
Tuesday 9 March 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY, March 9th, 2010...

Outside My Window...

The sun is up as are all the birds. The days are really beginning to draw out now. I noticed it did not get dark until gone 6 o'clock last night. Once the clocks go ahead an hour we will really notice the difference!

I am thinking...
About the week we just spent in Chester. It was so good to see many of our old friends again and we were so very blessed to have found a decent house to rent. Thank goodness!! It is a cute little 3 bedroom terraced house, on a quiet street, with a large back garden for Jess and a really nice front garden with a space in it to park our car. We won't have to be parking it on the roadway thankfully. It is also alarmed and has new doors, double glazed windows, loads of insulation in the walls and the loft (cheaper on the heating costs) and a decent sized kitchen. Very clean, and carpeted throughout. God is good. It's not overly expensive either. We were quite worried about that as private rentals over here can be very expensive, and the landlord has assured us that the rent will not go up for the whole time we decide to live in it, which is another blessing!

I am thankful for...
I am so thankful for the many blessings my Heavenly Father has given us. Yes, one might say it is pretty horrible to lose your job and home at the same time . . . but He has blessed us with a new home in the right place for us. We will still be surrounded by friends and as we know the area well we will not feel too much like fish out of water. In the almost 7 years I have lived where I live now, I have never met one person from the village. That is due in part to the type of job I have been doing. There has not been a lot of time to socialize with anyone so one can hardly blame the villagers, but then again, having said that, Todd has only gotten to know the butcher and the post mistress . . . not a friendly lot, these villagers here.

From the kitchen...
There's not a heck of a lot really! I plan to change that today!

I am wearing...
I am wearing black and white pajamas. Comfy and warm. The morning is a bit chilly. Warm is good. ☺

I am creating...

I hope to finish off those dolls that have been sitting here waiting for my fingers to get cracking! I can't wait to show them to you. One is spoken for as it is my Blossomtimes Giveaway doll, but there will be three other's up for grabs. For the first while, until we can find a job in Chester, we will be relying on whatever I can make financially from my creativity. I an trusting in the Lord that this will be enough!

I am going...
The next couple of weeks will be very busy, what with sorting everything out and getting it all packed and ready for the big move. That is always the worst part of moving don't you think??? I wish I could just blink and have it over with . . .

I am reading...

Joy School, by Elizabeth Berg

A luminous tale of love and loss In this exquisite new novel by bestselling writer Elizabeth Berg, a young girl falls in love - and learns how sorrow can lead to an understanding of joy. Katie has moved to Missouri with her distant, occasionally abusive father. She feels very alone: her much-loved mother is dead; she finds it difficult to settle in, in her new school and her only friends fall far short of being ideal companions. When she falls through the ice while skating, she meets Jimmy. He is handsome, older than her, and married, but she is entranced. As their relationship unfolds, so too does Katie's awareness of the pain and intensity first love can bring. Beautifully written in Berg's irresistible voice, Joy School portrays the soaring happiness of real love, the deep despair felt when it goes unrequited, and the stubbornness of hope that will not let go. Joy School illuminates how the things that hurt the most can sometimes teach us the lessons that really matter.

I am hoping...

I am really hoping that we will be ok once we get settled at the other end and that I will be able to find employment that will cover all the things it needs to cover. I don't mind admitting that I am a little bit afraid. There were not a lot of jobs in the paper. This is really a move of faith on our parts. We have prayed about this, and have gotten that still small answer and sense of peace that tells us moving back to Chester is the right thing for us to do. I am trusting in the Lord to meet all of our needs. He has already met our need of a house, just right for us and I have no doubt that He will meet our other needs too. It's kind of exciting really, a real adventure!!

I am hearing...
The clock is ticking, the keys are tapping, the birds are singing. I shall miss our little cottage, but I know will be ok where we are going. The birds that sing of a morning, shall still be singing, albeit in a different location, and my keys will still be tapping, along with the ticking clock. Life will be good . . . it will be a bit different, and I will have some time to get done all the things that I have been wanting to get done . . . like finish my second cookbook, without pictures this time so that more people can afford to buy it.

Around the house...
All is in order and waiting for me to mess it up!!!

One of my favorite things...
I really missed my daily morning time on here with all of you whilst I was away. It is such an integral part of my days and one of my favourite things. I'm so grateful for each and every one of you, my sweet invisible friends!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
Well, I still have the rest of the week off from work, so I will be organizing things, getting them ready to pack and there is a Relief Society Birthday celebration to go to on Wednesday night. I haven't been able to go to many Relief Society activities down here due to the fact that I have always had to work on Wednesday evenings. It will be nice to be able to call more of my time my own in the future! There is Seminary on Thursday evening and we will also be driving down to pick up Jess this morning. Oh how I miss her when she is not around. The move will be very hard on her. She just hates being in the car and having to be in it for hours and hours is not going to sit well with her . . . but she will just have to do it.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

My baby boy, all graduated from his Boot Camp, along with my youngest daughter, Amanda. This is the first time I have ever seen her with glasses. She never had to wear them when she was growing up, but she is 30 now, so I guess her eyes are getting worse with age. Doesn't he look handsome?? I think so, but then again . . . I am the mom!! He is in Borden, Ontario now doing his trades training. He is going to be an Avionics Systems Technician. I am glad to see him settling into a profession although as with any mother of a soldier . . . I do worry that he will get sent to Afghanistan . . . hopefully that won't happen for a long time to come and maybe never. Hope does spring eternal!!

