
Friday 1 January 2010

Recipe for a New Year . . .

Today I'll go about getting rid of the old calendars, and putting up new ones. I've already done one . . . my desk calendar. It was a Mary Englebreit one, and I have a fresh new one, also by Mary Englebreit, to take it's place.

One might be tempted to throw the old ones away, with their all too familiar pictures . . . but I like to keep the old ones. They have beautiful pictures, especially our Liz Lemon Swindle one of the Saviour. Each year we end up framing at least one of the pictures from it and the rest we keep to look through every now and then.

There is something pretty special about hanging up a new calendar though. Clean and bright, they seem to symbolise all the high hopes we each might have on this new morning of a brand new year.

Looking through the new pages, I am suddenly aware that they contain the unknown mystery of my future. These crisp new pages, with their neat rows of dates and pretty pictures represent unlived Time, the promise of seasons yet to come to fuition, days not yet granted, days that are still . . . God's secret plan for me. What a wonderful thought.

What shall I ask of this new year that is dawning??? What shall I hope for as I begin to write on the pages of my new calendar? What shall I ask for, on this the very first morning, of the very first day of a new year and new decade? What should I wish for and what should I pray . . .

I think I'll ask for eyes that remain open to the beauty that surrounds me . . . for a continued faith that nothing can break . . . patience to do every duty that may arise in the coming days . . . a good humour that nothing can shake . . . opportunities to serve and to be served . . . and lots of love, both given and received.

It all sounds very good to me. Each one a gift beyond measure and outweighing anything else I might receive. Another year of blessings yet to be mine. How wonderful to think of that . . . how very wonderful.

On this the very first day of the new year I want to wish each one of you all the best in the coming days ahead. May you be blessed and loved beyond measure, and may you find peace and contentment in your hearts.

A Recipe For a New Year
~author unknown

Prepare one day at a time, and into each put:

12 parts of faith
11 of patience
10 of courage
9 of work
8 of hope
7 of fidelity
6 of openmindedness
5 of kindness
4 of rest
3 of prayer
2 of meditation
1 of well selected resolution.

Add a teaspoonful of good spirits, a dash of fun, a pinch of folly, a sprinkling of play and a heaped cupful of good humour.

Next, pour love generously into the whole, cook thoroughly, garnish with a few smiles and a sprig of joy; then serve with quietness, unselfishness, and cheerfulness.

Serve immediately and renew as required.

And just so that I don't leave you totally bereft of sustenance . . . be sure to check out The English Kitchen, where you'll find a totally delicious Ginger Cake with Caramel Icing. Totally Scrumdiddlyumptious!


  1. A very happy new year to you and yours Marie I pray that you have a year filled with bessings and wisdom and the same to every reader. I have spent a quiet new year's day driving my new car and visiting family.



  2. What a beautiful recipe, Marie! What lovely thoughts about the bright and shining new year before us! Thank-you for all you share of your thoughts and your beautiful spirit--you are a joy to know! I feel so lucky to have found you--thank-you for being my friend...Happy New Year!

  3. Happy New Year! I love Mary Engelbreit calendars and often have one here. I save them all too! Her artwork is very inspirational.

  4. Such wonderful words Marie and what a good recipe. I'm going to write it down.
    Guess what? You're the winner of my giveaway! Please email me your address so I can mail it to you. Isn't it fun to start the new year off with winning something? I'm glad you won!
    Hugs, Rhondi

  5. A beautiful post and recipe for a new year. Happy New Year dear friend. I wish you happiness, love and all good things to come in 2010.
    I am enjoying one last morning with with Utah family before we pack up to leave. Justin must fly back to his base today too. Erin and Loni are making him cookies to take with him. We all hate to say goodbye but we have had a lovely visit.

    I wish you and Todd a wonderful new year. Your friendship means more to me than I can express. I send lots of love your way on this first day of the year. Many hugs, Lura

  6. "A Very Happy 2010" to you and Todd too Marie.I am an Ann Geddes fan myself re:calendars.I guess thats because I adore babies and children.I too love writing on new things,I loved a new notebook at school,new sketching paper and the like.Stationary being one of my favourite things also.May God grant you everything you wish yourself this New Year.Health prosperity and peace be yours.Thankyou for all your kind comments throught 2009 and may 2010prove to be another great blogging year from you.You deserve a madal what you provide for us to read each day.Much appreciated for taking the time out..Take Care God Bless Kath xx

  7. i LOVE changing out my calendar. i've started making a family calendar for our family, my parents and my sister to have in their home. i make it on shutterfly and fill it with pictures of us together. i love turning the pages of each month to see the new pictures and to be reminded of the good times we share and the love that we have. happy new year marie-hope 2010 brings wonderful things for you and yours!

  8. Brand new calendars, I love them and I always mean to write nice and neat and never scribble things on them. It doesn't last. I always mean to keep a pen - the same pen all year - nearby for writing on a new calendar so my super-neat writing is enhanced by the same colour ink. Never happens. I always say I'm not going to make it grubby looking by snatching at it with greasy / mucky / sticky / wet hands. Maybe this year!

    School exercise books were the same. The first page was always pristine but at our school you had to use both sides of the paper and writing on the back of page one just wasn't the same.

    Know what I wish? I wish calendars would have a full page for the January of the following year for the appoingtments you make in December. I mean, for instance, when is my next hair appointment? December is always disgracefully scribbled upon!


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