
Monday 11 January 2010

The Simple Woman's Day Book . . .

FOR TODAY, January 11th, 2009 ...

Outside My Window...

There is a good 10 or more inches of snow on the ground still. It did get a bit milder yesterday and so some of it has started to melt, and it didn't seem to be quite as cold last night. They do say though that we are going to be in this deep freeze for quite a few more days yet to come. I did have to wish for snow didn't I? haha I don't think they can blame this all on me quite yet!!

I am thinking...
About how much I missed going to church yesterday. All the meetings in our stake were cancelled because of the roads. That doesn't happen very often, thankfully. We tried to keep a peaceable and reverent day. In the morning we went for a walk with Jess around the Estate. the snow was falling, big goose down fluffy flakes. It was so peaceful and beautiful, and largely untouched. Every once in a while we would throw a snowball for Jess and she had great fun trying to find it in the snow, coming up with a puzzled look when she could not. She always got the exact spot where it landed . . . but where oh where did it go??

I am thankful for...
I thought yesterday about how very blessed I am to be living the life that I am and I am very thankful for that. No, we are not rich, but we have sufficient for our needs. When I look in the mirror, I can see that I am not beautiful, and there's a few more wrinkles here and there and a few more grey hairs, but I am loved more than I had ever hoped to be loved, and by a man that is good and kind, sincere and . . . devoted. My quiver is filled with loved ones and friends. I am not hungry, or cold, or wet. I sleep in a bed each night, under a warm cover and next to my sweetheart, and I always know where my next meal is coming from. I am surrounded by peace and contentment. I have my health as does my Todd. I know where bliss is . . . it's all around me. Just a minute . . . there . . . I had to stop and pinch myself. No . . . I am not dreaming. ☺

From the kitchen...
Well, there's some leftover scones that I may put out for the birds. They do not age well. There's also a scrummy fruit and gingerloaf that I made last evening. Not a lot else though. It is clear I have been slipping!!

I am wearing...
My pink and white stripey warm jim jams that Lura sent me last year. I just love them. They are so cosy. Every time I wear them I feel like I have been wrapped in one of her lovely hugs. It's a pretty special feeling. I wish everyone could feel it! Wish I could bottle it and sell it. I'm sure it would sell like hotcakes!

I am creating...

I just love this newest doll of mine. I have been working on her all weekend. She's called, "Patty Bakes a Cake," and she comes complete with her very own little fairy cake with a cherry on top. I think she's pretty special, and I had ever so much fun making her. You can see her in full over on Blossom Time Creations of course. I love her dress, it is made from two compatible fabrics and I embroidered a bit over the ric rac trim on the bottom. The little cupcake is really cute too. I have it all glittered and sparkled. It looks good enough to eat if I don't say so myself.
I've also been working on my art course and am quite enjoying it! I've also done some thankyou cards for people and some birthday cards for special friends.

I am going...
Well, hopefully the roads will improve this week so things can get back to normal. We have not left our drive in over a week now. The car has not budged. Todd's been cleaning it off and turning it on each day. Yesterday he turned it on when we got back from our walk. Two hours later there was a knock on the door. It was the little fella next door wanting to know if we knew the car was running. What's he like!!! That car is so quiet though, I didn't hear it either! Thank goodness he let us know, or it would still be running . . . or maybe not . . .

I am reading...

Open House, by Elizabeth Berg

This is the third novel in a row that I have been reading by Elizabeth Berg. I am really enjoying her work I guess!! This one is about a woman named Samantha who is trying to re-create her life after divorce by opening her heart and her home. Samantha's husband has left her, and after a spree of overcharging at Tiffany's, she settles down to reconstruct a life for herself and her eleven-year-old son. Her eccentric mother tries to help by fixing her up with dates, but a more pressing problem is money. To meet her mortgage payments, Sam decides to take in boarders. The first is an older woman who offers sage advice and sorely needed comfort; the second, a maladjusted student, is not quite so helpful. A new friend, King, an untraditional man, suggests that Samantha get out, get going, get work. But her real work is this: In order to emerge from grief and the past, she has to learn how to make her own happiness. In order to really see people, she has to look within her heart. And in order to know who she is, she has to remember . . . and reclaim . . . the person she used to be, long before she became someone else in an effort to save her marriage. Open House is a love story about what can blossom between a man and a woman, and within a woman herself.

It's very, very good.

I am hoping...
That the weather continues to improve. Oh, and that my second session of ear syringing goes well tomorrow morning. It didn't go that well last week and I was quite ill afterwards. I cannot afford to be ill tomorrow. There's just too much to do. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

I am hearing...
It is silent in here, save the ticking of the clock and the tap tapping of my fingers on the keyboard. Jess is snuffling away in the corner . . . chasing snowballs no doubt!

Around the house...
All the decorations are down and things look pretty much back to normal. It always makes me feel a bit sad when we put them away after Christmas because it means that Christmas is over and done with. I love Christmas and it always seems to pass so quickly. We spend weeks and weeks gearing up for it and getting ready, and then . . . pouff . . . it is gone in a seeming instant!

One of my favorite things...
Is these few hours I spend with you each morning. I just love this time that I spend putting down my thoughts and feelings. It feels just like a visit with a good friend to me. I hope it feels like that for you as well. Now, that's a wonderful thought!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
Work, Seminary, cooking and baking. More on my art course and hopefully some more creativity. Just plain ordinary life it would seem!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

This is one of my favourite pictures that I took yesterday as we were walking around. A man and his dog. My family beneath an old snow covered oak tree. I love it!!!

