
Saturday 9 January 2010

The old coat . . .

One of my Christmas Presents this year was a lovely new coat. I did need a new one as my old one has gotten rather large on me and is a bit tatty looking. The new one is very beautiful, cream in colour and filled with lovely soft down. It has a pretty, detachable hood, lined with fake fur, and, I have to say, the colour really does go well with my complexion and the darkness of my hair. I am saving it for good and only really wear it when I go to church or some other special place.

The other day Todd looked at me just as I was going out the door to work, and he asked me why I was wearing my old coat instead of my lovely new one, which is not only prettier, but warmer as well.

I couldn't think of an answer, other than the fact that I was saving the new one for good,and that was that . . . until I got into the solitude of work and started thinking . . . as I often do.

As I thought and thought about my old coat, I realized that my old coat and I have known each other for a really long time. We are comfortable with each other. I know just how to turn the collar up to keep the cold breezes out and to keep my neck warm. In time my new coat will become just as my old coat . . . an old familar friend, but for now . . . we remain strangers on speaking terms.

I think it was Victor Hugo who once said, "Old coats and old friends are the same thing."

I agree Victor, and so are old comfortable chairs with their familiar creeks and sunken spots, old slippers that are comfy and warm, and much read books that you don't mind reading again and again.

Oh, I am so glad that my life is filled with old friends!! How about you??

It continues to be very cold here. I noticed on my way home from work yesterday that icicles are beginning to form on the eaves of the house. That is something I have never seen over here. We are trying to conserve our gas as none has been delivered yet. We checked the tank and yesterday morning we were down to less than a tenth of a tank, having gone through the other tenth in only two days. I am really hoping that they deliver some today. We did call and they said that they had tried to deliver the other day, but access to our road was blocked. I don't know what that was about, as it has never been blocked, but no mind . . . I have my fingers crossed we don't run out before they come. It's just too cold and I am worried our pipes will freeze.

I managed to get another painting done. She's a real cutie. She is posted in full on my Blossom Time blog now! Let me know what you think, ta!

Cold weather calls for comfort foods. I think our body needs them to keep warm and burn as energy. Does anyone know if this is true? It sounds good at any rate! I think potatoes are one of my favourite foods of all. I could eat them for three meals a day, every day of the week, and never get tired of them. Here's a delicious way of preparing them that is quick and very, very tasty!!

*Pancetta and New Potato Crush*
Serves 2
Printable Recipe

I love the smokiness of the pancetta which goes very well against the bitterness of the greens and the sweetness of the new potatoes. The perfect trilogy. I could eat this every day. Quick, easy and oh so very tasty!

1 pound baby new potatoes, washed, do not peel
200g of baby leaf greens, washed and shredded
2 TBS olive oil
1 small onion, peeled and chopped
2 cloves of garlic, peeled and crushed
140g of Cubetti di Pancetta (cubed, thick sliced Italian Pancetta bacon)
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
a small handful of fresh flat leaf parsley, chopped

Place the potatoes into a pot of lightly salted water to cover. Bring to the boil, then cook for about 20 minutes, until tender, adding the baby leaf greens in the last five minutes. Drain well and return to the pan.

While the potatoes are cooking, heat 1 TBS of the oil in a skillet. Once hot, add the onion and pancetta. Cook, stirring until the pancetta is nicely browned and the onions soft and golden, about 6 to 7 minutes or so. Add the garlic, and cook, stirring until fragrant, another minute or two. Keep warm until the potatoes are ready.

Once the potatoes are ready,drained and back in the pot, lightly crush them with a potato masher, adding the last TBS of the oil. Don't mash too much, you want a nice coarse consistency. Stir in the pancetta mixture and the parsley. Season to taste with salt and black pepper. Serve immediately.

It would seem that this is indeed a potato day, for over on The English Kitchen today you will find a tasty Jacket Potato with Chili and Cheese! Oh my!!


  1. Good morning Marie. I pray your get the gas as soon as possible. I would hate for you to suffer. I understand there has been some real issues in the UK with gas. I also hope that you and your new coat become friends soon. Take care,


  2. Morning Marie. Gosh it's so cold in this house. I have the door between the kitchen and living room open in the hope the living room gasfire might warm the kitchen up enough so I can go makw a cottage pie for lunch. Maybe the engineer will come soon. But at least our boiler is out. It's much worse wondering if it's going to be, like you are. I hope they get that oil through to you soon.

    Get that new coat on snowballing in it!

  3. I tend to save new things "for good" as well -- I've never thought as the old ones as old familiar friends! My old coat is 17 years old and a bit worn about the edges and I WAS looking at a new one (which would be warmer -- better insulation now!) but I thought, no I like this one -- and it isn't in complete tatters! So it looks like it will be worn another winter!

  4. I agree with you about the old coats and comfort foods. We do need them both. Keep warm. I'll be praying your delivery comes soon.

  5. Hi, Marie! I had to laugh a little over your new coat/old coat story. It is funny how we get attached to things! But do make friends with the new coat--it's aching to meet you and have fun! :o) Another illustration--you are on a roll! And a beautiful one too... Enjoy the creative flow. Wonderful recipe today. My hubby spies it and is drooling... LOL! :o) Happy Weekend, dear friend... LOVE YOU HEAPS ((BIG HUGS))

  6. Marie you sound just like me in this story.I have two new coats which have hung in my wardrobe for over a year now and I think oh I'll wear that one or the other tomorrow and tomorrow never comes. It's out with the old one like you.I feel more me in it,if you know what I mean.I believe like you that my old one is so comfy and Iv'e worn it for so long,part of me would be missing if I didin't have it on LOL!!No doubt if I wore one of the new ones I would probably fall in it and tear it or something LOL!!As suggested I'll have to see if I can get a crash helmet and knee pads to match the new ones before I wear them in this snow Heeeee.I have sent up lots of prayers since yesterday your gas arrives quickly..Take Care God Bless Kath xx

  7. Your New coat story sure hit the spot for a lot of us. I agree though. I bought a fleece out in New Zealand first time I went might even have been about 15 YEARS AGO TODAY that I got it. !!I have worn it almost every day since I came home with it except for really summery days....when do we get them ??...and it is still complete I even bought a new one in the same shop about 5 years ago and do you think I can get used to old friend is still the best.
    Love your new "smiler" she is absolutely gorgeous.
    Love Sybil xx

  8. Hello dearest Marie!
    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year!! Wishing you the best yet this year ahead. Blessings dear friend. Mica

  9. What a lovely tale of your old, comfy coat, Marie! I understand what you mean...and that yummy meal--love it's name! Just sounds perfectly comfort-foodish! And yes, I think our bodies (or our brains!) DO require comfort food when it's extra cold! Hope that gas comes to you soon--stay toasty, dear friend!

  10. I loved your message about your old coat. I am feeling that way about my old car!:) It is about 12 years old and about 110000 miles and I still love driving it because it is so easy and good friend. Mr B bought me another one in October and I hardly ever drive:) I guess we need to not only be on speaking terms but laughing terms with our friends!
    I too hope your gas is delivered quickly and your pipes are alright. Brr
    As for potatoes I so agree. These look scrumptlicious. Your food and pictures are so amazing! And that is from an Idahoan Potato girl!!
    Enjoy a wonderful Sabbath:-)



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