
Saturday 21 November 2009

A Merry Christmas Giveaway

Welcome to my Christmas 2009 Giveaway! You all give to me so cheerfully every day of the year with your wonderful comments and your special kind of love and so I want to give something back to you in the way of a Christmas Giveway. Yes! One of you, my wonderful readers will be the lucky recipient of the following goodies! (I tried to take some good pictures of them this morning, but for some reason my camera is not uploading to our computer. I'll have to wait for Todd to get up so that he can sort it out!)

First of all there is . . . . not one, but TWO lovely little Christmas Cookery Books. The one put out by Women's Weekly, which is an Australian Women's magazine and the other the very first Christmas Cookbook put out by Waitrose stores this year. They're both filled to overflowing with delicious Christmas recipes and goodies!

Second, a lovely selection of Cath Kidston hand creams. There's three of her most popular fragrances in a very handy purse size. Wild Rose, Honeysuckle and her newest fragrance, Bluebell! Your hands will be smelling great!

Three, a tasty box of Mistletoe Kisses. A delicious combination of milk chocolate, chocolate mousse and gooey caramel. They're just like a tasty kiss under the mistletoe!

Four, an incredibly edibly smelling candle by Lily Flame Candles, called Festive cheer!! Oh, it smells like all the good things about Christmas . . . gingerbread, chocolate, tangerines and nuts!! Hooray!! It's one of my favourites yet, and I DO love Lily Flame Candles!

Five, your choice of one of my Christmas Prints, 8 by 11 sized, suitable for framing or whatever else you want to do with it. You get to pick which one you want.

and finally . . .

It will all get pulled into your home by this tasty milk chocoalte Lindt Gold Reindeer!!!

So much goodies to call your own, and all you have to do is to leave me a comment here on this post by the end of the month! Yes, on December 1st, I shall be drawing one name out of my hat as a winner of all these goodies, so spread the word, the more the merrier! In fact if you do post about it on your own blog, I'll put your name into the hat twice, so let me know if you do!

You've got to be in it (the hat) to win it, so leave me a few words today! Good Luck everyone!

(Pssst! It doesn't matter where you live either, I'll post it anywhere, even Timbuctoooo!)

I'm off to get my swine flu shot this morning, and then we are popping up to visit Terri for an hour or so, maybe take her shopping for a few bits. I can imagine she wasn't able to get out and about this week with the rain and all. It must be so difficult for her these days, as she isn't able to drive herself anywhere anymore, because of her arm, and I know she will enjoy our company if nothing else. I shall bring her your love.

This is a very tasty Salad Dressing that we just love here at Oak Cottage. It's sweet and tangy and reminds me of a very popular salad dressing from home, called Catalina Dressing. We can't buy that variety over here, but I have to say I could not tell the difference between that and this if asked. They both taste quite, quite identical!

*Tangy Tomato Salad Dressing*
Makes 2 cups
Printable Recipe

Is it Toe Mae Toe or Toe Mah Toe?? I love this salad dressing. Very similar to one you can buy in the shops back home, it has a lovely tangy sweet and sour tomato flavour, with just a hint of spice. It keeps very well in the refrigerator for weeks and weeks. This is my absolute favourite. A little goes a loooong way!

1 cup white sugar
2 tsp salt
1 dash of sweet paprika
1/2 tsp mild chili powder
1/2 tsp celery seed
1/2 tsp dry mustard powder
grated onion, to taste
1/2 cup white vinegar
2/3 cup tomato ketchup
1 cup vegetable oil

Measure all of the ingredients into a blender, or into the measuring cup that came with your hand held stick blender. Blend well until completely amalgamated. Stir in a jar in the refrigerator and give it a good shake before using.

Note - You can also marinate Chicken pieces in this before grilling and it gives them a wonderful flavour!!

We're doing comfort food over on The English Kitchen today! Pop on over and have a look!!


  1. Love your give a way!!! Looks great and nummy! That salad makes me hungry..heading to the fridge! :D

  2. Wow, Marie, you are so very generous. These things are just so lovely and especially your art work. The lucky person will be quite happy I am sure!

    Hey, I'll trade you some Cheez Whiz for some black current and licorice hard candies. Or is it red I cannot remember but that is my all time favorite candy!

