
Thursday 24 December 2009

Christmas Eve This and That . . .

Light looked down and beheld Darkness,

"Thither will I go," said the Light.
Peace looked down and behld War,
"Thither will I go," said Peace
"Love looked down and beheld Hatred.
"Thither will I go," said Love.
So came the Light, and shone;
So came Peace, and gave rest;
So came Love, and brought Life;
And the Word was made Flesh, and dwelt among us.
~Laurence Housman

I think this is one of the loveliest Christmas poems. Don't you. I love that thought . . .. Light, peace, love, all in the birth of one child. All we need to do is embrace Him.

I expect everyone is quite busy today. I am busier than I thought I would be. I have promised to go and help Todd clean the chapel as it will be his last chance to get it done before Christmas and I can't think of anything I would rather do today than to help him out so that he gets home that little bit earlier. It seems I will also have to go to the shops to pick up all my Christmas veg and essentials as well, which is something that I had thought to not have to do this year, but . . . my Abel and Cole delivery did not show up yesterday and I had ordered the special Christmas Veg box which would have had everything I needed in it. It's a bit of a nuisance and I will be complaining big time. They have really let me down. I absolutely hate going into the shops on Christmas Eve. They are always just heaving and they really do nothing at all to boost the spirit, but one must do what one must do. If it was only going to be Todd and I for Christmas dinner I probably wouldn't bother and just try to make do with what I have in house, but with company coming I really can't do that.

Never mind, it's Christmas and I'll just make the best of it! There is a reason for everything and I am sure that there is a reason that I am to go to the shops today. How exciting a thought! Who knows what will happen! I shall carry my Pass Along cards just in case!

We had dreamt of a White Christmas and almost got one, with the advent of snow just a week ago, but the rain is pouring down as I speak and so I expect by the time tomorrow morning rolls around it will indeed be the "Wet" Christmas that we are so used to over here! And really that is the best thing, as they are just not geared for snow removal over here and having a White Christmas would have made travel very difficult for people, so it's best this way. Better that we be safe and wet. ☺

I came home from work a bit early last night and whipped up a curry for Todd and I. It was pretty cosy. The little fella from next door was here reading his book of silly jokes to us, all knock knock's and what do you get's. It was good for a laugh and we do enjoy him so. I had a few jokes to share with him as well. It kind of gives me the experience of what it would be like had we a grandson that lived closer and that is really a sweet blessing from the Lord. He is getting so big now. He was only 3 when we moved here and now he is 9 going on 10. Anyways, I let him taste the curry paste as did I, and we both decided that it was far too hot to be adding a full teaspoon full!!! We are not blow your socks off curry people and neither is he! This is a very tasty curry though, adapted from the book "Dish Entertains," by Trish Magwood.

*Simple Green Thai Chicken Curry*
Serves 6
Printable Recipe

This is very tasty, but does pack some heat. I suggest you toy with the amount of curry paste you use according to the amount of heat you like. We don't like much so I usually only use half this amount.

2 tsp vegetable oil
6 small boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut crosswise into strips
1 tsp green curry paste (Or less as you prefer)
1 small red onion, peeled and sliced into half moons
1 banana shallot, peeled and minced
1/2 cup chicken stock
1 cup coconut milk
2 tsp fish sauce
1 red pepper, seeded and slivered
1 yellow bell pepper, seeded and slivered
1/2 cup frozen petit pois
the leaves from a small bunch of basil, cut chiffonade
salt to taste

Heat a large saute pan over medium high heat. Add the vegetable, swirling to coat. Brown the chicken strips all over and remove with a slotted spoon and set aside. Stir in the curry paste, cooking briefly just to brown. Don't let it burn. Add the onions, shallots and peppers. Cook and stir just until the onion begins to soften. Add the stock and stir up any browned bits on the bottom, then add the coconut milk and fish sauce. Bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and add the chicken back to the pan. Cook for several minutes to ensure the chicken is cooked all the way through. Stir in the frozen peas and the basil. Cook an additional two minutes. Taste and season with salt as needed. Serve hot with some basamati rice if desired.

Over on The English Kitchen today, a delicious skillet beef and pasta dish, quick, hearty, and guaranteed to please a hungry family.

Merry Christmas Pictures, Images and Photos


  1. A very Merry Christmas to everyone. We do have abundant blessings although at times it seems otherwise. Today has been a bad one for me but I am trying hard to wish everyone the blessings of this season.

    I hope shopping is not a huge trial. I had to go to the doctor for a dressing change first thing and I snuck a quick trip to the supermarket before hand. It worked very well this year. It isn't nice when your plans do not work well. But I am sure you are able to work around it.

