
Sunday 8 November 2009

Marie's Sunday Six

Welcome to my weekly Sunday Six. I just love the Sabbath, not only do I get to go to church and partake of the sacrament and worship my Heavenly Father but I get to share with all of you some of the special things in the week just past that brought a smile to my face and a song to my heart! It's good to dwell on all the little blessings that come your way during the week and to set aside a special time to do so. Some weeks my cup runneth over and others I am digging . . . but always, there is something!

The biggie this week is getting this picture of my son, Bruce, in his bootcamp. I was so thrilled to see it and to know that he is doing ok. Doesn't he look handsome!!! Remembrance day takes on an extra special meaning to me this year because now I have a son who is a soldier, not that I haven't always been cognizant of the service these young men and women do for our country both today and in the past.

And just look!!! He can make a bed! Now I know for sure, that all that nagging for all those years was not in vain! These will be the last pictures we see for a while now as all their cell phones have been confiscated, but I am very grateful that at least these two got out.

Donny Osmond on Dancing with the Stars makes me smile. I am really enjoying him so very much!! Each week I tune in to see how he does and I am pleased to see the results. He's doing great. The last episode I watched he got 29 out of 30 for points and I was well happy for that! I have always loved the Osmonds, and well . . . in particular Donny . . . It's a teeny bopper thing I guess, but in any case I know he had a rough number of years where he struggled with his career and it's so good to see him happy and successful, and to know that he has done it all and kept his Gospel Standards through the years. Several of his sons have done their missions here in the England South mission. This Wednesday there is going to be a new show on our telly called An Audiance With Donny and Marie. It's supposed to be a variety show based on their Las Vegas stage show and I am really looking foward to it! Back when they were teens and had their variety show, I never missed a week! I have always enjoyed them! It would be lovely to see Donny win Dancing with The Stars, but in the meantime, it's just makes me smile to see him doing so well!

In my church, we have what are known as "callings." Because we don't have a paid ministry, each member of the church is able to do whatever they can to help to keep it and it's wonderful programs running as well as they do. The priesthood pray on every level for members to fill these positions and they are called callings, because you are called to do them, only after a lot of prayer and on the Lord's promptings. My calling right now is as a Home Seminary Teacher. Seminary is a wonderful study program in our church, where teens between the ages of 14 and 18 get to feast on the scriptures and learn valuable lessons through the Word of God that will hold them in good stead throughout their lives. It is a 4 year program and in that time they will be able to feed themselves on all four bodies of scripture in our canon . . . Both the Old and New Testaments, the Book of Mormon and The Doctrine and Covenants. Most of the kids get up very early in the morning and go to their Seminary Classes before they leave for school, which is admirable as, having raised 5 teens myself, I know how very important their sleep is to them, especially on School days! Some of the kids are not able to do the early morning Seminary so they do an evening one and that is the class that I teach. Teaching Seminary is an awesome calling and I just love it, not that I am sure that I am really all that good at it, but I try my best. I am sure that I am learning more than the kids! I got to go to Seminary Training yesterday, which has been a great help to me each month. I have learned new tools to help me teach better in doing so and I have come to gain a testimony of just how inspired and worthwhile this special program is for our teens. By the time they finish their four years in Seminary they will truly be able to "Liken the Scriptures unto themselves." And the best part is . . . so will I!

These darker and cooler evenings mean that I get to canoodle on the sofa with my quilt next to my much beloved Todd. Somehow it's even nicer when the evenings are darker and cool . . . it's all cuddly and warm. I really do love my Todd and he's a great blessing in my life. We are the perfect match for each other. I'm a bit messy and he's uber tidy. I know I drive him nuts at times and he must feel like the pooper scooper in the parade at times, but he never really complains. He just leaves notes around the house, gently urging me to pick things up. I think that's so cute, and sometimes I even pay attention to them! He does the majority of the housework around here, which I really appreciate. I know how very lucky I am to be able to go out to work and to know that when I get home, most of the big stuff around here will have been taken care of by him! He's such a sweetheart. Our 9th wedding anniversary is coming up this week. In some ways it's hard to imagine that it has been 9 years already, and yet at the same time I cannot imagine a time in my life where he wasn't a part of it! I am so very thankful that we are eternal partners, having been sealed together in our Temple for time and all eternity. This is an extra special blessing in my life that I never thought I would be given. The Lord does work in mysterious ways and I am greatful for all that He has done and that He does do for me!