  3. Good morning Marie. I have to agree that the women's weekly cook books are generally excellent. I just loved the Hope banner you used today.

  4. Sorry ladies I do not know what went wrong.

  5. Don't worry about it Suze!! I'll get rid of the extra comments for ya! Love you dear friend! xxoo

  6. Wow, Marie! What a generous and beautiful give-away! I think your personality and your recipes are gift enough! (But those others are lovely, too!)

    I love Catalina dressing, so I will definitely try this--tangy tomato sounds divine!

    Thanks for the wonderful spirit and influence you share here--you are much loved!

  7. What a wonderful giveaway Marie!
    My mom just picked up her mexican flu shot last monday....

  8. Hi Marie. Something new for me in the blogworld; a give away; sounds so good and fun.And you are giving your beautiful artwork!

  9. Don't enter me. You've already given me so much I just want to say, "Wow! You are generous!

  10. What an amazing give away - you are so generous - you already give us so much every day with your inspiring words and totally delicious recipes (I have yet to make one that hasn't worked or that hubby and I haven't loved!). Have a great weekend!

  11. The waitrose cookbook sounds good

  12. Marie, a great giveaway! We decided not to get our swine flu shots - I got my regular one and that is what seems to be most prevalent here. Dressing does indeed look just like Catalina. Hope you are not too wet and windy - we had that for about a week, now we are just cool with very anemic-looking sun. Much love - Raquel XO


  14. Such a nice giveaway! My goodness! I love the look of the salad dressing, I will have to try it. Now to check your pasta bake on your other blog - both photos made me very hungry.

  15. Oh, my goodness Marie...this is tremendously generous giveaway--WOW! Such beautiful treats... Thank you! Do count me in on the fun. This is soo sweet...But then, so are you! :o) I plan on a gift giveaway at my place next week--be sure to stop by. I was sorry to hear you've had a bit of a tough week... Let's chat tomorrow, catch up and you can tell me all about it. :o) Hope you're having a good weekend--and less stress! LOVE YOU HEAPS, my dear friend ((BIG HUGS)) P.S. Your salad dressing reminds me of a good bottled dressing I used to get in the State...but homemade is always 100x better--LOL!

  16. Oh what a simply beautiful give away. Please include me. I have made note of the Catalina dressing as well. Even though I'm in Canada, I much prefer homemade to bought.

  17. Hi Marie,
    I read your blog everyday. :) You are in my reader. Your recipes, artwork and photos are always delightful. :) What a fun giveaway!

  18. What a lovely assortment of gifts!!! You are so kind to do this. You are still the first blog I read each day. Thanks for all the good recipes! I treasure the recipe book I bought from you...such wonderful recipes from a wonderful lady!

  19. What a lovely giveaway! Please enter me.

  20. What a lovely giveaway! Please enter me.

  21. what a very generous and delightful giveaway! please count me in...blessings to you and yours this Holiday season!

  22. oh my god! great giveaway! i love you :DD and looks delicious salad! i try it :)

  23. What a generous giveaway! I blogged about it today and encouraged my bloggie friends to enter, too! Too good of a giveaway not to spread the word. Thanks so much! You can read my post at

    Thanks for entering me! Happy Christmas season!

    xoxo from Indiana!

  24. What a really nice give away!! I love your nativity scene!! Please enter me!

  25. Oooh...have you posted this dressing before?? I think I've made it. Yummmm....

    and your giveaway looks DELIGHTFUL!!

  26. Your giveaway is so generous!

  27. Wow!! What a beautiful give away!! I would love to win, put me on the list please. From California~ Antique Rose

  28. All these items looks so useful and well yummy for some.
    I look Christmas craft and cook books and these look like they could be so great with wonderful ideas.
    I hope that you were able to get your flu shot.
    What a generous person.

  29. i want it all! especially the candle and cards! as usual, your recipe looks and sounds great. hope the flue shot doesn't make you feel punky....i'm gonna skip it and just take probiotics! hope to chat with you soon. lyl's!

  30. I just love your inspires me everyday!!...Thanks for offering the fun giveaway for Christmas...

  31. Hey Marie,

    Just wanted to let you know that I finally published my post about the gift exchange!! Thanks again for all the great gifts!


  32. You have a lovely blog! Thanks for giving everyone a chance to sign up for your giveaways!

  33. Oh what a wonderful giveaway. So many goodies to feast the eyes upon. I found your blog a few weeks ago and have been enjoying it ever since. Thanks so much.

