
Wednesday 18 November 2009

Starting afresh . . .

Which one of us is perfect and has never made a mistake??? I'd be the first to jump up and say . . . . "Not I!" I'm sure that most of us, given the chance, would love to be able to go back and right a few wrongs and make a few corrections . . . of course, we can't do that, but there is an alternative.

I found this poem the other day, written by a lady called Louise Fletcher, entitled, "The Land of Beginning Again."

"I wish that there were some wonderful place
Called The Land of Beginning Again
Where all our mistakes and all our heartaches
And all our selfish grief
Could be dropped like a shappy old coat by
the door,
And never put on again."

ahhh . . . no such place you say?? Maybe not, but there's always a chance to put things right and to begin again. There's The Land of Beginning Again coming along later this afternoon, or maybe tomorrow morning if you want it bad enough . . . and if you miss that, there will be another one along the day after that. All we have to do is repent of the error of our ways, and vow to do better next time . . . and then make good on our word . . . and make a fresh start.

I'm all for fresh starts! How about you?

Oh gosh the wind is blowing like the Dickens again this morning!! We've had an awful spate of windy weather since the weekend, and oodles of rain. It sure is wreaking havoc on the garden and the ground is squelching wet and filled with blown off branches and leaves. It's not a pretty sight at all! Still . . . I guess it is to be expected. It is November, after all. I managed to get my parcels all packaged up yesterday afternoon, all ready to be posted out to Canada. I sure wish I could be there to see my grandson's faces when they arrive! I shall just have to imagine their joy. I know how thrilled I would have been if, when I was growing up, a large package arrived in the post just for me! Wow, I would have been over the moon, so I am hoping and expecting that they will be too!

Here's a simple little supper that may help to carry you through some of the busy days that are looming in the next month and a half. I know many of you are busy planning and baking for Thanksgiving next week, and then Christmas won't be too far behind that! This is one of my old standby's for busy days. We just love it and it's so easy, quick to knock together, and economical too!!!

*Corned Beef Hash*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

This is a simple meal that is terribly easy to put together and uses up ingredients I always have on hand in my larder. It's delicious to say the least and a real family pleaser.

4 potatoes, diced into cubes
1 TBS olive oil
1 TBS butter
1 onion, peeled and finely diced
1 clove of garlic, peeled and crushed (optional)
12 ounces (340g) of corned beef, tinned
salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
2 ounces strong cheddar cheese grated

Place the potatoes in a saucepan in some lightly salted cold water. Bring to the boil and then reduce the heat and simmer until just tender, about 5 minutes. Drain well and set aside to cool. (alternately you can use leftover boiled potatoes, cubed)

Heat a large skillet over medium heat on top of the stove. Add the olive oil and the butter. When the butter starts to foam add the onions and garlic, if using. Cook, stirring occasionally, until they are softened. Tip in the potatoes and fry for 5 to 10 minutes, or until they are starting to brown in places.

Crumble the corned beef over top and mix it all together. Heat through.

Pre-heat your grill to it's highest setting.

Remove the mixture from the pan and place it into a baking dish. Sprinkle the cheese evenly over top and then bang it under the ehatged grill for 4 to 5 minutes, until the cheese is melted and the hash is crusty and browned in a few places. Remove from the grill and allow to sit for several minutes before cutting into squares or wedges to serve.

We like this with some tinned beans and bread and butter on the side. I also like a bit of ketchp myself!


  1. Good morning to you Marie. I hope your windy weather leaves soon. God gives a chance for a fresh start with his redemption. It is wonderful.

  2. It's a little windy here today too. I think some rain is blowing our way later on. I love hash and the addition of cheese to the mixture is one I've not tried. I can only imagine it is very good. Thanks for the tip today. I'm always looking for quick and easy things to do for myself. I don't like to spend alot of time on making things for just me. Have a great Wednesday!

  3. This is why I love God's plan for our salvation and sanity. Each day is a new beginning and testifies of God's plan of renewal and rebirth for us through the atonement. It is a precious gift.

  4. Hello my friend! We get really windy weather here all the time. I really don't like the wind - especially at night when I am trying to sleep. It makes me nervous...

    I tried to come over yesterday and the day before but something weird was going on with Blogger. I couldn't get in to a bunch of blogs. I think it's fixed now though. Thanks for the beautiful words Marie!


  5. What a wonderful morning for starting a new on a couple of things:) It's cold here in Oklahoma but refreshing! I am planning pork chops tonight so I'm off to look at your recipes! Love Your Music~Margie

  6. Good morning, Marie! Sorry your weather is so soggy--we need some of that rain over here!

    Thank-you for the beautiful words about repentance--what a sweet reminder...

    I adore corned beef hash! I will add your wonderful recipe to my Marie-file! Thank you for being so lovely!

  7. I don't think I've ever had corned beef hash.

  8. A fresh start would be wonderful. But waking up each morning, we have that opportunity. To live another day, and do it even better than the day before.

    Thanks for sharing such great insight DAILY!!!

  9. Hi Marie!
    Love your words today. I often start afresh, it does help when things seem to be going wrong.
    I haven't made corned beef hash for some years and yet I know Peter loves anything with corned beef in...even a sandwich! I had to send a recipe for it to my ex mother-in-law in California last year. Mine doesn't have garlic in but I think I'll try your recipe next time. Thank you for your help with my Madeira cake yesterday, it turned out just fine! I have two Sultana cakes in the oven at the moment, next will be two Coconut and Lime cakes and then to start decorating the cake! ~~~ Love, Pat


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