
Monday 1 February 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY, February 1st, 2010...

Outside My Window...

All is dark, quiet and still. When I put Jess out this morning for her morning ablutions, I noticed a light dusting of snow on the ground. It is very cold. This is the coldest winter I have experienced over here in the UK. Mom said yesterday when I called her that they were also having very cold, snowy weather. You expect that in Canada! brrrrr . . .

I am thinking...
About how much I missed being able to go to church yesterday. I had to work. That doesn't happen very often though, so for that I am grateful. I do miss it when I don't go, because Sunday's are the days I recharge my spiritual batteries! It's nice to be able to shut out everything else in my life and just focus on worship. It's nice to be able to partake of the sacrament. It's nice to be able to spend some time with likeminded people and my good friends from church.

I am thankful for...
I am so very thankful for a husband whom I love dearly and whom I know loves me just as much. We are the perfect match. For years and years I prayed to the Lord, asking for a husband that shared my faith and that loved the Lord as much as I do. One that I could share this very special part of myself with and who completely understood my spiritual side and who shared that as well. A praying man who would love God as much as I do. God does answer prayers, and not always in the way we expect him to. I did get my praying, spiritual, faith filled husband. It just didn't happen to be the one I was married to at the time I was praying for one!!!

From the kitchen...
There's gingerbread and that's about it. Because of all the days I had to work at the weekend (all) I just haven't had a lot of down time to do much in the way of baking/cooking! I'll be back at it this week though, I am sure!! ☺

I am wearing...
Black and white pajamas and my robe. It's sooooo cold this morning. I need some woolies!

I am creating...
I have a doll almost finished and a few more in the pipeline. I haven't had a lot of time for crafting this past week because of work comittments, but that should slack off now for a little bit!!

I am going...
I have not a lot planned this week. I've got work of course, and then on Thursday I have Seminary. But that's my lot! I am very grateful for a quiet week.

I am reading...

Durable Goods by Elizabeth Berg

"Sometimes it aches so hard, the thought of all you can't have anymore, your desk the third in the third row, the place where you buy licorice, the familiarity of the freckles on your friends' faces, the smell of your own good bedroom. You will have to be the new girl again, the one always having to earn things."

This is a story about a twelve year old Army brat, who has recently lost her mother to cancer, coming to terms with an abusive father. Katie lives on an Army base in Texas with her father and her older sister, Diane. When Diane escapes their home in the middle of the night with her boyfriend, Dickie Mac, Katie goes along.

As the daughter of a military man, this story is very close to my heart. Although we were very lucky that my father wasn't transferred very often, we did have to move several times and I know what it is like to be the new kid at school and how very hard it is to try to fit in as you get older. Thankfully my father was not abusive, and my mother was very much alive! So there the similarity stops!

I am hoping...
That I can find some time this week to feed my creativity! It's such an integral part of my life!

I am hearing...
It is silent in here, save the ticking of the clock and the tap tapping of my fingers on the keyboard. I have the little heater on as well, so that is humming. It is warming things up a bit thankfully!

Around the house...
All is normal. The table is a bit cluttered with a few of my cookery books and the menu's etc. from the last few days work. I better shift it all today or I'll be in trouble with the big guy!!

One of my favorite things...
Is talking to my loved ones. I got to speak to my eldest son yesterday and that was lovely. He was able to tell me more about the new baby. After I spoke to him, I called my daughter in law in the hospital and spoke with her for a short time. It was good to hear her voice. She is such a sweet girl. I love her so very much. She is just like a daughter to me and I am so very grateful for that. I could not ask for a better daughter in law or wife for my son, or mother for my grandsons either! She is perfect in every way! Anthony started dating her in highschool and as they are both in their 30's now, she's been a big part of all our lives for a very long time!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
Work, Seminary, cooking and baking. Would be nice to find a little play in there as well. Here's hoping!!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

You just knew this was coming didn't you! This is Luke! How very precious he is. I can see a very close resemblance to his older brother. Oh, how I am so looking forward to being able to hold him and love him close. He has the infamous "Villeneuve" bum chin!! My dad has that and so does Luke's father and elder brother Gabriel! I do too . . . so I am thinking it must be a sign of great intelligence!! (and good looks . . . ahem . . . )

And there you have it, my Simple Woman's Day Book for today. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!)

I picked up some bacon chops that were marked down at the grocery store the other day. My goodness but they were some tasty. I fixed a hearty Farmhouse Scramble to go along with them. It made for a most delicious supper that we both enjoyed very much!! I think it's nice to have breakfast for supper once in a while, don't you?

*Farmhouse Scramble*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

Tasty farm fresh eggs scrambled with delicious, wholesome and hearty ingredients. Perfect for a late brunch or a light supper!

