
Tuesday 3 November 2009

Thoughts for Today . . .

Yesterday has gone forever . . .

Forget it, let it be.
Who knows what tomorrow holds?
Today's for you and me.
Another chance to start afresh
And leave the past behind,
Accomplish those unfinished tasks,
And seek some peace of mind.
A time to write or make a call,
Encourage someone's schemes;
And then a time for being you . . .
To nourish all your dreams.
A time to reap, a time to sow,
And every hope renew,
And celebrate this gift of life . . .
Today's for me and you.
~Iris Hesselden

Today truly is the first day of the rest of your life. Make it count. Make it a blessing. Make it better than yesterday and full of hope for tomorrow. Dot all your "i's" and cross all your "T's". Discover every blessing that lays hidden in the mundane. Love all your loves and pray for all that are not so "lovely." Hope, dream, celebrate, grab the joy that is yours in the here and the now . . . Do the best that you can, and leave the rest up to the Lord.

Just a quickie this morning because I am running late. I actually slept in an hour longer than I usually do!! I musta needed it, but boy I wish I hadn't! Just enough time now to give you my tasty recipe for today and then I am off!

I found a recipe the other day for what looked to be a delicious Chocolate Croissant Bread Pudding, but as you know, we don't really do chocolate here at Oak Cottage. I thought what a shame . . . and I had some stale croissants that needed using up as well. Then I spied a recipe for a Banana Bread Pudding that also looked delicious and I thought . . . what if I took the best elements of both recipes and combined them to make one that suited us in every way. This is what I came up with, and let me tell you from the outset . . . this . . . is . . . just . . . wonderful!!! Best bread pudding I have ever tasted, full stop!!

*Caramelized Banana Croissant Bread Pudding*

Serves 4 to 6
Printable Recipe

Do you like Banana bread? Do you like Caramel?? Got some stale croissants that need using up??? There are only three words to describe this. OH MY GOODNESS! Yes, this is the scrummiest bread pudding ever!

Cooking spray
2 TBS butter
1/2 cup soft light brown sugar, packed
2 large ripe bananas, peeled
6 stale, large sized french croissants
3 large eggs
1 cup cream
1 cup whole milk
1/4 cup white sugar
1 TBS vanilla extract
1 tsp rum flavouring
1/2 tsp salt

Lightly spray a 9 inch square baking dish with cooking spray. Set aside.

Place a large skillet over medium heat. Add the butter to the pan and allow it to melt. Add the brown sugar and stir to moisten it all. Cook and stir, until the sugar melts and begins to bubble. Slice the bananas into the skillet, cutting them about 3/4 of an inch thich. Stir them around in the brown sugar mixture to coat them. Remove from the heat and set aside.

Tear the croissants into 1/2 inch chunks. Place them in to the prepared baking dish. Pour the banana mixture over top of the torn croissants and then fold it into them with a rubber spatula until they are well combined.

Whisk together the eggs, cream, milk, sugar, vanilla, rum flavouring and salt until well mixed, and until the sugar is dissolved. Pour this mixture over top of the banana and croissant cubes, making sure you cover them equally. Press it down a bit to make sure it is all well coated. Let sit for 30 minutes at room temperature.

Pre-heat the oven to 180*C/350*F. Place the filled baking dish on top of a baking sheet and place on the centre rack of youroven. Bake for 50 to 60 minutes, until puffed and golden brown and just set in the middle. Remove from the oven and allow to cool for 10 minutes before cutting into squares to serve.

And to really get your taste buds tingling . . . there's an Orchard Fruit Crumble on offer over on The English Kitchen this morning!


  1. Hi, Marie! Good for you for getting a little extra must need if for all the busy happening there lately! So sorry to have missed you on MSN last night. I was on earlier, but probably too early for you... so likely we missed, yet again. :o( It's been a busy week here as we finish up some painting. It's Father's Day coming up this weekend here in Norway, and we're having hubby's parents over for dinner--must get this place in shape and cleaned up! Beavering away at my shop, which is no end of woe...LOL!... But life is good! :o) Hubby would love today's recipe here, I must make note of it. I'm not too wild about bread puddings, never was. But I'll take the croissants...LOL! Happy Day, my dear friend! Hope we get to catch up at the weekend! LOVE YOU HEAPS!! ((HUGS))

  2. Hope the rest of your day improves. I know sleeping in gets us off to the wrong start sometimes. I like to wake up slowly and not rush too much. Your bread pudding sounds wonderful.

  3. YOur post reminds me of the expression, "Today is a gift and that is why it is called the present."

    Seriously I hope you get some more rest soon. You must be very tired to oversleep so. Hugs and love.

  4. Wonderful post dear friend.

    Hope your son is doing well.

    Love Renee xoxo

  5. Oh my word, that bread pudding has me drooling.

    I hope you get in some more rest, you deserve it :)

  6. Oh my! How I wish I had stale croissants sitting in my pantry at this moment! My mouth is watering.

    Thank you for reading my story. Thank you very much.

  7. Hope you had a good day my friend..the recipe looks so nummy!! The little doll below is too too precious! Come say hi :D

  8. Food for the soul and food for the tummy! Thats' what I like about coming to visit you Marie. I always come away full. I'm going to write that little peom inmy journal. It was just what I needed to hear today.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  9. That bread pudding looks so amazingly good!


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