
Saturday 12 December 2009

Saturday Thoughts . . .

Two pans do not make a cook

Two words do not make a book,
But . . . it's a start.

Two planks do not make a boat,
Two sleeves do not make a coat,
But . . . it's a start.

Two notes do not make a song,
Two shorts do not make a long,
But . . . it's a start.

Two steps do not make a walk,
Two hands do not make a clock,
But . . . it's a start.

Setting off is half the fight,
And if you know it to be right,
Make a start!
~Maurice Fleming.

It seems all around us there is much flu and sickness. Last night's Christmas Scripture Study get-together was cancelled due to our host's coming down with flu and then our trip to visit Todd's brother today was also canned due to Todd's niece coming down with flu. I do hope that all those affected feel better soon and are not laid up too long because of it, and that by the time Christmas morning rolls around they are in tip top shape!

I am so behind on all my holiday preparations! I have not even got a tree up yet, nor any decorations at all! My Christmas cake is waiting to be iced and decorated. I wanted to bake Christmas gingerbread cookies to hang at the windows with ribbon and have not yet started on them. I have two casseroles to bake for our Christmas party at church tonight and also goodies to bake for the Bishop's Youth Council tomorrow. I have gotten all my Christmas Cards addressed and ready to post. I overslept this morning . . . a leftover from having been up all night earlier in the week I imagine. To top it off I dreamt all night that I was married to Gordon Ramsay, a chef I detest and who reminds me totally of my ex husband, which is probably partially why I detest him! (His last name is even spelt the same way that ours was.)

Anyways, I am sitting here this morning and thinking about all that I have to do and then I saw this poem. I thought . . . yes, the only way to begin is to make a start. One small step at a time, will soon turn into chores accomplished and we will be well on our way! I think it is quite easy for us to feel a bit overwhelmed at this time of year with all the things that we need to do, and all the things that we'd planned to do . . . but, let's be honest . . . the world won't end if some don't get done, and Rome wasn't built in a day.

The important thing is that we remember what this holiday is really all about . It's about the love of a Heavenly Father for his children and how He sent His only begotten Son in the flesh down to earth to help us. That magical story of redemption which starts here . . . the greatest gift ever given. Everything else pales in significance, and I am so very grateful . . . for a heart that knows and that loves, for my family, for my friends, for my health, for my many blessings of home, and hearth and a full belly and warmth . . . for the Saviour. Christmas is in your heart. The rest is just the icing on the cake.

Speaking of icing on a cake, I made these delicious brownies yesterday afternoon to take to the BYC tomorrow. Oh my but they are pretty wonderful. A bit hard to cut, but a wet knife worked quite well in the end. Of course Todd and I had to sample one and let me tell you.

These little babies are the "Piece de Resistance!"

*S'More Brownies*

Makes 16
Printable Recipe

These are fabulous, absolutely fabulous. I guess they are called s'mores because you want s'more!

1 cup finely crushed chocolate wafer cookies
3 TBS firmly packed soft light brown sugar
2 ounces butter, melted

Brownie Layer:
2 ounces butter
2 ounces good quality dark semi sweet chocolate, chopped
1 cup white sugar
2 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup flour
pinch of salt

For the top layer:
1 cup finely crushed graham cracker crumbs
2 ounces butter, melted

To top:
2 cups mini marshmallows
1 cup coarsely chopped milk chocolate bars

Pre-heat the oven to 180*C/350*F. Butter a 7 inch square baking pan, then line with parchment paper, leaving a bit of an overhang in order to be able to lift the brownies out easily. Butter the parchment paper as well.

Make the bottom layer by mixing together the crumbs and brown sugar. Stir in the butter and press this mixture evenly into the bottom of the prepared pan. Place in the refrigerator to chill while you make the brownie layer.

Melt the butter for the brownie layer, along with the chopped chocolate over low heat, stirring until the chocolate is all melted. Stir in the sugar and set aside to cool. Once cooled to lukewarm, beat in the eggs, one at a time. Stir in the vanilla, flour and salt. Spread this mixture over top of the chilled biscuit crust. Set aside.

Make the top layer by stirring the crumbs and melted butter together. Sprinkle this evenly over top of the brownie batter. Place the pan on top of a baking sheet and then place into the heated oven. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, until the brownies are completely set and a toothpick inserted into the centre comes out clean. (There should be no jiggle) REmove from the oven and scatter the marshmallow over top. Place under a heated grill until the marshmallows begin to brown, some 20 to 60 seconds. Remove from the grill and scatter the chocolate bits on top. Place back into the oven until the chocolate begins to melt. Remove from the oven. Smear the melted chocolate over if desired or leave as is. Let cool on a wire rack to room temperature and then chill for at least half an hour before cutting. Delicious!

Just for your nibbling enjoyment, over on The English Kitchen today . . . Stilton and Walnut Shortbreads with an Indian Twist!! Yummo!!


  1. This year I have instigated a policy of done is better than perfect. Therefore if I choose something simpler so be it. enjoy the season and good on you for taking the simpler steps.

    I hope your tooth is feeling much better.

  2. We are trying a more relaxed approach to Christmas -- trying not to be in a frenzy about ANYTHING! Enjoy -- enjoy -- enjoy!

  3. I love that poem and of course your pictures so perfect. You do have a lot on your plate; this year I ma taking different approach to the holdays;just can't do what I used to and I finally am able to accept that.

  4. Wishing you and yours a blessed Christmas!!!

  5. For foot in front of the other! Your brownies look so good..YUM! Take it easy and simplify my you can enjoy Christmas! Come say hi :D

  6. Chocolate wafer cookie = Oreos?

    So far, we've ben able to avoid the craziness and have a pretty low key holiday. Let's hope it stays that way.

  7. Im glad someone else besides me dislikes G. Ramsay. I've just finished reading his autobiog, "Humble Pie" - I'll read anything when Im desperate - and the arrogance of the man comes shining through. Also it began to really grate on my nerves the number of times he used the word "amazing". That was apart from the times he used that Other Word he's notorious for.....

    Ooo-er, are you and Todd going to starve then if you don't get everything done on time? Well shame on you!!!! Yea, I'm joking.

  8. Marie -- those brownies looks delicious. I don't know how you come up with such wonderful recipes -- EVERY DAY! Yum!

    I am having a linky party on Monday and was wondering if you would come and link up one of your delicious recipes! It's going to be about homemade gift ideas and I would love people to come over and see your blog and all of your recipes, art and ideas!

    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend friend!


  9. Just perfect, Marie! I needed that reminder's easy to get overwhelmed, isn't it?

    Those s'more brownies do look like I'll be wanting s'more!!! Lucky kids at BYC! Hope you're having a lovely weekend, my friend...thanks for all the joy and beauty you share!

    Stay healthy and cozy!

  10. Marie:

    So very true. Christmas is always so busy and overwhelming and I don't think that's how it should be. So much of it, here in America, is based on money and presents. I try to keep the true Christmas (The Saviors birth) seperate from the winter holidays (trees, presents, cookies and Sants).

    Gerushia's New World

  11. I do not like ramsay either. See, I didn't even capitalize his name :)
    so nice to be visiting your blog again. There is a lot of flu and sickness here also. and I can't even say it was the weather as the flu season actually began in the summer this year.
    Take care, my friend.


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