And there you have it, my Simple Woman's Day Book for today. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!)

If you are thinking that this picture has a somewhat Halloweeney look to it, you would be right. This is a recipe that I am transferring from my Marie's Muses journal and the picture was taken at Halloween. I haven't had time to do a lot of cooking as I only got home late in the day yesterday. Not to fear, these tasty little cookies are delicious no matter when you bake and eat them!! I am sure you will forgive me!

*Peanut Butter Surprises*
Makes about 36
Printable Recipe

Quick and easy to do, and so very impressive when you are finished!

1 3/4 cup flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup smooth peanut butter
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup soft light brown sugar, packed
1 egg, beaten
1 tsp vanilla
2 TBS milk
18 miniature snickers bars, cut in half
1 tub of chocolate buttercream frosting, or an equal amount of homemade chocolate buttercream

Preheat the oven to 19-*C/375*F.

Sift together the flour, salt and baking soda. Set aside. Cream together the butter, peanut butter and both sugars until light and fluffy. Beat in the egg, milk and vanilla. Stir in the flour mixture, mixing it in well.

Shape into 36 walnut sized balls, approximately 1 inch in diameter. Place each ball into the cups of un-greased mini muffin tins. (alternately you can place them into small foil petit four cases and set them on a baking tray.) Bake for 8 minutes. Immediately upon removal from the oven, press half a snickers bar into the top of each and then return them to the oven for another 5 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool on wire racks before carefully removing them from the muffin tins.

Once they are completely cooled, plade the chocolate frosting into a piping bag and pipe a rosette on top of each. If you don't have a piping bag you can just swirl some on top of each with a spoon.

*Chocolate Buttercream Frosting*
Makes 2 cups
Printable Recipe

This is a creamy and delicious frosting that goes well on cakes and cookies. It makes enough to frost a whole double layer cake. If you are only wanting enough to frost some cookies, the recipe can very easily be cut in half. You decided just how chocolately you want it to be by the amount of cocoa you decide to use.

1/2 cup butter, softened
2 2/3 cups icing sugar, sifted
1/3 cup single cream or milk
1 tsp vanilla
Choose ONE of the following:
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder, sifted (for light)
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder, sifted (for medium)
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder, sifted (for dark rich)

Place the butter into a large bowl and cream it until light and fluffy. Beat in the icing sugar, cocoa powder and vanilla, alternately with the milk or cream, only adding as much liquid as you need to get the consistency you desire. You may not need it all, and , in the case of the dark rich frosting, you may even need a bit more.

Over on The English Kitchen this morning, a delicious Cherry and Almond Traybake! (That's just a fancy way of saying a Cherry and Almond Snacking Cake!)


  1. Oh Marie, I am so pleased that you've found a lovely house for you, Todd and Jess. I've been thinking of you a lot this past week and this is such good news! I hope the packing and actual move are not too stressful for you, especially Jess, you'll have to make lots of stops for her, poor thing.

    That is a really lovely photo of Bruce and Amanda, I can see how proud you are, and rightly so! ~~~ Love, Pat xx

  2. Good Morning Marie,

    I understand about the still small voice. I am so pleased you have found a new home. Now onwards to moving forward with lots of love and blessings to be showered upon you. Take care my friend,


  3. I missed your posts and have been keeping you in prayer as you've been away the past few days. I'm so happy you found a nice house that you'll soon be calling home. It's an exciting time for you and I'm sure the days ahead will not be easy. But try to take it one day at a time and eventually all this will be in the past.


  5. Wonderful that just the right home was waiting for you...and I'm sure just the right job will be too!

    I've missed my morning visit with you as well...keeping you in prayer

  6. What fantastic news today Marie.I am so happy you found a home in Chester.A roof over your head was the priority of this new adventure and I am sure you will look back with no regrets.Especially if you have more friends around you there.Everything else will now fall into place.It is very hard work moving,but it will be worth it.I can already feel you are going to be much happier.I bet Jess will be over th emoon to see you both back.The picture of your Son is beautiful he is a handsome young man and he is just like you.Have a lovely day Marie thnakyou for sharing the news I can stop worryinga little now.Take Care God Bless Kath xx

  7. Oh, Marie! You are home... and with such good news! I am so very happy you & Todd did find a place to rent and that all will soon be falling into place. Much prayers were sent that at least you'd find a place to live. So much to do now... Oh, I wish I could come over and help you pack & get ready--it is such a big job, is moving! Just so very happy for you both! And very glad you will be able to take Jess with you and have a garden and everything. Such a lovely photo of your Bruce and Amanda--beautiful children! So happy to see you back here. Hope we get a chance to catch up before you move. LOVE YOU HEAPS, dear friend :o) ((BIG HUGS))

  8. So good to hear from you Marie! I'm glad that trip went well. Your new homes sounds lovely, and it will be so even more once you put your sweet touches to it. Blessings!
    xoxo, Rachel

  9. Im so happy you will have a new house my dear, I think God is always with you.
    Im sorrow by your lost of work that I knew in Lura Blog.
    You have Todd and Jesse and God take care of you I pray for you and Todd you will be OK.
    You are very smart and creative, Im sure you will find some job. You know God know more than us.

