
Saturday 6 February 2010

What difference do I make?

Out in the park he munched his roll and said,

"What difference do I make, alive or dead?
I count for less with every day that comes."
But . . . he did not see the birds that ate his crumbs.

Like it or not, the example that we set for others, is our gift to the world. The truth is that whilst people will forget a million times over the things we may say . . . they will never forget the things that we do.

Even the smallest of gestures have effect in countless ways . . . both the good and the bad. Our actions are like pebbles dropping into a great sea . . . the consequences rippling out in ever widening circles upon the surface of the water.

All of us can and do make a difference in the lives of others, whether we realize it or not, and it's often the little things that count the most of all.

Just my wisdom on this early Saturday morning.

I am still not feeling well, although the congestion in my nose has lessened somewhat. It seems to be moving down into my chest. I'll go to the Docs on Monday if it is still with me. I'm sorry if I haven't been leaving comments on your pages as normal. I have been reading, but not commenting. My nose runs like a tap when my head is down as it would be when typing! (I know!! Too much information as the kiddies would say!!)

I had some French Bread that was going a bit stale here yesterday morning, so I made Todd and I some tasty French Toast with it. There is still some left and I think we'll treat the birds to it now. The French Toast was really good though . . . it was the cinnamon cream syrup that really made it tops!!! Enjoy! (Note - when I have really stale bread I like to soak it for more than a few minutes in the French Toast batter so that all the flavours really get soaked into it.)

*Cinnamon Cream French Toast*
Serves 6

A deliciously fluffy french toast with a fabulous cinnamony cream syrup that is oh so very tasty!!

For the French Toast:
1/4 cup flour
1 cup whole milk
pinch of salt
3 large free range eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 TBS sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon
12 thick slices of French Bread

For the Cinnamon Cream Syrup:
1 cup white sugar
1/2 cup corn syrup (or golden syrup)
1/4 cup water
5 ounces of cream (slightly more than 1/2 cup)
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp cinnamon

butter and oil for cooking

Whisk together the flour, milk, salt, eggs, vanilla, sugar and cinnamon for the french toast in a large bowl, whisking until it is smooth and lump free. Soak the bread slices in this mixture a few at a time until completely saturated.

Have ready a large skillet which you have greased with a bit of oil and some butter. Once the butter foams add the slices of soaked bread. Cook the bread on one side over medium heat, until golden brown. Flip over and brown the other side. Transfer to a heated baking tray and keep warm in a slow oven until you have finished cooking them all.

To make the syrup, combine the sugar, cornsyrup and water in a small saucepan. Bring to the boil. Cook and stir for several minutes, until the sugar is completely dissolved. Whisk in the cream, vanilla and cinnamon. Heat through.

Serve warm over top of the warm French Toast. Delicious!

I made Todd a delicious chicken pot pie for his tea yesterday. You can check it out over on The English Kitchen.


  1. Marie I certainly hope things are much better by Monday. Our Saturday has been very quiet and fairly peaceful. Take care. Your recipes are making me wish I was not allergic to egg. They sound so very scrumptious.


  3. Such beautiful thoughts from one who makes a HUGE difference in so many lives! So sorry you're still not feeling well, Marie. Do go to the doctors as soon as you can--get some relief!

    Love the french toast recipe--my girls will devour that! Love you loads!

  4. Today's recipe sounds just a tiny bit too sweet and scrumptious for me to dare get my chops round it!

    My pennyworth on your cold - I wouldn't bother with the doc on Monday. Have a word with your local pharmacist. He/she will be able to advise. Meanwhile, take advantage of a quiet (?is it) weekend to keep warm and snug, plenty of hot drinks and paracetomol every four hours. Unless, of course, you think pneumonia might be brewing, in which case - get thee straight to the doc and never mind waiting til Monday.

    lots of love from one who cares and whose life is enriched daily by knowing you.

  5. I do hope the weekend brings some rest for you and that you will feel better. Take good care!

  6. This look absolutely amazing I love this, really, How are you my dear? your cold?? I hope you feel well! Take care and have a nice and quiet weekend!! huggsssss!

  7. Dear Marie, Sure hope that that cold does not get down into your chest...poor old you LOL
    french toast is one of Mary's favourite, I always make it for her if she has been paricularily stressed !! however we have only ever had it as a savoury dish just whisked eggs then dipped white bread and fried.. As it is best eaten as soon as it is ready I make her couple of slices first then mine !!
    Take great care, please don't overdo things. Maybe that is why you are a bit low you have worked extra hard these last few weeks.
    Much Love Sybil xx

  8. oh I really want French toast now!! Your's looks so scrummy! Hope you feel better soon.

  9. Beautiful thoughts. I love the poem. I hope you get feeling better soon.

  10. You've done it again Marie, your posts are spellbinding!

    Hope that cold is easing.

  11. your recipes are all WONDERFUL marie! now that i have your blue book, i've been trying even more of them and all of them have been winners! you are so talented in SO many ways.

  12. Oh my GOODNESS that looks delicious! Wow, you made me hungry. Ha. :) I will definitely be trying this, since I loooove French toast.

    More importantly, though, your thoughts about the ripple effect are so powerful. Thank you for making me stop and take a moment to think about this.


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!