
Saturday 13 March 2010

Satruday Thoughts . . .

'The true strength that is America's, the true strength of ANY nation, lies in those qualities of character that have been acquired for the most part by children taught in the quiet, simple, everyday manner of mothers. What Jean Paul Richter once declared of fathers is even more true of mothers . . .and I paraphrase it to make the point . . . "what a mother says to her children is not heard by the world, but it will be heard by posterity."'

~Gordon B Hinckley

Tomorrow all over the UK, families will be celebrating Mothering Sunday. In North America, Mother's Day is in May, but here it is in March, just before the beginning of Spring, perhaps in a way it is a celebration of that most beautiful creature that helps to usher new life into this world, much like spring . . . the Mother.

When I was a little girl, the one thing in the world that I wanted most to be when I grew up was a mother and a homemaker. That is the one role in my life that has brought me the most satisfaction and joy. Oh how I loved holding those wee newborns in my arms . . . and nuzzling their soft little heads and breathing them in . . . that special newborn fragrance and those little noises they make in their sleep, working their magic on my soul.

And then later on when they were toddlers, exploring the limits and boundaries of their existance . . . being able to help them along the way and to teach them the things that they needed to know, to be safe, to get along, to thrive . . . and the loving. It is a beautiful thing to love a newborn baby, but when they get to an age when they can begin to love back, it is even more beautiful . . . love shared is always a most precious and priceless gift from above.

Being a mother at any age is a blessing. As we age, and gain experience, so do our children. When they become interesting and productive adults, that is when we really begin to reap the rewards of our harvest . . . the fruits of all our labours during their growing up years. It is hard to imagine when they are small and demanding and so very much work that, one day, we will be able to simply enjoy the luxury of their loving companionship . . . but it is so . . . I promise you young mothers, it is so . . . and the truth of the matter is . . . you find yourself thinking that it happened far too quickly . . .

Then . . . ye shall reap the rewards of your faith, and your diligence, and patience, and long-suffering, waiting for the tree to bring forth fruit unto you.
Alma 32:43

My once frantically busy hands are idle now, and my free time my own to do what I want with . . . there are many days I wish that, if only for a moment, I could go back to those early years and feel those little arms around my neck and smell those sweet little heads . . . and hear those dear little childlike voices whispering how much they love me . . .

To all of you young mothers out there that are struggling, and to all you older mothers out there that are, like me, looking back on those beautiful years with the rose coloured glasses of remembrance . . . I wish you each and every one, a very Happy Mother's Day.

"There is no such thing as the perfect mother . . . We just do the best we can with the help of the Lord, and who knows, these children who are struggling to be free may someday rise up and call us blessed."
~Marjorie Pay Hinckley

If you are wanting to spoil the mother in your life . . . be it your own mother, or even just YOU, here is a delicious breakfast casserole that will start off tomorrow in a very pleasant way!

*Croissant Breakfast Casserole*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

This is a recipe that I discovered in a newspaper when I was a young bride living out in Calgary, Alberta back in the 1970's. Over the years I have changed and adapted it so much that it is no longer anything like the original recipe, but truly my own. It is a NO FAIL recipe! Effortless enough for the beginner cook to easily master, and elegant enough to serve to special guests and on special occasions. This can be doubled or tripled, no problem. Just throw it together the night before, pop it into your fridge, and then bake in the morning when you get up, for a delicious breakfast treat that will have your guests clamouring for the recipe!

4 plain butter croissants
1 TBS butter
2 cups fresh sliced mushrooms
1/4 cup sliced green onions
4 large eggs
1 cup milk
1 cup shredded Swiss cheese (emmenthaler)
1 cup shredded Mozarella cheese
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup Mexican blend grated cheese

Butter a rectangular casserole large enough to hold the croissants side by side. Split the croissants in half and place the bottom halves, cut side up, in one layer in the casserole dish. Melt the butter in a skillet and saute the mushrooms and green onions in it until they are tender and any liquid had disappeared. Remove from the ehat and set aside to cool.

Beat together the eggs and milk. Pour half of it over the croissant bottoms in the dish. Divide the mushroom mixture between each croissant. Layer on the different cheeses, and then pour the remaining half of the egg mixture over all. Position the croissant tops over the bottoms, cut side down.

