
Tuesday 15 December 2009

Wise words . . .

During one of the darker periods of the world's history, Victor Frankl was an inmate at Auschwitz and Treblinka. He saw many terrible and horrible things. Interestingly enough his abiding memories of that time are of the people . . . inmates no better off than the rest of them, but who chose to comfort their fellow men and women.

There were many fine examples of some who would give away the lat of their bread to someone who could not possibly have been any hungrier than themselves.

"The way a man accepts his fate," he wrote, "and all the sufferent it entails, the way in which he takes up his cross, gives him ample opportunity . . . even in the most difficult circumstances . . . to add a deeper meaning to his life."

Pretty wise words and a lesson to be learned there for us all.

Short but sweet this morning as I overslept! I must have been really tired. I hope you'll forgive me! ☺ It's not often that I do that!

I made these lovely squares yesterday to take to our works party. I wasn't able to get many pictures of them before they were snaffled up. Just goes to show how tasty they are!

Mom's Christmas Feather Squares
Serves 12
Printable Recipe

When I was growing up, I knew that when these delicious bars were in the larder, Christmas could not be too far behind. Christmas was the only time my mother made these and we certainly looked forward to seeing them every year. A moist and delicious cake type base covered with sweet raspberry preserves and a lovely meringue topped with toasted coconut on top make these holiday winners!

4 TBS butter, softened
3 large eggs, the whites and yolks carefully separated and put into two different bowls
1 cup sugar, divided
2 TBS milk
1 tsp baking powder
1 TBS cornstarch
1 cup flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup raspberry preserves
1 cup flaked sweetened coconut

Pre-heat the oven to 180*C/350*F. Lightly butter an 8 inch square baking pan and dust with flour. Set aside.

Cream together the butter and 1/2 cup of sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the egg yolks, one at a time. Stir in the vanilla. sift together the flour, baking powder, cornstarch and salt. Add to the creamed mixture alternately with the milk, mixing together until smooth. Spread this mixture into the prepared pan. Bake in the heated oven for 20 minutes, until lightly browned and the top springs back when lightly touched. Remove from the oven and immediately spread with the raspberry jam.

Beat the egg whites until foamy. Continue to beat, adding the remaining 1/2 cup of sugar slowly until the mixture it stiff and glossy. Spread this over the top of the jam and sprinkle with the coconut. Return to the oven and bake for another 10 to 15 minutes, until golden brown and the coconut is toasty. Remove from the oven and allow to cool before cutting into squares with a wet knife.

These are best eaten on the day they are baked. Store any leftovers in the refrigerator.

It's Holiday Split Seconds over on The English Kitchen today!

PS - I've had to disallow anonymous comments on my blog for the moment due to the peppering of spam and links throughout the comments. I apologize for that, but it takes me far too long each morning to get rid of them. It's very annoying!


  1. What a special cake it must be! Looks just delicious!!! I can just taste that coconut on top of the fluffy cream....YUM!

    Hope your party was fun and that you're enjoying a relaxing day today! I'm off to bed now--tired as can be! Much love to you, my friend!

  2. Have a happy day and I am not surprised that you slept in. Will you get a break before Christmas?

  3. Hi Marie
    I'm sorry to hear you've had problems with comments. That is so anoying. Have you read The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom. It's a wonderful story of her life in a concentration camp and how God helps her to forgive. I know you would like it.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  4. I've had alot of spam come on my blogs too. I moderate the comments so they are removed before anyone sees them. It's a shame that others try to take advantage. Hope your day is a great one now that you are well rested.

  5. The cake looks delicious Marie Mmmm.Thankyou for the beautiful card you sent.I hope you enjoy every break you get this Christmastime you so deserve them. ENJOY !!Take Care God Bless.

  6. I am glad that you slept in this morning. It is good for you to get a little more rest when you work so hard. However, now that you are up hop over to my blog and say "hi". Yes....don't faint...I actually posted 2 blogs in 2 days...will wonders never cease?

    This cake looks beautiful. I will make it with Loni when I am there. I am going to call you in a few minutes because John is off and about today and I have to drive Austin to preschool this morning.

    Thanks for the spiritual thought today. I may have been short but it is powerful.

    I am off to ready and then call you. You will hear your phone ringing in a minute. Hugs, Lura

    p.s I am getting spam comments too. I didn't know I could block them. You will have to tell me how to do it.

  7. Hi, dear Marie! Sorry about the spammers... Some people must have nothing better to do with their lives--LOL! Not fun though... I moderate comments and thought it takes a little time each day, it's worth it. A very busy day as we get ready for our trip... I wish I could put my feet up, have a cuppa, and a slice of this cake of yours--YUM! Hope you are having a great day, dear friend! Will you be around for a chat this evening? I'll look for you on MSN... LOVE YOU HEAPS ((BIG HUGS))

  8. I loved your message today even though it was short and sweet. My favorite book is the Hiding Place... have you read it? Wow! So inspiring! It makes me want to be a better person.

    I just read my mom's comment and I can't wait to taste your cake when she makes it- hee hee! YUM! When I make goodies at my house Patrick has a big piece the first day and then the rest is left for me to eat- and of course- I eat it. Wouldn't want to waste any! :)

  9. How do you disallow spams? The only ones I get are written in something like Chinese and they are a blinking nuisance. It's nearly every post I do (OI! I heard that "Only a little problem then"!!!!!). I suppose there are some people who just czn't find anything better to do.

    love, Angie, xx


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!