  34. This is a truly lovely giveaway, Marie, and I pray you place my name in your hat.
    I adore the Mary Engelbreit image you used today -- Mary reminds me of you, but I don't think Mary cooks as well as you do!
    Thank you for the Catalina dressing recipe -- it's my favorite and now I can prepare it. It's nice to have recipes, of your favorite foods, because sometimes the companies dicontinue the product.
    I've copied ALL of your recipes and tried oodles of them and loved every bite! Today I prepared your tomato soup.
    Thanks for being you!
    Love Ya,

  35. What a wonderful giveaway! Your photos are beautiful and the salad looked delicious with the homemade dressing.

  36. All of these gifts are wonderful. Also I can't wait to make this salad dressing!!

  37. What generous gifts. How nice to get everyone in the holiday mood.

    I walk up to your email every morning! Only wish I had the time to try out all of your wonderful dishes.

    Happy Holidays.

  38. Holy crow Marie that is a very generous giveaway.

    Love Renee xoxo

  39. the American Girl22 November 2009 at 17:41

    Those gifts look amazing! Hopefully, I will win, LOL! I can't wait to try the dressing recipe. :-)

  40. Wow you are so generous, hope everything is going well, I've been having a break from blogging recently but i still enjoy reading about all your delicious meals! x

  41. Wow, such a very lovely giveaway. I've always admired your artwork, and one day I will own a few of them.

  42. As always your words of wisdom enrich us each day...don't suppose for one min. I will be the lucky prize winner but thank you so much for thinking of us all...(best pressy must be the print !!)
    much Love as always,
    Sybil xx

  43. Cath Kidston anything makes me excited, but one of your prints?! eeeeeeee!

    (I almost said 'what a booty!' and then thought the better of it....LOL)

  44. Please enter me in your drawing Marie - thanks so much! blessings, marlene

  45. Hi Marie
    Oh what a wonderful giveaway and that is very generous that you are willing to send it anywhere. I hope I win!
    Hugs, Rhondi

  46. What a lovely give away you have planned. I would love to be included in the drawing. Thanks so much for the great blog and the yummy recipes.

  47. Such generosity! As if it wasn't enough the fantastic recipes you kindly share with us...

  48. Hi marie

    here to add my name to the giveaway.
    How kind and what a lot of thoughtful prizes too.
    Hope the jab went ok.


  49. Oh Marie! I'm excited about this wonderful giveaway. Here's hoping! And thank you!

  50. Marie,
    You are very special one of a kind lady. I can barely wait to get my work done so I can pop over and have a visit with you. I love every entry but especially enjoy your Sunday 6.
    You continue blessing us every day.
    Blessings, hugs and love,

  51. Oh bother, and I've just done a new post on my blog (rare as hens' teeth) before I saw this posting of yours Marie. Oh well, never mind, happen I'll post again before 'deadline day'.

    Terri must be feeling a bit isolated living so far away from people she knows and it is horrible when you have a car sitting in the drive and you can't use it. Lots of love to her.

    Lots of loveto you and Todd too
    Angie, xx

  52. Hi Marie! Your comment about recipes being your 'absolute favourite' make me smile! ALL your recipes could be my absolute favourites! I've made loads of them now and there hasn't been ONE that we don't like! The salad dressing is another that I'll be trying.
    The giveaway! Well what can I say? You should be saving your pennies for your trip to Canada next year, but this is so generous of you! ~~~ Love, Pat

  53. What a wonderful giveaway and just in time for the yuletide season too.All those yummy chocies sure are making me mighty hungry and it isn't even eight o'clock(morning) over in my neck of the woods.Cheers!

  54. awesome giveaway marie! you are so generous-this stuff is great!

  55. Such a nice giveaway. Love your blogs.

  56. Very generous giveaway! I enjoy reading your blog everyday - everything you make looks so delicious!

  57. Hi Marie, I follow your blog almost every day and love so many of the recipes! I just tried the almond swirled gingerbread and it was wonderful! I will be making some for Christmas gifts :-) I do not have a blog, but I have been working on a web site for a little fellow in my church who is so very sick. Does that count? Plus I would love to see this site make its way around the world! Thanks, Dot


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!