Christmas is coming! I was able to get my Christmas Cake baked this past week and it is now ripening in readiness for Christmas. I will decorate it closer to the day! I just love these weeks in the run up to Christmas and everything that goes along with them . . . the picking out of gifts for my loved ones and the wrapping of them. The Christmas Cards . . . the food preparations. It's all so special to me. Celebrating the birth of our Saviour has always been one of my favourite occasions during the year and I just relish every single aspect of the season. I love going through my grocery store and looking at all the Christmas goodies that are appearing on the shelves, and I love to sit and plan our Christmas dinner etc. I just love Christmas full stop!

I have sold quite a few copies of my cookery book in these past few weeks and some of you have mailed me to tell me how very much you are enjoying it. That really makes me smile. This book was a real labour of love for me. I worked really hard on it for three years and to know that there are people out there who appreciate it really does my heart good. I wish that I could have had it professionally published, because then it would have been a lot cheaper for people to buy and it would have been set out a lot better. (I am no editor, but I did my best!) I am so very grateful that, despite my failings as an editor and the not so cheap cost of the book, that there are people out there who have had enough faith in me to have purchased it, and that they have taken the time to let me know how much they love it. This truly means the world to me. I thank each one of them from the bottom of my heart! (Clicking on the book takes you to a page where you can see a special preview of it.)

There you have it, my Sunday Six. There was ever so many more things to smile about this week, like getting to put together my newsletter, putting together parcels of my cards ready to mail out, enjoying the autumn leaves, bonfire night, fireworks . . . etc., but I have to stop somewhere. Just know that I am blessed and that each and every one of you, and your faithfulness in reading and the lovely comments you leave, are all a part of those blessings that I receive each and every day! I love and appreciate you all so very much!

I had a couple of cookbooks in my bag that I was looking through on my train trip to Orpington yesterday morning. One of them was just jammed with recipes that I flagged to try out. When I got home yesterday I made this lovely Chicken Casserole from out of it. I had to change it around a bit, because we don't have all the ingredients available over here that they used, but the premise is the same. It was delicious, absolutely delicious, but then again, I am not surprised! Comfort food usually is delicious!!!

*Chicken and Rice Casserole*
Serves 8
Printable Recipe

A delicious chicken casserole which makes good use of leftover cooked chicken (or turkey if that is what you have.) You can even purchase a rotisserie chicken to use in this if you are so inclined. Family friendly and very popular at pot lucks!

1 TBS butter
1 medium onion, peeled and chopped
2 stalks celery, chopped
2 cups cooked rice
3 cups of chopped cooked chicken
1 1/2 cups frozen petite peas
1 1/2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese
1 cup mayonnaise
1 (10 3/4 ounce) tin of condensed cream of chicken soup, undiluted
1 roasted pepper, chopped
3 cups coarsely crushed potato chips

Preheat the oven to 180*C/350*F. Lightly grease a large shallow baking dish. Set aside.

Place the onion, celery and butter in a microwaveable dish. Cover with cling film. Cook for 2 minutes on high.

Combine this with the rice, chicken, peas, cheese, mayonnaise, soup and the roasted pepper in a large bowl. Scrape into the greased baking dish. Smooth over and then crumble the potato chips over top.

Bake for 20 to 25 minutes until bubbly. Serve hot.

For dessert, I made Todd some tasty Date Slices. You can find them over on The English Kitchen.