    Take care.

    hugsss and kissses, gloria

  10. I'm so happy to hear that you've found a place to live, Marie. And that you'll have friends near...that's wonderful!
    You have so many talents and I'm sure you will find just the right job where you can show them off.


  11. So happy to read another of your daybook entries, Marie--I missed you!

    Your new home sounds lovely, and I'm sure you will fill it with all the warmth, food, cheer and creativity it requires!

    Off to take my girl to seminary--will check in tonight!

    Lots of love and hugs sent your way this chilly morning!

  12. Thankfully God has a plan for our lives and He works His plan for our benefit. I'm so excited about your new home; it sounds lovely and just perfect for you. I will continue to pray about the job. blessings, marlene

  13. Good morning sweet lady! It is wonderfullly amazing what a woman of faith you are. Your ability to show all how to rely on the Lord,and move forward is a blessing to us all. We are praying here in California for your new job, and and easy transition to your new home and surroundings. (((Big hugs for you!)))

  14. you are living your own Lenten journey and you are so strong. Bless you!

  15. A new home!! New adventures.... Hope it has a lovely kitchen for you to make your delicious treats!

  16. Just last night I left a message on the previous post that I missed you and here you are! I am so glad you found a good place and I'm sure you guys will find the employment needed..God is such a good helper!
    Your kids are so beautiful, I can see why you are proud of them! Love the recipes...have a great week! Come say hi :D

  17. The new house sounds awesome, and that's a lovely picture of your son and daughter.

    Praying the move will be stress free and smooth and that you will soon find another job just as awesome as the new house. God is good!

  18. I too am pleased you found a wonderful place for Todd, You and Jess and your beautiful lantern full of flowers to reside. I love how the Lord directs us and helps us to know these blessings are from him.
    Bless your hearts as you prepare to move, pack up and again rejoin your friends in Chester. The job will come too.
    Your children are both handsome and I wish Bruce to go through this expereince with Heavenly Father's arms surrounding and blessing him. You certainly can be proud of being their mom.
    Much love and and blessings for an easy move my friend.

  19. i'm am just thrilled that you have already found a new home! yea!!!! prayers have been answered!! i wish you all the best in your new town-how great that you already are familiar with the area and have friends there. you will be surrounded by friends and love, whats better than that? :)

    also, your son and daughter are both adorable. like their mama:)

    have a great week!!

  20. Dear Marie
    I am glad to see you are back and to hear that you have found a suitable house. You were on my mind a lot and I have been praying for you. It will be a big move for you but knowing that we have a heavenly Father who has good plans for our lives and wants to guide us makes these transitions a little easier. I'll continue to pray :)
    Hugs, Rhondi

  21. So happy to hear you've found a new place to call home. God is good! (Be sure and let me know your new mailing address) I don't envy you having to move. I would almost rather have a root canal than move. But it does help us clean out extra stuff we don't need anymore. What handsome children you have !! I know you are so proud of them. Hugs as you and Todd pack and get ready for this new adventure. Linda in Washington

  22. Marie, I was so intrigued with the book you're reading, I just got it on eBay. I'll be ready for a new book in about a week and that's when it should arrive. Linda in Washington

  23. I am glad that you are back. It is nice finding your Day book and being able to talk to you today. I imagine that you are really tired from your trip and the stress of so many changes. I know that it is hard to go into the unknown....but I think a year from now you will look back and be very glad that you have made the change. I believe that you will find a job that will be much easier on you. My prayers are with you.

    That is a lovely picture of Bruce and Amanda. Congrats to him on his graduation.

    Those cookies look wonderful. I must try them. I bet they would be good with peanut butter cups in the middle too.

    Enjoy the RS meeting. I never get to go to my RS because we meet on Thurs. nights when I am at the temple. I miss it.

    Have a good day. I hope you hear from your boss soon and all works out well. Hugs, Lura

  24. With luck you'll find a job that has more regular hours than at present. Then you can concentrate more on your art and crafts and and THEN maybe........ well who knows!

    That house will soon become home - maybe you can even have a room for your dollies and pictures so Todd won't get upset if it's a teensy bit untidy. I used to have a room for my sugarcraft and it was always upside down. It looked perfectly OK with the door closed though!

    Oh, I'm getting jealous here. Just think how close you'l beto Blackpool...Prestatyn...Rhyl...Liverpool. Lovely!

    I wish you joy of all of it and I wish you joy of your new job, whatever thst may be.

    love, Angie, xx


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