
Saturday 30 January 2010

The heart remembers . . .

Our minds might forget . . . but the heart remembers everything. All the joyful times, and the agonies, the hopes and . . . the regrets.

In the depths of a January winter, when the ground lays covered in a blanket of snow . . . the heart remembers April, with daffodils bursting into bloom, hearing on the springtime wind and showers, the sweetest song of all.

The memories of Youth's shining hour are hidden in it's depths, likewise love's golden day. The passing of time may fade the colours and the glory turn to grey, but something of the magic of those times lingers . . . never to depart . . . deep down in the secret places of your quiet heart.

You may think you have forgotten more than you can remember . . . but, in truth, the heart remembers all. Suddenly . . . with the whiff of a remembered scent from long ago . . . a few notes of a favourite melody . . . some strange and wonderful thing your heart will recall . . . something buried and from far away . . . a kiss, a smile, a melody . . . a dream of . . . yesterday.

Yes . . . the heart remembers everything, although the mind forgets.

My sweet daughter in law Anne had her water break yesterday and she went into labour. Still no news to report however. (This is a picture of her cuddling our oldest grandson, Gabriel) I am trusting that no news is good news and I'll quite happily report when the wee one has arrived safe and sound!

This is an old fashioned family type of recipe that I am sharing with you today. It is one of my pasta indulgences when I am longing for home comforts. I could eat a whole casserole dish of this all by myself. Todd hates pasta as you know . . . but that's never a problem for me, coz it just means I have more to enjoy all by myself, coz as you all know. I pasta!!!

*Macaroni with Tomatoes and Cheese*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

This is one of my favourite macaroni dishes. It's old fashioned and simple and very homey. This is a real pleaser.

8 ounces macaroni, cooked and drained
a knob of butter
8 ounces cheddar cheese, cut into cubes
1 small onion, peeled and minced
2 cups chopped tomatoes, with their juices
salt and pepper to taste
2 slices of sturdy white bread, buttered and cut into cubes

As soon as you have drained the macaroni, put it hot back into the pot. Add the knob of butter and stir to melt. Stir in the cheddar cheese, minced onion and chopped tomatoes. Season to taste with salt and black pepper. Stir in the pieces of bread and pour the whole thing into a butter shallow baking dish. Pour enough milk over top just so that you can barely see it through the macaroni.

Heat the oven to 160*C/325*F. Bake the macaroni for 35 to 40 minutes until bubbling and a bit browned. Delicious. Serve warm.

Over on The English Kitchen this morning . . . scrummy Gingerbread!


  1. Love that pasta recipe Marie... Mary and I love pasta so sure to use that one...Hope you are warm this morning we have a dusting of snow again and feels cold outside...not that I am outside LOL. but even Dee didn't wander around as he often does !!
    Love sybil xx

  2. Hello my friend,
    I hope everything is going well with your daughter in law and the new baby.

    Will you keep my daughter in your prayers? I took her into the doctor today and she has a growth on her leg that looks suspicious. I am taking her in for an MRI on Monday, but the doctor thinks it could be a tumor.

    Love you,


  3. Your mac and cheese look wonderful -- I may have to make this this week!

  4. First of all dear friend, can I use your comments box to pass on to JenJen and her daughter that they are in my prayers too. A horrible worrying time for them.

    Unlike Todd, I love pasta of all kinds. You cn do so much with it. You could eat it every day for a year and not repeat a recipe I should think. As you are with potatoes, so I am with pasta!

    Where's this snow come from, that's what I want to know!

  5. Pasta is always a hit at my house, and my husband is very fond of tomatoes, so I will have to give this one a try.

    Your blog is really beautiful. I'm following your posts now, so I can read all your recipes!


    P.S. If you're interested, I'm blogging about my attempts at Irish cooking!

  6. How exciting to have a new baby in the family. I will have a new grand babe some time in March and will then be like you awaiting news. It's times like that when it is very hard being so far away. Hope your long working weekend is going well.

  7. Love your blog. The macoroni looks divine...and right now with the snow outside...sounds like a real comfort food! Stopping by via Rhondi.

  8. Such lovely thoughts today, Marie...I love those moments when something seemingly insignificant brings a long-lost memory to's like magic, isn't it?!

    How exciting about a new grandchild! It's so hard to wait for news...Congratulations!

    Love that recipe--comfort food for sure!

    Thank-you for the sweet birthday wishes, my friend--you're always so thoughtful! Much love to you today, as always!

  9. I was so hoping that you would have news of your new wee one. I hope all is going well. They are in my are you. I have been thinking of you all day today and yesterday. I know how hard you are working and I am praying that your health and strength will hold out. One more day and you are done!!! I am sending love. Lura

  10. Oh, that pasta looks FAB!!

    And can't wait to hear about that new little one!!

  11. I adored this post, I discovered this blog quite by accident but it was a wonderful find. Hope you don't mind but I've included it in my new 'Posts of the Week' section so that others can share the beautiful spirit in which it was written. :)

  12. I hope and pray that your next post will contain joyful news.


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