Happy Sabbath everyone!


  1. I loved this post, Marie--you're a wonderful example of the gospel--thank-you for sharing our beliefs in such a clear and beautiful way!

    I'm excited to hear you're a seminary teacher! That's a calling I would dearly love someday--I love "having" to study the gospel like that--and you're right--we as teachers ALWAYS learn more, don't we!

    The Sabbath hasnt' started for me yet--a good night's sleep first, and I get to teach the Young Women tomorrow.

    Have a beautiful Sabbath!

  2. Me again! I just went to my blog and saw 2 messages from you--I think we were writing to each other at exactly the same time! That's pretty fun! Thanks for the definition of "moreish"--I love that! I think I'll start using it and really make people wonder over here!

  3. Again another inspiring post. I admire the way the LDS church strive to support each other and teach the children well.

    I am another Osmond fan but here is Australia we get very little.

    I hope your day is filled with blessings and love.


  5. Your son looks great; so happy he sent you the picture. Did you ever see Donny Osmond in Technicolor Coat; he was fantastic. Your Rice casserole is one of my husband'd favourite comfort food. Happy Sunday.

  6. Your 6 for Sunday is an inspiration to us all. May the week ahead be just as blessed!

  7. "...pooper scooper in the parade at times..." LOL! I've often wondered if my hubby feels something like that about me, as I know living with my must be crazy, but hopefully amusing, at time... hahaha...that is great! We're soon celebrating 10 years, so I know how you are feeling just now. :o) Very exciting about being seminary teacher! I know you will be enjoying and excelling in this aspect. Bruce looks so handsome in his uniform...So glad you had new of/from him since he started bootcamp. These early evenings we're trying to make cozy too... Food is featuring very much in that. LOVE your casserole today. We had lovely time with hubby's parents to dinner yesterday. I'm exhausted from all the cooking and cleaning doing nothing today--LOL! Hoping very much to catch you on MSN tonight--can't wait to chat with you! Miss you dear friend... And LOVE YOU HEAPS!! ((BIG HUGS))

  8. Your son is a handsome one for sure, wish him luck and blessings from me. Donny O. came into the Manti Temp. a bit a go, I was the greeter so I stood face to face and visited with him for a few minutes. He is quite the tease..and height 5'4"..looks older in person, but nice. I teach he youth too..16-17 yr. olds, now for the last 6 yrs.!!! The recipes look nummy, I love date anything! Have a good day! :D

  9. hee....pooper scooper in the parade... I laughed out loud at that.

    (I've a bit of a crush on Donny Osmond, too!)

  10. first of all, i love the word "canoodle" just had to tell you:)

    secondly, your son is very handsome and props to your for teaching him to make his bed(see, they do really learn from us? :) and i love reading about you and todd-you really are adorable and i love to hear about you and your canoodling:)

    happy sunday!

  11. I am so glad that you found your smiles this past week. You are so dear. I love your positive outlook on life.
    I am also glad that you got the picture of Bruise. He is so handsome. We both have dear ones in the military now. How I pray for all of those serving thier country.
    Happy anniversary #9 coming up. I think you and Todd are so cute. I am glad that you have each other for all eternity.

    I must go to Mindy's. We have been there a lot this week....that is a good thing...but now I must rush.
    I send love. Hugs, Lura

  12. Upps...I am really getting nutty... I meant to say Bruce... not Bruise! Sorry...I don't know where my mind went...WHAT AM I LIKE!!!

  13. This is a lovely post Marie, I love to hear about your week. It made me laugh about Todd being the 'pooper scooper in the parade'!! Peter and myself can be a bit untidy at times, he with his DIY tools and things (they're always left by the door to the garden, ready to take to the shed) and me with my carrier bags and magazines that I have to go through before taking them to our friends in you're not alone!
    Lovely that Bruce could send you the photos before his phone was taken, he's a very good-looking young man, I know you're so proud of him. ~~~Love, Pat


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