6 slices of bacon, cut into 1/2 inch pieces
1/2 pound of potatoes, peeled and cubed
1 medium onions, peeled and chopped
1/2 medium green pepper, seeded and chopped
1/2 medium red pepper, seeded and chopped
1/4 cup single cream
dash of tabasco sauce
6 large free range eggs
salt and pepper to taste
3 ounces grated strong cheddar cheese

Place the bacon in a 12 inch nonstick skillet over medium heat. Cook for 5 minutes. Add the potatoes and continue to cook until the potatoes are browned and crispy tender, stirring occasionally. (12 to 15 minutes) Add the onions and peppers. Continue to cook until they are softened. Strain off any fat. Season with salt and pepper.

Beat together the eggs, tabasco and cream. Pour this mixture over the vegetables and stir to mix. Cook over medium heat, gently lifting portions with a spatula until the eggs are set. This will take 4 to 5 minutes. Sprinkle with the cheese and let stand until it melts. Serve hot.

Delicious Country Chicken is on offer over on The English Kitchen today! Have a wonderful Monday everyone!


  1. Marie - that was a lovely visit from my home to yours. You sound so tranquil and happy. Life gives us what we deserve not what we ask for and you are very deserving of your contentment. Beautiful new life to enjoy too. Have a happy week.

  2. As always Marie, your daybook is very comforting to read. I love everything written here especial on the one you're thankful for.

    Hope you can have a down time this week and enjoy long hours of feeding your creativity.

    Luke is adorable! Love that chin!!! Thanks for sharing...and those yummy stuff made me hungry.

  3. Marie I love your post yet again. Ejoy the new baby.

    I love how much you and Todd relate. It is beautiful.

  4. There he is...sweet Luke! I was so hoping you'd be able to share a photos soon...what a little angel! You sound quite merry in spite of an ultra-busy weekend, Marie. Pity had to work so much on the weekend...but glad it's not too often that happens. For the weekends are very much necessary for re-charing the bodily and spiritual batteries. Oh, I made gingerbread cake at the weekend too--great minds! ;o) More Elizabeth Berg--I just love her books too. This egg-y dish today looks scrummy...mmm...Hope you have a great week, dear friend-LOVE YOU HEAPS :o) ((BIG HUGS))

  5. Oh Marie, Luke is so adorable and so manly! Right away you could not mistake him for a girl. Just so handsome! Congrats again!

  6. Congratulations on your newest grandchild! He is beautiful!

  7. I enjoyed your daybook! Have a great day!

  8. Happy Monday to you dear,
    Just think you made it through the hard week just past. I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!!! I am sure that everything turned out perfect. They are lucky to have you.

    I love the pictndure of little Luke.... and I can see the resemblance to Gabriel and you. Yep that chin must be a sign of great intelligence and good looks!!

    Little Claire was so happy that you left her a comment. Did you see the comment she sent you on your last post. She did that all by herself. I thought some of her original spelling was too cute so I didn't have her change it.

    Have a good week. I excited to call you tomorrow. I always love to hear you sweet voice.

    Take care dear. hugs, Lura

  9. Aww beautiful photo of your grandson Marie thank you for sharing! Am looking forward to some of your baking recipes this week, until then sending you some Cherry Almond cake from Dolliedaydream xxx

  10. Hi Grandma...wee Luke is so gorgeous... Hope you warmed up as the day got going...Certainly milder here this afternoon. Now forecast is for a rainy week !!
    Glad that last week is over for you..and that this week will be a bit of a rest.
    Love Sybil xx

  11. What a darling baby Marie - they are just gifts from God. Have a wonderful, doubly blessed week. blessings, marlene

  12. Happy to read you got through the week Marie.OH!! Your Grandson Luke is adorable.What a beautiful baby he is.I felt like picking him up and sqeezing him He-He.The recipe looks scrummy too.Have a lovely week Marie,doing everything you delight in .Take Care God Bless Kath xx

  13. What a great post -- a wonderful way to get to know you better -- Luke is so sweet. Thank you for your recent visit and prayers.

  14. I'm so glad I popped in today Marie.
    Your new grandson is such a handsome chappie. He certainly is going to be a heart breaker when he grows up.
    You are always so busy, at work, indoors painting, or doing your crafts. You fulfill every hour God gives you for sure.
    Jeanie xxx

  15. I always like reading your Daybook. Last week it was full steam ahead, this week the station is in sight! I hope you'll be able to have some refuelling time. Thinking of you with love, as ever,
    Angie, xxx

  16. oh marie, luke is PERFECT! what a sweetie-congrats to your family on this new wonderful addition!!!

  17. Congratulations Grandma. Luke is adorable. I can almost smell that newborn smell!


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