    Hugs and love everyone.

  2. That's a lovely poem, Marie. Housman wrote my husband's favorite poem -- he'll recite it on occasion -- but I've never heard/read this before. Thank you for sharing it.

    Merry Christmas to you, Todd, & everyone you love!

  3. Merry Christmas Eve to you, Marie! It is here, too now--just right at midnight! Just finished watching a movie with the family...saw evidence of your kind visit at my "place", and came by for a visit here!

    Sorry you have to make a trip out today...especially when you had expected not to! Well, these things always seem to happen when we're the busiest, don't they?! It will all be alright...tis the season!

    May you feel our Savior's love surround you tonight in your warm, cozy cottage, and I hope you feel the good thoughts and loving wishes from your friend in California! Merry Christmas, Marie!xoxoxo

  4. Merry Christmas to you, Marie. I recieved your lovely card by the way...thanks so much! No white Christmas here in western Washington state this year & I'm so glad. Last year at this time we were floundering in it. It was just horrible. Well, hope you get all your pre-Christmas tasks completed with time left over to relax...hugs to you, Linda

  5. Merry Christmas to you!

    I try to stay out of the shops on the week before Christmas! But . . . I have to go get parsnips today -- the shop didn't have them yesterday but should today.

    It should be a white Christmas on the prairie!

  6. We are supposed to have rain too for Christmas here. The snow we have will melt but I know there will be lots more all the way through March. Have a very Merry Christmas!

  7. You, my friend, are a woman of many talents. Have you sat down and counted your blessings lately. It would take you days. I'm not talented, but I have more blessings than I can count, and one of them is you. Two of my friends, Lura and Kris, sent me to your blog for daily measures of cooking, crying, and just generally delighting in your heart and soul which you wear so well.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours,

  8. I agree better safe and wet, than our forecast, typical eastern Ontario, snow and freezing rain, but hopefully not until boxing day. We have snow on the ground now. I reallly like your Christmas graphics, Marie, can I ask where you got them? I couldn't seem to find anything I really liked for my blog this year.

    And, finally, and most, importantly, Merry Christmas to you, may it be filled with love, peace, comfort and joy!


  9. That is a lovely poem by Housman.

    Don't stress too much about the Christmas veg, they are probably a casualty of the travel chaos that has beset the country for most of the past week.

    Your Merry Christmas graphic with the snow coming down is just what one imagines for a white Christmas.

    Merry Christmas!

  10. I am sure you will be a blessing to all you meet today whilst shopping...that will be your christmas gift to them...your smile..
    what a lovely time you had withthe wee fella fm next door. My sister had a similar happy tim ethis morning when a neighbours little girl (who thay have just adopted) is 3 and she brought over three books to be read to her whilst her Daddy went to sort out his car which had been struck along with two others in the early morning by another car slipping on black ice Sarah had such fun with her.
    I am still stuck here at home as although most of our snow has gone it has left sheets of ice melts slowly during day then ices up as soon as darkness fall. We are praying that we get out to Sarah's for lunch tomorrow.
    May you and Todd enjoy every blessing of this glorious time of the year. God Bless Love Sybil xx

  11. Hello dear. I am sorry that your veggies did not arrive. I was sure after we chatted yesterday that they would show up. That is too bad that you have to go shopping for something that you've already bought and should be delivered.

    We arrived at Lynell's and we just got back from grocery shopping for dinner tonight and tomorrow. Other than that all my buying is done and wrapped. I am ready for the big day. It was very busy for us in the grocery store but it was kind of fun being in the hustle and bustle with Christmas music playing. We got everything we wanted in spite of the crowds and we soon will be cooking away.

    Lynell and family said to send you their love and greetings for Christmas. We all adore you, you know. Erin,Pat and Ca will come up and join us tomorrow. We will have a nice day and lots of good food.

    I will be thinking of you tomorrow. Have a lovely time with your company. I send love and best wishes for a very merry Christmas. Love, Lura

  12. Marie and Todd, Merry Christmas from Italy! I have finally found a few little moments to read my friends' blogs and it is 5:00 am on Christmas morning.

    The children that vowed to stay awake all night are fast asleep and the house is quiet. Santa has come and gone and the boys are going to be very happy!

    We have rain here this morning too. The weather has been jumping all around, freezing, rainy, foggy, sunny, warm...we have seen it all except snow.

    It has been a wonderful trip so far. I hope you get to come someday~it is a place that should not be missed if possible. Don't wait too long as it is harder to navigate as you get older.

    Enjoy a wonderful celebration of our Savior's birth today and always!

    Love, Bon

  13. Ooh I love curry - this looks delicious :)


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