Cover and place in the refrigerator overnight. The next morning take it out of the fridge and allow to stand at room temperature for about half an hour before baking. When ready to bake, preheat the oven to 180*C/350*F. Place the casserole into the heated oven and bake for 25 to 30 minutes, until it is set and lightly browned. If you find it is browning too quickly you can cover it with foil. Remove from the oven and serve.

Over on The English Kitchen this morning, you will find some scrummy Jam Doughnut Muffins!


  1. I often think Marie that when our Mums are not longer here we appreciate then even more which is rather sad really for those who may not have made much of loving their Mum's whilst they were around...It is also a sad time for some who are not Mum's we have one lady who does not come to church on Mothering Sunday as she feels so bad at not being a Mum no matter how much we try to reasure her that the "church" can be her Mum as well !! you know what I mean I am sure... Me I too am sad as this will be the second year without a card from my beloved God daughter x But so grateful to have had her love for 46 years.
    Happy Mothering Sunday to you dera friend.
    Love Sybil x
    That resipe sounds absolutley delicious xx

  2. I used to love the mothering Sunday service. The children gave every lady simnel cake and a white flower. The eyes of the very young did not make the mum or not divide. Yes mothers are important and anyone who nurtures is important too. God bless you all today and tomorrow.

  3. This will be the first year I won't be seeing my girls on Mothering Sunday as we will be going to Peter's brother's for the weekend after I have taken Isabella to her piano class today.
    Thank you for your e-mail Marie, I will reply but it may not be until tomorrow evening. Have a good Mother's Day with Todd and Jess! ~~~Love, Pat xxx

  4. Happy Mothers Day to you. I am like you in that being a mother was my hearts desire and it was well satisfied too. Enjoy your special day!

  5. My daughter-in-law attended her son's morning assembly along with other parents at which they handed out bunches of daffodis. How wonderful that this tradition is engendered into them in such a thoughtful way.
    Happy Mother's day to all.
    Jeanie xxx

  6. Hi, dear Marie! I love how you share so much here, and always lovely to see your family photos! I know you will be missing your children tomorrow. I hope they will be in touch! Wanted to wish you a wonderful Mothering Sunday! And your breakfast treat is amazing--yum! Hubby is working this weekend, and I'm not sure how much online time I'll have--having to play waitress a bit, keep the coffeemaker going and all for hubby--LOL!--but will try to see if I can catch you online for a chat. Hope all is going well there with the move preparationg... Hope you find some fun time with weekend between all that needs doing. Miss you...And LOVE YOU LOTS!! OXOX :o) ((BIG HUGS))

  7. My dear Marie, How are you dear? an Todd?
    I love mother's day but we celebrate in May I dont know why, huup! I saw you say in America is in May, maybe for this, in many things we have the same date.
    I love my Mom and I know you love yours.
    I hope you have a wonderful day because you are a georgeous Mom.
    Hugs to you and Todd.

    I love your croissants, look yummy!!! xoxoxoxo gloria

  8. I also wanted nothing more than to be a Mother Marie.No matter what I get back from my children,I will still love them just as much always.We can only do our best like you say and I did my best and more,even though I say it myself and I still am doing LOL!!.They know where to come when they need someone and this pleases me more than anything in the world."Happy Mothers Day " to you too Marie and to everyone who is a Mother who reads your Blog.The recipe once again is delish.Take Care God Bless Kath xx

  9. Happy Mothering Day and YES, I feel that being a mom was the most important thing I ever did UP TO THIS POINT. NOW I am a grandmother and that is so very important in this busy, crowded world. My grandchildren need my peace, values, love of the earth, ability to teach manners, cooking, etc. I am just a piece of their life, but I have many things to offer to them all from love. Their parents work so hard and are always on the run. Pitching in really helps.

    All joys to you,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  10. Mine are still at home, but just barely. I know it won't be long before it's just Mike and I (and Penny, of course.) I can only hope that they will give us lots of grandbabies and not move too far away from home, because I love those tiny arms around my neck too. :)
    Happy Mother's DAy, Marie!

  11. Happy Mothering Sunday Dear Marie. This is a beautiful post and oh so true. The years do slip by so quickly but it is hard to believe that when you are in the midst of raising a young family. It seems like the work never ends and you never have a minute to yourself...then before you know it they are grown and gone and you have plenty of time for yourself but you long to have your home full of children again. Life is so funny that way.

    I hope that you have a nice Sunday. I hope you have a special day. I hope that memories will warm your heart and make you smile.
    Hugs, Lura


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