today I'm singing Dean Martin's "Powder Your Face With Sunshine," a great song I heard on a blog over the weekend.

    Have a great week.

  5. Marie, please forgive me for being so bad about getting here for comments on your blog. I have been reading most days, and or catching up but always on the fly. I'm still in Utah and will be going home on Saturday. It is just so hard to get the computer when I have a few quiet minutes since the family here is all sharing. Most of the time I am up in the middle of the night doing it.

    It sounds like you are doing very well in term of having found a nice place in Chester and getting packed up. I really felt for you about getting released and leaving your ward. That is is always a hard thing.

    It is nice that your present ward members will be able to come and visit from time to time. It is also a blessing the the church is the same no matter where you go.

    Anyway, I jsut wanted you to know I am thinking of you daily and praying that you now find the perfect job and things can return to normal for you and Todd soon.

    Love you, Bon

  6. I love to sing Marie. I have had those moments too whe a tune just won't leave my head; sometimes much to my annoyance. lol
    As a family we would often sing around the fire of an evening. That was before TV. We still sing at family gatherings.
    We seem to have past that on to our offspring too.
    Good luck with your 'sorting out the wheat from the chaff'.
    I'm sure things will slow down as you do so. As they will no doubt bring back memories.
    Jeanie xxxx

  7. A fresh start should happen to more people, it's a good thing. Tuna cass, always so good! I am sure you come across very well to people...keep a song in your heart! :D

  8. I just wanted to tell you that I love you dearly, and Todd, and my prayers and thoughts are with you always.
    love, Angie, xx

  9. I've been wanting to make tuna casserole! Yum!

  10. Marie,

    If your blog is any indication of your real life then you spread lots of sunshine and people are better to just be in your midst!
    I love when mu husbnad whistles. It just lifts my sprirts and now I have a little grandson doing the same thing.
    Your tuna casserole looks so yummy. I think I will make it for tomorrow. We enjoy the left overs.
    Bless your heart and good luck as you continue your clearing out!
    PS The Lord has another calling waiting....:D


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