And there you have it, my Simple Woman's Day Book for today. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!)

This recipe I am sharing today is a real no brainer. Quick and easy, it's also very tasty. I really enjoy this once in a while. I'm not a red neck, but if this is the way red neck's eat, I may become one!

*Redneck Casserole*
Serves 4 to 6
Printable Recipe

The perfect weeknight meal. Easy to put together and on the table in just a little over half an hour. It uses things most people have in their freezer and larder. Great for when you are in a hurry and starving, and you don't have a lot of time to make anything more complicated. All you need is some crusty bread on the side to mop up all the juices along with a salad and you're good to go!

3 (415g) tins of baked beans
1 TBS cider vinegar
2 TBS molasses
1 packed TBS of soft light brown sugar
1 tsp dried mustard powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
1 package of smoked frankfurters, cut into 1 inch slices
a couple handfuls of frozen tater tots, or 6 frozen potato waffles
6 ounces of strong cheddar cheese grated

Pre-heat the oven to 200*C/400(F. Empty the beans into a 9 inch square deep baking dish. Stir in the vinegar, molasses, brown sugar, mustard powder and onion powder. Mix all together well. Stir in the cut up frankfurters. When all are mixed together, lay the potato waffles or tater tots evenly over top. You may have to cut a few of them to fit if you are using potato waffles. Sprinkle the grated cheese over top of everything making sure it is evenly covered. Bake in the pre-heated oven for about 30 to 35 minutes, until well bubbly, the waffles have crisped and the cheese is melted. Let sit for a few minutes before spooning out to serve. Delicious!

Over on The English Kitchen today, you'll find a delicious Pasty Pie.


  1. Love to hear about your morning and day...that recipe looks interesting, never seen a dish like that, will have to give it a try! Well, stay warm and healthy and have a good day! Come say hi :D

  2. Good Morning Marie,

    I pray that you have a wonderful day. Your walk sounds like a lot of fun. Dogs are great companions. Take care and stay warm and well.

  3. You have the best Daybook every week, full of good stuff. I love the you words on the things you're thankful for...and the snow! Look at that! I'm missing winter for many years now...

    Stay warm, Marie.

  4. Marie, I always love your daybooks! It is so much fun to see and hear what you are up to! The picture of Todd and Jess brought an instant smile to my face! Loving that recipe as well. Take care my beautiful friend! Much love - Raquel XO

  5. It is snowing quite hard at the moment it looks like a white-out. We were not supposed to get much so hopefully it will stop soon. I think I'll have to try that casserole with tater-tots on top. I used to fix this meal for my family only it was in 3 seperate pans. Never thought to put it altogether. You have the greatest ideas and I find myself why didn't I think of that. Have a great Monday!

  6. The story about the dog and the snowballs made me laugh. And i might try that recipe sometime, especially on my boys, although they'll probably want me to use the spicy frankfurters one store has started selling.

  7. well, I will have to stretch my reading list to include Eliz. Berg!

    How can one ignore a review like that? :-)

    Poor pooch....those snowballs are

    Have a blessed week

  8. enjoyed your post today , the recipies and pictures. wishing you a geat week

  9. What a lovely post, Marie! Sorry your meetings got cancelled, though--but probably a good thing with the bad roads, and all!

    Your walk sounds lovely--great photo, too! Love the Redneck Casserole--we'll have to try that one out! My family will love the name!

    Hope your day is sparkly and beautiful--much love to you, dear friend!

  10. Marie I am busy drooling over this recipe.

    Looks delicious.

    I really liked that book open house.

    Great post.

    Love Renee xoxo

  11. It's no surprise I love the redneck casserole.

  12. Oh, I love Patty! I wish I had more time to make more rag dolls for my girls, they love to play with them! Patty would be very popular here! The snow looks beautiful! THanks for letting me drop in on your day!
    quilt-n-mama.blogspot. com

  13. I was begining to wonder of you were responsible for all this snow !!!! Glad that you and Todd enjoyed your walk and of course Jess...for some Reason my wee Dee loves to go and run around in the garden although he has such wee legs...I have got most of the Christmas decorations down now as well all lying on the spare bed in teh back room waiting for my Brother in Law to put away for me. This week though I won't miss them to much as there will be a few cards adorning the place as it is someones 65th, !! birthday this week, I am hoping the snow might allow us out on Thursday...
    I didn't get to church yesterday either as we cancelled for fear of folks taking a tumble on the icy pavements,
    LOve for now Sybil x

  14. As a bit of a redneck myself, I stand proud to have that casserole named after my kind...hehe. Looks really delicious! Love the snowy pic.

  15. I love reading your Daybook Marie, it's good to hear what people are getting up to in their week. The Redneck Casserole looks like it would be a favourite of my grandchildrn, I'll make sure Rhiannon gets a copy of this recipe too... oh and Patty Bakes a Cake is mine, I've bought her and she is just so ME! Thank you for making her! ~~Love, Pat xx

  16. Thanks for sharing your daybook. I enjoyed reading about your day.


  17. What a beautiful post today, I so enjoyed reading it, and what a lovely photo you took. thank you for the recipe also.

  18. i love that picture of your man and his dog:) so cute. and i know what you mean about Christmas being over-it goes by too fast darnit!

  19. Marie,
    What a warm, cozy, friendly post. I especially like your Thankful thoughts. What wonderful things to say about your husband and your life.
    You must really have the bad weather to have your church meetings canceled yesterday!
    Great recipe. Thought, when I first saw the picture, that it was plain waffles on top and couldn't figure out why. Potatoes make more sense to me.
    Have a glorious day!


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